Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

The part you are ignoring is the effect that has on greenhouse gasses and that there is no conclusive evidence on the amount it has an effects upon the atmosphere.

If the earth has been stable or cooling for the last 18 years, why are you still in hysterics that we have to eliminate the gasses that are *not* heating up the planet??????
i dont think the earth has been cooling for the last 18 years.

theres too much noise in the data, and too many conflicting assertions about the same numbers to state definitively one way or the other.

i would like to see trends from a single data collection point graphed over a long period then compare those trends to other similar graphs from other individual data sets across all weather observatories globally instead of the usual cherry picking thats been going on on both sides, and this data should be collected, verified, and evaluated without the shrill cries from the press and the political class

it has become a political football and a cause celeb. i dont give a fuck what Ke$ha and Lady Ga Ga think on this subject (or any other) but their views are shouted from the rooftops, drowning out real scientific discourse
The part you are ignoring is the effect that has on greenhouse gasses and that there is no conclusive evidence on the amount it has an effects upon the atmosphere.

If the earth has been stable or cooling for the last 18 years, why are you still in hysterics that we have to eliminate the gasses that are *not* heating up the planet??????

The effect is that it aids in raising the temperature. I don't understand your argument. I'm not debating what amount it contributes, just that it does. CO2 isn't the sole factor. And what makes you think I'm in hysterics? You have me confused with another user.
I guess you're hanging out with the 3% then? Maybe the 97% all went to the bathroom at the same time at this conference and miss this piece of information.
Well, I don't study this, but my intuition tells me insulated heat tends to stay near it's origin, ie the surface. That's just my understanding of physics as applied here.
the studies i was lookin at made the case that the upper troposphere was where the Greenhouse Heat would be trapped, and thus should be the zone of concentration of that heat, and that made a lot of sense to me
The part you are ignoring is the effect that has on greenhouse gasses and that there is no conclusive evidence on the amount it has an effects upon the atmosphere.

If the earth has been stable or cooling for the last 18 years, why are you still in hysterics that we have to eliminate the gasses that are *not* heating up the planet??????

tell us more about how forest fires cause global warming.

i would really say that you should stick to mastering cartography before you move on to climatology, by the way.

if you can't read a simple scientific poll or a map of iran, then maybe you should sit out the climate science debate.
I guess you're hanging out with the 3% then? Maybe the 97% all went to the bathroom at the same time at this conference and miss this piece of information.
the 97% number has already been repeatedly disproved.

repeating it now is just ignorant.

the number came from a shitty discredited "meta-study" by a HISTORY TEACHER named naomi oreskes, which was then plagiarized, revised and expanded by John "skeptical science" Cook, who is NOT a scientist, but a blogger who supports his claims by referencing his own previous claims.
the 97% number has already been repeatedly disproved.

repeating it now is just ignorant.

the number came from a shitty discredited "meta-study" by a HISTORY TEACHER named naomi oreskes, which was then plagiarized, revised and expanded by John "skeptical science" Cook, who is NOT a scientist, but a blogger who supports his claims by referencing his own previous claims.

yeah, 97% number is BULLSHIT!

because NUH UH!

and also MARXISM.

really, the number is much higher than 97%.

closer to 99.9%
derp derp derp.

charts that claim to use the same data from the same source but the numbers dont match... "they are the same!!" go go wikipedia GO!

i deny the conclusions you endlessly repeat citing fake data, bullshit blogs, WIKI MOTHERFUCKING PEDIA and random idiots who publish their tripe on I-sis right alongside "scientific peer reviewed studies" extolling the Troof of homeopathy and lamarckian evolution

"blurble derble derp. 8 investigations!~ never read the reports or looked too deep but headlines on mother jones is good enough for me" ~you

"the mona loa observatory makes claims about the gasses emitted by EVERY volcano, not just the one they observe! sure you cant find those claims in their publications, but that's only because the Troof is being repressed by the illuminati and 7 foot tall lizard aliens from the 9th dimension!" ~you

it's like arguing with a 7 year old.
when are you gonna jam your fingers in your ears and chant"Nanny Nanny Boo Boo I Cant Hear You!"?

You argue the exact points conservapedia argues and throw a tantrum when wiki cites the ICPP and NASA

You cite The Heartland Institute, Roy Spencer, the John Birch Society, etc..

