Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help


Well-Known Member
I may be misreading your post, but im talking about growing with a retail cultivation license. That changes things, as the state then allows for a person to grow a certain number of plants to supply legal MJ establishments. Unless im not reading it right.
Right, they dont just hand out those licences to homegrowers.


Well-Known Member
Did some cleaning up. I enjoyed reading the thread, it was informative. If you need a mod to help take out the trash just pm me. Sunni is so busy.
I will pm anyone who asks a resume of my more than 20 years experience in the green industry. Looking to get into the Cannabiz and can relocate in a new York minute:) just not to Canada.


Well-Known Member
Colorado is the place to be.

Take me, for instance; I've spent the last couple of years perfecting a vertical gardening system tailor made for growing in commercial warehouses. It reduces manhours per unit of yield, cuts power consumption by a factor of four without changing bulbs, doubles space efficiency, is fully automated and proven to grow a wide variety of strains reliably and well, up to two pounds or more per individual specimen, regardless of strain type- not including auto flowering varieties.

I'm staying right here in the greenest rectangle on earth because here is where people will be interested in growing more than ever before while spending drastically less on electricity and rent per pound.

In fact, I'm laying down the gauntlet right now; I can build a system that fits in 1000 sq ft that will yield between one and one and a half pounds per day, indefinitely, ad infinitum. Veg, bloom, cooling, the works. And a bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Colorado is the place to be.

Take me, for instance; I've spent the last couple of years perfecting a vertical gardening system tailor made for growing in commercial warehouses. It reduces manhours per unit of yield, cuts power consumption by a factor of four without changing bulbs, doubles space efficiency, is fully automated and proven to grow a wide variety of strains reliably and well, up to two pounds or more per individual specimen, regardless of strain type- not including auto flowering varieties.

I'm staying right here in the greenest rectangle on earth because here is where people will be interested in growing more than ever before while spending drastically less on electricity and rent per pound.

In fact, I'm laying down the gauntlet right now; I can build a system that fits in 1000 sq ft that will yield between one and one and a half pounds per day, indefinitely, ad infinitum. Veg, bloom, cooling, the works. And a bathroom.
damn you're obsessed with that vertical growing... :roll:


Well-Known Member
damn you're obsessed with that vertical growing... :roll:
Yeah. 'Obsessed,' kinda like the guy who bought a car to drive because he was tired of looking at his horse's ass everywhere he went.

Maybe for some people, the application of common sense is obsessive compulsive behavior. Funny how I don't get to smoke their weed much...


Well-Known Member
It's not obsessed to want to maximize the use of space. Since all this is new there's def room for innovation and if ttystikk has a good idea it will catch on eventually.


Well-Known Member
I designed and built a prototype vertical grow production facility, complete with water cooling and integrated power systems management. Yes, I'm cock sure my op will scale, all right- because that's exactly what I built it for!


As an ex Management Consultant, Project Manager and Financial Modeler I have read this thread end to end. It has been fascinating (with the exception of Dapper Don who appears to have neurological problems or a personality disorder). The OP or anyone else planning setting up such a complex operation needs information, money, licencing, and project control. I can see why he is looking for ball-park information. Without this he cannot start planning. He really needs a qualified project manager BEFORE he starts, to anticipate the pit-falls and avoid them. His intial function is to refine the proposal. Without clear refined objectives it is more than likely to go tits up (large time and cost overuns until the money runs out). Design is critical and needs to be well costed and technically proven. Informal project management will not do at this level of complexity and cost.
When he has clarified his vision the project manager needs to schedule design, specification, licencing etc in time. This is a critical path function so that functions that can run in parallel do so, shortening the overall time between first spend and first revenue. Seems to me a flow-chart is needed together with a financial model, charting cash-flow on a month by month basis. This needs to be cleared with the backers. There needs to be regular reporting to teh Board/Backers matched against the critical path. If the OP (or others planning a similar operation) does not appreciate this, there will be tears! Remember - you cannot simply scale up a domestic grow. This is quite a different undertaking.
There are a lot of other non-grow complexities: route to market, sales projections, equipment delivery build/lead times, construction sheduling, marketing, supplies, vagaries of the licencing authorites (jobs-worths with no skin in the game), services supply, security, recruitment, management systems, operative training etc etc etc. This is not just setting up a grow - it is setting up a factory and a substantial business with few proven precedents.
A formidible job but not impossible. Best of luck to you all. I watch with interest and wish you all success. I have seen some good stuff in this thread and am sure it will get sorted.
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