Gage Green Group Info Thread

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I got the gsog, madness from world of seeds and blue widow from dinafem. I wanted the gs but wasn't awake in time. It sucked but when a family member saw that I missed it they offered to buy the gsog for me! Now that's awesomeness!! Today was meant to happen just as it has!
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I'm 34 with 4 kids living with us and one of them still in school for another week. My sleep schedule is bad but I have to get a little for their sakes......I wish the sales promos began on Saturday mornings and then I'd be golden! But I'm happy with my digs this go round
I hear you Madininagyal my seed list is getting pretty ridiculous.

Hopefully with this I find the grape flavour I am looking for.

I got like 200+ seeds right now, I start maybe 5 every 6 months lol. I'm set for a long long time. My opinions have changed on some of the breeders so I will hesitate to run their gear again, *aheM* Medman hermies *ahem* that's like 60 beans or so, and about $100 wasted to learn the lesson "don't buy something to support someone domestic, without proper due diligence".

I'll be running my Grape Stomper OG's along side some Biker Kush V2.0 from Karma when I start back up after the summer heat dies down. The waiting is going to suck BUT at least I got my hands on them :)

you finally have them lol i think i will have at least my grape flavor i've been searching for so long

Well got about 20 mindscape clones ready to flower( my pheno is pretty streachy) and i have found one stinky ass lemon puff to try as a mommy it shows dark leaves decent sidebranching for still being in a 16oz cup im pretty pumped to run these two.
Still a little worried as for the first time in two years im not runningat least one double dutch plant incaseshit happens lol
Been wanting a pack of Minscape for a while but then I saw Talisman and found out it was limited so I had to 'try' to get it. Pulled the trigger earlier today. Checked the tude a couple hours later and it was out of stock. Funny part is I was actually gonna order yesterday but had to put the money in the bank first. I think the kush gods was looking out for me. Ha
Assorted SAL x MM bud shots :) I will get some Golden Gage pics up next week or so. Some Cornerstone ladies just put in to flower too. And then my next Gage journey... Salvation :) Looks EEEEEPPPIIIIICCCCCC








Why no new Mendo Montage? Is there any info from the guys in the know? Gage going to drop an F3? I should have ordered the f2 a long time ago as soon as it came in stock been regretting for like 2 years lols
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