Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

it turns out, HEAT causes Co2, rather than Co2 causing heat.

OMFG you have gone deeper into delusion than one could ever imagine.

that's almost as good as your claim that termites produce more CO2 than human activities do.

just kill yourself already and spare us this inane drivel.

i hope you're aware that the sydney institute is a conservative owned political front group (basically just a right wing think tank) funded by phillip morris back in the day when tobacco denialism was all the rage, and more recently by shell now that AGW denialism is all the rage.

i know you hate that word "denier", too. your hero roy spencer feels much the same. when he is not busy preaching about creationism and taking evangelical baby jesus pledges on AGW, he angrily lashes out and compares usage of that word to the offensiveness of denying the holocaust.

to be fair though, you are not a denialist. you are a confusionist.

you have gone from denying that the mauna loa station can be trusted, to claiming that forest fires cause global cooling, to claiming that 6 billion tonnes is 30 tonnes, to claiming that more than half is less than half, to denying that CO2 even causes warming, and so on and so forth.

you have even claimed that termites cause more CO2 than humans did, which you have determined is not even a worry at all anyway now because it doesn't even have any bearing on things apparently.

denial is out. confusion is in. if you sound too silly calling it a hoax like so many morons here are still doing, just confound and confuse the issue instead. that's the smart move. and once that move wears thin and no longer works, just move on to saying that it's all beneficial.

it will all accomplish the intended effect of delaying action, at least for a while.

if we can keep lobbying to tax solar and renewable energy while subsidizing oil companies for a while, we can tip that balance towards the shells and exxon mobils of the world, at least for a while. it worked for tobacco companies. they bought themselves plenty of time. because god forbid we subsidize solar and renewables while taxing dying energies that pollute more.

it's a predictable game plan because we've seen it happen before with groups like the sydney institute or the heartland institute doing the same thing for tobacco just a couple decades ago.

you stooges and clowns refuse to learn from history though.
i hope you're aware that the sydney institute is a conservative owned political front group (basically just a right wing think tank) funded by phillip morris back in the day when tobacco denialism was all the rage, and more recently by shell now that AGW denialism is all the rage.

i know you hate that word "denier", too. your hero roy spencer feels much the same. when he is not busy preaching about creationism and taking evangelical baby jesus pledges on AGW, he angrily lashes out and compares usage of that word to the offensiveness of denying the holocaust.

to be fair though, you are not a denialist. you are a confusionist.

you have gone from denying that the mauna loa station can be trusted, to claiming that forest fires cause global cooling, to claiming that 6 billion tonnes is 30 tonnes, to claiming that more than half is less than half, to denying that CO2 even causes warming, and so on and so forth.

you have even claimed that termites cause more CO2 than humans did, which you have determined is not even a worry at all anyway now because it doesn't even have any bearing on things apparently.

denial is out. confusion is in. if you sound too silly calling it a hoax like so many morons here are still doing, just confound and confuse the issue instead. that's the smart move. and once that move wears thin and no longer works, just move on to saying that it's all beneficial.

it will all accomplish the intended effect of delaying action, at least for a while.

if we can keep lobbying to tax solar and renewable energy while subsidizing oil companies for a while, we can tip that balance towards the shells and exxon mobils of the world, at least for a while. it worked for tobacco companies. they bought themselves plenty of time. because god forbid we subsidize solar and renewables while taxing dying energies that pollute more.

it's a predictable game plan because we've seen it happen before with groups like the sydney institute or the heartland institute doing the same thing for tobacco just a couple decades ago.

you stooges and clowns refuse to learn from history though.

just to make you look even more foolish i will address your most "damning" ad hominem, your claim that i falsely assert that Termites produce mort Co2 than humans...
be aware, youre just setting yourself up for mockery:

termites produce an estimated 40 gigatonnes of co2 every year. (thats 4 ×10 to the 15th g of CO2/yr) EDIT: I had to fix the formula, the forum fucked up the exponent, but it's right there in the abstract of the cited study

human produced Co2 (from all "sources" including the most dubious) is estimated at 33.4 gigatonnes per year.

ohh snap.

might wanna check some data before you make your next thrilling move Kemosabe.

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Oh yah?
Well... SCIENCE! Milanvicock bicycles! Did I mention SCIENCE?
If only you understood science as well as


View attachment 3173773

4x10 to the 15th grams of Co2 every year from termites.
but im making shit up.

science, yo.

it doesnt take sides, it just makes bucky look like a dolt.

hmm all things considered maybe i should have just left the termite fart formula unsolved, so he could do one more victory dance before somebody did the math for him.

that woulda been lulzy.
Termites produce mort Co2 than humans...
be aware, youre just setting yourself up for mockery

why is it that when i search for that claim, i find only articles and blogs that seem to be written by retarded third grade children?

might as well have cited ol' heinz hug FTW.
why is it that when i search for that claim, i find only articles and blogs that seem to be written by retarded third grade children?

might as well have cited ol' heinz hug FTW.
i dunno, maybe google has tailored your search results using Science to Scientifically determine your Reading Compensation level and only displays those results deemed suitable.

the termite fart study i cited has been cited by SIXTY SIX other published articles and university texbooks
it's not a secret.

termites also produce shittonnes of methane, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide as well

looks like we got us a new suspect in The Great Global Warming Caper...


