cat of curiosity
Well-Known Member
mornin folks!
How's things with you?
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it was a request...beastie boys? really? o.0
hello rosey! how's the weather?
it was a request...
its decent, cloudy and not too terribly hot todayhow's yours?
Agreed! ours as well, a couple folks died acting fools, now we can't drive up to it anymorehot, sunny, humid, and looks like the thunderstorm isn't going to grace the garden, so i've got to go set the sprinklers..
i went to my old swimming hole, and found out it's illegal to swim there now. some moron dove headfirst off the falls, and broke his neck, killed instantly. i'm going to write a letter to city hall, it's not fair that a landmark that's been a hot spot for locals for over 150 years becomes off limits because of one stupid individual.
that said, i'm a moron who's jumped those falls hundreds of times, but i know the water, and i jump feet first (like any sane person)
Agreed! ours as well, a couple folks died acting fools, now we can't drive up to it anymoresucks too, that was the hot spot down here that I never got to go to. Was looking forward to it and got the bad news..don't get me wrong, I'm very sorry they lost their lives. Very much so. Just wish that it didn't have the affect that it did.
You got that shit right! its for copyright infringement..I'll give them that the wrapper does "imply" Reeses, but it doesn't say it! I mean seriously...kind of like the DNA logo BS...I mean, get over it people..a likeness maybe but copyright infringement?? geesh...What their basic/normal customer can't read? I'm sure they would get more confused if the person would read the sign of the building before they walked in, and really confused when there is pot and pipes everywhere... Dumb ass people these days haha.
Just big time hot shots trying to get money on the biggest growing industry this country has seen since I don't know how long.
You got that shit right! its for copyright infringement..I'll give them that the wrapper does "imply" Reeses, but it doesn't say it! I mean seriously...kind of like the DNA logo BS...I mean, get over it people..a likeness maybe but copyright infringement?? geesh...
Amen bro!!!! Assholes..what, you didn't get the memo? these guys lost billions to the likeable infringements!
fuckers. i mean really, who's lost a single fucking penny? as an entrepreneur, i'd sue for damages, obstruction of freedom and creativity. and i'd counter sue for a few hundred million. why? damages to product, false advertisement, and infringement. what if the product actually does rise to popularity (like hershey)? now it won't, because you are against american freedom?
you'se gonna pay fo' dat shit muh fukah!
they'd have been better off accepting the 'greatest form of flattery is impersonation'. seriously, i think the WA guys not only have a case, but could make more from this than they could the product. all they have to do is get the media involved. not sure if everyone got the memo, but pot is accepted by more people than those who don't.Amen bro!!!! Assholes..