Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Agreed. I have to say some of the biggest critics of geothermal Technology are the heating and cooling contractors. It's very solid technology and it's been around for decades in Europe but many contractors here resist change. Claims of faulty equipment etc. etc. perpetuate this resistance. It's all bullshit. It's elegant heating and cooling technology, though I'm not air conditioning the house.

EDIT: Geothermal wells, rather than large expansive fields are becoming very common in residential neighborhoods. The price on these wells has dropped as well (no pun) due to increased demand and competition. All very good news.
Agreed. I have to say some of the biggest critics of geothermal Technology are the heating and cooling contractors. It's very solid technology and it's been around for decades in Europe but many contractors here resist change. Claims of faulty equipment etc. etc. perpetuate this resistance. It's all bullshit. It's elegant heating and cooling technology, though I'm not air conditioning the house.

EDIT: Geothermal wells, rather than large expansive fields are becoming very common in residential neighborhoods. The price on these wells has dropped as well (no pun) due to increased demand and competition. All very good news.
If those heating contractors were better businessmen, they'd stay ahead of the curve and get into renewables as well.
" make sure we have an ice age..." this is really sad that a section of the population could possibly entertain such nonsense.
Don't get all fake sad.

As I posted this is all over the News that we have stop disrupting the Ice Age cycle

They are teaching the kids that the time of Man may be over. I posted that also.

Many think human DNA is a pollution to the planet

Kids are told an ice formed us and we must do all we can to stop halting the Ice Age that may kill us all

But sit smug in your hole as you are not up to speed
So maybe you can give me a peer reviewed paper showing the physics behind the CO2 induced Atmospheric Greenhouse effect?

Cos thats what the IPCC are banking ALL of their claims on, yet there is NO supporting evidence (that Iv found) that even proves the Greenhouse effect exists, infact, another poster produced a physics paper saying CO2 has absolutely no effect with the maths (based on Laws of science, not hypotheses) to prove it.

Studying the absorption properties of gasses in the 50's started all of this. This question is asked a billion times other places and is backed up with empirical evidence. How you missed them all in your searches is beyond me. I had no trouble at all finding people with this exact same complaint thanking others for showing them the evidence.

Here it is in a nutshell. What they found was that CO2 is almost transparent to short wave radiation and loves to absorb long wave radiation. The incoming radiation from the sun is principally short wave which passes right through the CO2 and hits the surface. The radiation that is emitted from the surface is long wave, usually in the form of infra-red which is absorbed by the CO2 and re-emitted in all directions.. which of course includes back down to the surface. Pretty simple. The reason there might not be a paper putting it all in one place is probably because it's so rudimentary to most scientists in the field that it isn't worth taking the time to publish it. It's a 'water is wet' sort of thing.

The empirical evidence usually begins here:
Studying the absorption properties of gasses in the 50's started all of this. This question is asked a billion times other places and is backed up with empirical evidence. How you missed them all in your searches is beyond me. I had no trouble at all finding people with this exact same complaint thanking others for showing them the evidence.

Here it is in a nutshell. What they found was that CO2 is almost transparent to short wave radiation and loves to absorb long wave radiation. The incoming radiation from the sun is principally short wave which passes right through the CO2 and hits the surface. The radiation that is emitted from the surface is long wave, usually in the form of infra-red which is absorbed by the CO2 and re-emitted in all directions.. which of course includes back down to the surface. Pretty simple. The reason there might not be a paper putting it all in one place is probably because it's so rudimentary to most scientists in the field that it isn't worth taking the time to publish it. It's a 'water is wet' sort of thing.

The empirical evidence usually begins here:
All youve shown here is that different gases absorb different shit differently.

Groundbreaking, absolutely Nobel Prize worthy literature.
Either you can't read a chart or you can't accept reality.. They are identical, your political bias makes you believe they're not. Every peak is the same, every valley is the same, the goddam charts are identical and you deny it, this is the strongest proof yet that you are simply a denialist

You deny their cause

aka "8 independent investigations aren't good enough!" OK miss Mangum..

The MLO is very clear on their conclusions, you deny it
derp derp derp.

charts that claim to use the same data from the same source but the numbers dont match... "they are the same!!" go go wikipedia GO!

i deny the conclusions you endlessly repeat citing fake data, bullshit blogs, WIKI MOTHERFUCKING PEDIA and random idiots who publish their tripe on I-sis right alongside "scientific peer reviewed studies" extolling the Troof of homeopathy and lamarckian evolution

"blurble derble derp. 8 investigations!~ never read the reports or looked too deep but headlines on mother jones is good enough for me" ~you

"the mona loa observatory makes claims about the gasses emitted by EVERY volcano, not just the one they observe! sure you cant find those claims in their publications, but that's only because the Troof is being repressed by the illuminati and 7 foot tall lizard aliens from the 9th dimension!" ~you

it's like arguing with a 7 year old.
when are you gonna jam your fingers in your ears and chant"Nanny Nanny Boo Boo I Cant Hear You!"?
Studying the absorption properties of gasses in the 50's started all of this. This question is asked a billion times other places and is backed up with empirical evidence. How you missed them all in your searches is beyond me. I had no trouble at all finding people with this exact same complaint thanking others for showing them the evidence.