Those Sinister Sunzabitches...

termites produce more CO2 than human activities.

studies on AGW get funded no matter what!

so a study on termites and AGW must be funded somewhere, probably by the evil government.

after all, termites produce more CO2 than humans, and CO2 and AGW, and automatic funding.

so surely you can show me a litany of termite CO2 AGW studies.

go on, convince me that termites produce more CO2 than human activities.
According to this;

Human related activity creates 64% of methane emissions.

Natural causes account for 36% of methane emissions.


Source: Bousquet, P. et al. (2006). Contribution of anthropogenic and natural sources to atmospheric methane variability.

Termites are a significant natural source of methane. During the normal digestion process of a termite, methane is produced. Termites eat cellulose but rely on micro-organisms in their gut to digest it which produces methane during the process. This is responsible for 12% of natural methane emissions.

Each termite produces very small amounts of methane on a daily basis. However, when this is multiplied by the world population of termites, their emissions add up to 23 million tonnes of methane annually.

There are both natural and human sources of methane emissions. The main natural sources include wetlands, termites and the oceans. Natural sources create 36% of methane emissions. Important human sources come from landfills, livestock farming, as well as the production, transportation and use of fossil fuels. Human-related sources create the majority of methane emissions, accounting for 64% of the total.

Think Of The Children!
Make More Global Warming!

I never thought abut the skyline angle. Makes complete sense now.

We have to let the seas lower, almost 400 feet, in the next few 1000 years,

If we don't stop this warming we with be left in the horror situation we have now, of submerged continental shelves and an open navigation of the world Straits and shipping Canals.

Save the Continental Shelves! Let them see light! Let them dry in the cold clear air without us. Our DNA has poisoned this world. Cyanide Night is tonight! Yeah! Finally!

Make every port in the world and every river mouth totally useless for Mankind. STOP THE WARMING AND HAVE THE ICE AGE ALREADY.

Oh. Cyanide Night was a fine forethought to stockpile. Others were not so lucky,

(Captain"s Log. Last entry)
The Global Temperatures have plummeted and the oceans have locked away all the fresh water. No rain falls in this bitter cold. No vapor rises from the Ice. No rivers flow, And as before the only survivors will be those along the edge of the Ice Sheet that still have buckets of nuke waste to melt drinking water. (is why we needed to make and save nuke waste. It hurries the cooling) Life has become nasty, brutish and short, again, Good. And all that butt warming over the Nuke bucket means we have inadequate fertility, Good. We won't slip through this Ice Age alive like last time. The Planet will be FREE!!!! I am so happy our ancestors got the message from the Sagan-Allah (all praise to his name)

Stop the Warming. The time of Man is over. Just deal with it.

Bend over and kiss your ass goodby.
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According to this;

Human related activity creates 64% of methane emissions.

Natural causes account for 36% of methane emissions.


Source: Bousquet, P. et al. (2006). Contribution of anthropogenic and natural sources to atmospheric methane variability.

Termites are a significant natural source of methane. During the normal digestion process of a termite, methane is produced. Termites eat cellulose but rely on micro-organisms in their gut to digest it which produces methane during the process. This is responsible for 12% of natural methane emissions.

Each termite produces very small amounts of methane on a daily basis. However, when this is multiplied by the world population of termites, their emissions add up to 23 million tonnes of methane annually.

human produced Methane emissions (from all sources, even the most dubious, from an AGW centric website) 320,000,000 tonnes per annum
Edit: sorry forgot muh sauce:

termite produced Methane emissions: 100,000,000 tonnes per annum

if your graphs are correct and termites only make up 12% of natural methane production, then natural Methane production is ~ 833,300,000 tonnes per annum.

suddenly i dont feel so worried.
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human produced Methane emissions (from all sources, even the most dubious, from an AGW centric website) 320,000,000 tonnes per annum
termite produced Methane emissions: 100,000,000 tonnes per annum

if your graphs are correct and termites only make up 12% of natural methane production, then natural Methane production is ~ 833,300,000 tonnes per annum.

suddenly i dont feel so worried.

you need to link to your right wing think tank political front groups to back up your numbers.
Globally, over 60% of total CH4 emissions come from human activities. [1]
your math doesnt work.

termite methane is firmly established by a very thorough, well respected study to be 10x10 to the 12th grams/yr (100 million tonnes)
your graphs above, (assuming they are accurate) peg the termite emissions of methane at 12% of the natural emissions.
thus natural methane emissions should be (100x8.33) 833 million tonnes per annum

the cited AGW hysterical webpage puts human emissions of methane at 320 million tonnes (a VERY generous estimate) that is Less than Half of the natural emissions
you need to link to your right wing think tank political front groups to back up your numbers.
you just keep flailing blindly.

i already added the sauce for my numbers, and they are NOT from a "right wing think tank"

but every source you cite IS from a left wing organization, or the idiots at wikipedia.

i wonder who is more reliable.