Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

You're not wrong on anything you said there, but there isn't a point made by any of it.

Water vapor is more potent, you've denied that previously, thus the debate, you came very close just now to admitting that.

Perhaps, since oceans eat co2, more ocean surface area will eat the extra co2.

I got a feeling the earth has the ability to maintain equilibrium.

he is wrong on many points.

Co2 does not hang around for hundreds of thousands of years.
it is absorbed by oceans, used to make bones, exoskeletons, trees, coral reefs, etc, and is locked up by biological processes, is consumed by weathering of certain rock formations, and is "sequestered' when organic material is buried in swamps, sediment or the deep oceans

as for the ocean sucking in more co2 when it has larger surface area, nope, not an ocean surface issue at all . it's temperature

cold water can absorb more co2, warm water can absorb less

warming oceans release trapped co2, cooling oceans trap co2
you guys should probably notify scientists about the existence of these "oceans", i think they may have missed that part.
you guys should probably notify scientists about the existence of these "oceans", i think they may have missed that part.
only climate hysterics and Water Denialists (like yourself) discount the oceans and water in their role in regulating temperatures and running climate systems.

lotsa geophysicists and climatologists have published lotsa rteports on this issue.

you clowns just pretend they are crackpots and call them "Deniers" to defend your agenda.
only climate hysterics and Water Denialists (like yourself) discount the oceans and water in their role in regulating temperatures and running climate systems.

lotsa geophysicists and climatologists have published lotsa rteports on this issue.

you clowns just pretend they are crackpots and call them "Deniers" to defend your agenda.

now if only you could locate and post the "hundredfold effect" study, or the more recent, more eggo waffle reviewed rather than peer reviewed "500x effect" version.

i'll keep waiting for your citation.

you have no idea who I am or my experiences, yet you think you know all about me and/or my sexual abilities.

You have no idea who I am or my experiences, yet you think you know all about me and/or my sexual abilities.
You may have heard the terms “El Niño,” “La Niña,” and “La Nada” in the news....

You may have heard the terms “El Niño,” “La Niña,” and “La Nada” in the news, but since their literal translations (“the little boy,” “the little girl,” and “the nothing,” respectively) don’t immediately explain what they mean, it requires some deeper digging to understand how these phenomena impact weather. These three amigos are major factors in droughts, floods, snowstorms, hurricanes and wildcard events all over the world.

El Niño describes the relaxation of trade winds that normally blow east to west. These relatively calm winds consequently warm the stagnant waters of equatorial Pacific Ocean. The warm water can harm marine life that is used to the cooler sea temperatures, while causing an unusually strong jet stream to bring torrential rains and cooler temperatures to the southern tier of the United States and portions of South America. Conversely, because the jet stream is forced to split, drought conditions and warmer than normal temperatures result for much of the western U.S.

La Niña has the opposite effect. Trade winds along the equator blow from east to west, causing colder deep sea water to well up to the surface. For reasons still being studied, this causes cooler and wetter than normal conditions for the Northwest and warmer and drier than normal conditions for the Southeast.

La Nada simply describes a “neutral” or normal pattern. Without the strong influence of either El Niño or La Niña, it becomes difficult to generalize an overall weather pattern, bringing a mixed bag of extreme to benign weather—sometimes all within the same week.

The effects of El Niño and La Niña peak during the Northern Hemisphere winter, which is why our winter months can be dramatically warmer or colder than usual. While it is not guaranteed an El Niño event will follow a La Niña, or vice versa, it is estimated that one of these large-scale weather patterns will develop every two to seven years. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, since 1975, La Niñas have been only half as frequent as El Niños.ño-la-niña-and-la-nada-the-three-amigos

"We can ask for more.
Nature is a whore."
now if only you could locate and post the "hundredfold effect" study, or the more recent, more eggo waffle reviewed rather than peer reviewed "500x effect" version.

i'll keep waiting for your citation.

you have no idea who I am or my experiences, yet you think you know all about me and/or my sexual abilities.
i know youre a twat, a smug selfimportant asshole, and a blithering idiot, and since every sex study involving men ever done strongly indicates and inverse relationship between how much you talk about your dick, and your dick's size and potency, i can only assume you are hung like a baby bunny, and as flaccid as a jellyfish.

i already cited more than enough studies to allow you to draw your own conclusions, but you demand specific studies detailing how wet water is, and denying your postulated alchemical formula for Co2's absorption and transformation of heat into heatier heat.

smacking you around is getting pretty boring, and my arm is tired. ill put you back on ignore for a while, and enjoy the grownup conversations.
i did notice that post of yours in the other thread, also a heinz hug (gotta be a fake name) contribution to the debate. i actually came across it while trying to check out Dr. Heinz Hug (i mean, really? is that really his name?).

are there any other, more well known publications about how CO2 is only a worry in ranges (or bands or baskets) it doesn't commonly appear in, thus minimizing its importance?

because from what i see, CO2 and temp over time usually do go hand in hand.
Yah, that name is pretty dubious. That's why I treated it as a step to higher learning, rather than a source.
I think it is a play on "squeezing the ketchup" or "beans" or something... I don't know.

And no, I don't have more publications on hand (yet).
To be honest, this whole angle on CO2 is kind of new to me. The funny thing is this has been staring me in the face for over a year, and I'm just coming around to understanding the ramifications because of this report I'm writing on mass absorption coefficients in an experiment with Aluminum and Thallium-204 (B- decay). Totally unrelated, but oddly relevant.