Here it is in a nutshell. What they found was that CO2 is almost transparent to short wave radiation and loves to absorb long wave radiation. The incoming radiation from the sun is principally short wave which passes right through the CO2 and hits the surface. The radiation that is emitted from the surface is long wave, usually in the form of infra-red which is absorbed by the CO2 and re-emitted in all directions.. which of course includes back down to the surface. Pretty simple. The reason there might not be a paper putting it all in one place is probably because it's so rudimentary to most scientists in the field that it isn't worth taking the time to publish it. It's a 'water is wet' sort of thing.

The empirical evidence usually begins here:

you seem to have a pretty good handle on this shit.

i have heard from many climatologists that the fastest warming should be in the upper troposphere, not at the surface if we are indeed experiencing "Greenhouse Warming"

would you characterize this statement as accurate?
Many climatologists you've heard from? Just want to make sure I'm understanding this. You're having discussions with many climatologists on this issue?
All youve shown here is that different gases absorb different shit differently.

Groundbreaking, absolutely Nobel Prize worthy literature.

Exactly. Different gasses absorb different shit differently. Now apply that data.

The part you are ignoring is that the incoming radiation is short wave and the outbound radiation is long wave. That's why some gases have a greenhouse effect. That's why they are called greenhouse gasses.

Short waves come in and are filtered to some (edit: a large) degree by Oxygen for example and then hit the surface of the Earth. These short waves then excite the molecules on whatever they hit which in turn begin to emit long wave infrared heat which gets blocked by greenhouse gasses.

Do I have to say it a 3rd time?
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you seem to have a pretty good handle on this shit.

i have heard from many climatologists that the fastest warming should be in the upper troposphere, not at the surface if we are indeed experiencing "Greenhouse Warming"

would you characterize this statement as accurate?

This sure sounds like a loaded question.

I would say no, greenhouse warming originates from the surface.
Many climatologists you've heard from? Just want to make sure I'm understanding this. You're having discussions with many climatologists on this issue?
yes, they publish shit and i read it, they say shit and i LISTEN

they may not listen to me but i sure as fuck listen to them

when i read their shit or listen to them speak, they say "the earth is getting warmer..."

then the headlines appear: "97% of all scientists agree we are killing Mother Gaia!!"

while the climatologist is still speaking"...due to many factors which ..."

"Anthropgenic Global Climate Holocaust!! ZOMG!!! Burn The Koch Brothers At The Stake Before They Kill Us ALL!!!"

"... possibly include Man Made Carbon Dioxide Emissions as well as..."

"SEE!!! LOOK AT THAT JUST LOOK AT IT!!!" <insert dopey cartoons and other bullshit>

"... .many other forcing factors, which are natural..."

"He's A Climate Denier!! Stone Him!!!"

"... ohh you fuckin sunzabitches. this lecture is over."
This sure sounds like a loaded question.

I would say no, greenhouse warming originates from the surface.
not a loaded question.

i am asking if you consider the assertions made by several "Deniers" who happen to be noted climatologists are accurate, that in real Greenhouse Warming, the upper troposphere should warm faster than the lower troposphere.
Exactly. Different gasses absorb different shit differently. Now apply that data.

The part you are ignoring is that the incoming radiation is short wave and the outbound radiation is long wave. That's why some gases have a greenhouse effect. That's why they are called greenhouse gasses.

Short waves come in and are filtered to some (edit: a large) degree by Oxygen for example and then hit the surface of the Earth. These short waves then excite the molecules on whatever they hit which in turn begin to emit long wave infrared heat which gets blocked by greenhouse gasses.

Do I have to say it a 3rd time?

The part you are ignoring is the effect that has on greenhouse gasses and that there is no conclusive evidence on the amount it has an effects upon the atmosphere.

If the earth has been stable or cooling for the last 18 years, why are you still in hysterics that we have to eliminate the gasses that are *not* heating up the planet??????
not a loaded question.

i am asking if you consider the assertions made by several "Deniers" who happen to be noted climatologists are accurate, that in real Greenhouse Warming, the upper troposphere should warm faster than the lower troposphere.

Well, I don't study this, but my intuition tells me insulated heat tends to stay near it's origin, ie the surface. That's just my understanding of physics as applied here.