Seriously man, just quit trying.. you're not coming out on top on this one.. it's the entire world against your pea brained conspiracy theory hoax, you are a fool, not much more can be said..
i'm pretty sure he just goes through there putting their arguments into his own words, like he has done with wikipedia pages in the past.

That wouldn't surprise me.. His arguments are almost word for word right out of conservapedia.. Lol I guess he missed where he called them retards. I love the taste of irony in the morning :)
Not believing that man. You're pushing a false agenda with a thesaurus and a megaphone.

if you are responding to me, try using the quote button to address your comments.
You argue the exact points conservapedia argues and throw a tantrum when wiki cites the ICPP and NASA

You cite The Heartland Institute, Roy Spencer, the John Birch Society, etc..

Seriously man, just quit trying.. you're not coming out on top on this one.. it's the entire world against your pea brained conspiracy theory hoax, you are a fool, not much more can be said..

no substantive rebuttal, merely specious claims, ad hominem and red herrings.

i have made to many VALID citations in this thread which you have summarily ignored in favour of wikipedia and blogs.

you have made bullshit claims, and FALSELY attributed them to trustworthy sources, expecting me to simply take your word for it, then you threw a tantrum and changed the subject when i demonstrated your "citation" was a bald faced lie and your claims were not found anywhere in the source's reports, just as bucky does with his dopey cartoons.

HOWEVER, bucky's dopey cartoons are mere bullshit from a bullshit artist, you try to wrap yourself in a lab coat and pretend to expertise, when everybody knows you can just BUY a lab coat.

hell i used to have to wear a lab coat on the job, does that make me a credible scientist? nope, and i never claimed to be.

i support my statements with the words of CREDIBLE SCIENTISTS, whom you (and bucky as well as the rest of your hooting peanut gallery) then try to dismiss as cranks, deniers or crackpots.

but your hysterical wailing and rending of garments is exactly as credible as a a guy with PHD in physics, who has been working for NASA and NOAA for decades.

ohh wait, no it isnt.
When I said CO2 wasn't the sole factor, that doesn't mean to say that I don't believe humans are the problem. I was speaking in the larger context as to what traps the heat.

CO2 may be a small factor but that doesn't make it insignificant by any means. There are a number of ways we could create a positive feedback like this.. our chosen poison just happened to be CO2 which is no surprise, really. Carbon is fucking awesome, and incredibly useful. It's ability to change into so many forms is why life as we know it is based on it.
That wouldn't surprise me.. His arguments are almost word for word right out of conservapedia.. Lol I guess he missed where he called them retards. I love the taste of irony in the morning :)
more mindless burbling.

you have the intellect of an infant

didums lose his rattle?

duzzums want biddy?

imma put on some teletubbies and see if that calms your colicky wails
With all this passion I really wonder if you're really that deluded or if you have an alternate agenda. Lol. If if it weren't for the small detail that the vast majority of the scientific universe is in disagreement with you, I might listen to you a smidge
...just as bucky does with his dopey cartoons.

is your memory really that short?

you got caught in a bald faced lie about "6 billion tonnes" just yesterday, and mt "dopey cartoon" cited the correct number of 29 billion tonnes.

here, have a refresher you liar.


when clearly, a simple google search of "EIA 2007 tonnes of CO2" leads me to...

which states that...

Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy (Million Metric Tons)


you are a horrible liar and not to be trusted to interpret anything other than stormfront euphemism.
more mindless burbling.

you have the intellect of an infant

didums lose his rattle?

duzzums want biddy?

imma put on some teletubbies and see if that calms your colicky wails

if your evidence is so good, why do you constantly lie?

if your conclusion is so self-evident, why do only ~2% reach that conclusion in the "97%" study that you constantly lie about?
With all this passion I really wonder if you're really that deluded or if you have an alternate agenda. Lol. If if it weren't for the small detail that the vast majority of the scientific universe is in disagreement with you, I might listen to you a smidge
if you wish to dispute an assertion, DISPUTE THE ASSERTION, dont make vague generalized statements.

pada already has a trademark on that, youll owe him a nickel every time you use his patented finishing move.

Yeah, you heard me. Banana theory.