As for the correlation; that is a suspicious metric to base a lot of foundation on. For one, I was under the impression natural CO2 lagged temperature, which would be logical. Who knows? Maybe those spikes in the record were caused by ozone?
Wouldn't that be a weird twist.
Yah, that name is pretty dubious. That's why I treated it as a step to higher learning, rather than a source.
I think it is a play on "squeezing the ketchup" or "beans" or something... I don't know.

And no, I don't have more publications on hand (yet).
To be honest, this whole angle on CO2 is kind of new to me. The funny thing is this has been staring me in the face for over a year, and I'm just coming around to understanding the ramifications because of this report I'm writing on mass absorption coefficients in an experiment with Aluminum and Thallium-204 (B- decay). Totally unrelated, but oddly relevant.

As for the correlation; that is a suspicious metric to base a lot of foundation on. For one, I was under the impression natural CO2 lagged temperature, which would be logical. Who knows? Maybe those spikes in the record were caused by ozone?
Wouldn't that be a weird twist.
How are you expecting a reply when you just tea bagged him so bad?
i know youre a twat, a smug selfimportant asshole, and a blithering idiot, and since every sex study involving men ever done strongly indicates and inverse relationship between how much you talk about your dick, and your dick's size and potency, i can only assume you are hung like a baby bunny, and as flaccid as a jellyfish.

lol, it worked so well.

it was a direct red quote.

you demand specific studies detailing how wet water is, and denying your postulated alchemical formula for Co2's absorption and transformation of heat into heatier heat.

nah, i just want you to cite what red is talking about. 100x, 500x, sky is your limit, princess.

smacking you around is getting pretty boring, and my arm is tired. ill put you back on ignore for a while, and enjoy the grownup conversations.

good job on declaring yet another victory followed by putting me on ignore, like red does,

say, what did red himself say about that sort of thing the other day?

Blathering about something as if it were a fact then completely failing to respond to a request for detail indicates an intent to deceive. Liars lie.

i will continue to await your citation, water carrier.
lol, it worked so well.

it was a direct red quote.

nah, i just want you to cite what red is talking about. 100x, 500x, sky is your limit, princess.

good job on declaring yet another victory followed by putting me on ignore, like red does,

say, what did red himself say about that sort of thing the other day?

i will continue to await your citation, water carrier.
Its common knowledge that water vapour is a more potent "greenhouse" gas, you just can't do anything about water vapour so the Climate Exaggerators ignore it so they can cut a cheque.

Its a shameless riding of the poor, how can you not see that?
Its common knowledge that water vapour is a more potent "greenhouse" gas, you just can't do anything about water vapour so the Climate Exaggerators ignore it so they can cut a cheque.

Its a shameless riding of the poor, how can you not see that?

your conspiracy theories aside, why do graphs about water vapor exist if THEY ignore it?

i honestly hope you are just trolling here, although people have been getting so stupid in this debate that it's honestly hard to tell anymore.
may I particulate water, and molecular water have the same capacities as a greenhouse gas, and what is their ratio to each other, if not?

we could evaporate large areas of seawater to increase atmospheric water vapor, perhaps.
*puts on tomato-proof suit and goggles*
This is the problem, Buck... CO2, by definition, can't warm the atmosphere in the range we care about most, to the extent claimed. At best, it can act as a buffer in the event of temperatures plummeting down to -80 C (I think that would freeze my pecker through three layers of thermal underwear).
Really, CH4 and N2O are technically worse, from what I can see.

yeah your reading your graphs wrong unless your suggesting the candle in this clip is burning at --80 C.....

a case of just enough knowledge to be dangerous?
claims vary between 5x (after "baselining" the cooling effects of evaporation and cloud/snow/ice/ocean surface albedo) to 20x (just the water vapour, no "baselining")

4x worse greenhouse effect/mole is the well established value of Methane over Co2.

it is well established that water is at least 5x more powerful, Mole For Mole at trapping heat radiation than Co2, and there is 100x more of it in the air at any given time, meaning water vapourt has an extremely conservative 500x more power to control the temperature than Co2, meaning red's assertion is not only supported, but the only inaccuracy is his gross underestimation of the power of water.

for shame red.

why you wanna rob water of it's self-esteem like that?

implying that it is only 100x more powerful than Co2 is disgraceful!

meanwhile, Bucky has now firmly entrenched himself in the sticky morass that is Water Denialism

that Tar Baby doesnt just stick, it also stinks.

it's gonna take weeks for Bucklefuckle to wash the stench of failure off
Not to mention di-hydrol monoxide is fatal if inhaled. 3,300 died from di-hydrol monoxide poisening in 2001 alone. Thts 10,000 times the rate of death caused by voter suppression.
You mean an 80% gain in efficiency. Typo?

No 80% solar or anything that I know of beyond super-conduction, and high frequency power switching.
You mean an 80% gain in efficiency. Typo?

No 80% solar or anything that I know of beyond super-conduction, and high frequency power switching.

ZURICH - 22 Apr 2013: Today on Earth Day, scientists have announced a collaboration to develop an affordable photovoltaic system capable of concentrating solar radiation 2,000 times and converting 80 percent of the incoming radiation into useful energy. The system can also provide desalinated water and cool air in sunny, remote locations where they are often in short supply.