Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

since these are asserted to be OBSERVED temps, taken from the same source data, they should be IDENTICAL, not merely vaguely similar in their trend

Either you can't read a chart or you can't accept reality.. They are identical, your political bias makes you believe they're not. Every peak is the same, every valley is the same, the goddam charts are identical and you deny it, this is the strongest proof yet that you are simply a denialist

i have never disputed the clear UPOWARD trend in temps, i dispute their cause.

You deny their cause

you naturally cant argue that issue without resorting to outright fabrications and citing graphs that have been fucked over, re-interpreted to fit the agenda, and hammered into the desired shape by each succeeding tout.

aka "8 independent investigations aren't good enough!" OK miss Mangum..

meanwhile, you take clear statements from the good folks at the mona loa OBSERVATORY and translate their assertions into wild speculation and unsupported claims

The MLO is very clear on their conclusions, you deny it
All of the debate is amongst non-scientists. Old ladies at town halls and fat guys who can't comprehend change

I've never seen a time in my life when so many complete un-formally-educated meatheads debate science. Second guessing what the vast majority of science states, and then calling in a global conspiracy of all climatologists. Yes, they're all in on the joke. Thousands of them, and they can all keep a secret.

You may as well join the new-earthers and say the world is only 4000 years old. We walked with dinosaurs
All of the debate is amongst non-scientists. Old ladies at town halls and fat guys who can't comprehend change

I've never seen a time in my life when so many complete un-formally-educated meatheads debate science. Second guessing what the vast majority of science states, and then calling in a global conspiracy of all climatologists. Yes, they're all in on the joke. Thousands of them, and they can all keep a secret.

You may as well join the new-earthers and say the world is only 4000 years old. We walked with dinosaurs

You are being lied to and you are believing it.

97% of scientists are not in agreement that man is the major cause for global warming.

Once you get past that lie you start to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
You're so deluded, man. Shitssake the global conspiracy required to pull that off is ridiculous.
You're so deluded, man. Shitssake the global conspiracy required to pull that off is ridiculous.

It isnt a conspiracy, it is happening right out in the open.

The global temperatures have not gone up for 18 years now. Global Warming Proponents are calling it a *pause*. Pacific water temperatures have been cooling for at least a decade.

For global warming to be an issue it has to actually be getting warmer.
Sorry this whole global warming thing isn't working for you. You'll understand why I'll listen to the trained scientists
did you not notice his completely political take on the issue?

,"The switch of world powers first to decreasing the use of fossil fuel and then to carbon-free energy within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol may lead to economic collapse for Russia as a consequence of the reduction and, probably, even loss of the possibility to sell oil and natural gas on the world market."

You suck.
Russia sucks.
The paper sucks.

All the peer review is like this, You just blank out when you agree with it,
Sorry this whole global warming thing isn't working for you. You'll understand why I'll listen to the trained scientists

You only listen to the ones that agree with you,

I bet you have never tried to see it as not proven, since it is not. You will just believe that it is,

But there are many in the field that doubt it but are not into the shill politics and petty personal attacks.

I can put up paper after paper that refute this rush to spend Trillions to make sure we have the Ice Age,

Those are also trained scientists.
The pause continues – Still no global warming for 17 years 9 months
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

According to the RSS satellite data, whose value for May 2014 has just been published, the global warming trend in the 17 years 9 years since September 1996 is zero (Fig. 1). The 213 months without global warming represent more than half the 425-month satellite data record since January 1979. No one now in high school has lived through global warming...


Figure 1. RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies (dark blue) and trend (thick bright blue line), September 1996 to May 2014, showing no trend for 17 years 9 months.

Read more:
A surprising number of people believe in Slenderman, too. I'll stick with the science
So maybe you can give me a peer reviewed paper showing the physics behind the CO2 induced Atmospheric Greenhouse effect?

Cos thats what the IPCC are banking ALL of their claims on, yet there is NO supporting evidence (that Iv found) that even proves the Greenhouse effect exists, infact, another poster produced a physics paper saying CO2 has absolutely no effect with the maths (based on Laws of science, not hypotheses) to prove it.
I'm not a climatologist. I'm speculating that you're not, either. I'm not going to debate penis graphs with anyone. The fact that nearly all formally trained scientists disagree with you is enough for me.
I'm not a climatologist. I'm speculating that you're not, either. I'm not going to debate penis graphs with anyone. The fact that nearly all formally trained scientists disagree with you is enough for me.
Climatology is a formal science now?

Well fuck me sideways, that's a new one to me.
I love your avatar, BTW
Thats an Easyryder Auto that I grew years ago in my bedroom when I was living in an apartment with friends.

They are some of the stinkiest, dankest plants ever, my gf couldnt keep her clothes for work in my room when she stayed over, the smell was so strong it literally permeated the fabric.

Then I discovered carbon filters, a tent and negative pressure.

What Im still waiting for is a physics paper detailing the mechanism for the CO2 induced atmospheric greenhouse effect...

Im not a denier btw, I know the planet's climate changes, I just think we are an insignificant plaque on the surface of a very old self-regulating rock and our effect is nominal at best (even the IPCC report is only "sorta sure" that we've contributed to 50% of a 1C increase in 100 years).

I do however think we should be trying to advance to the "next level" as a species, and huge investment should be made in R&D to take us away from Carbon based fuels. Trust me, give me a solar powered car, covered in windmills and all that hippy shit IF it works with the same reliability, same potential mileage before "re-energising" and same possible speed.

Id be the first to buy it, I like cheap and renewable yet well performing forms of everything.
props to your grow skills brother.

I'm installing a 5 ton geothermal system and a ground array of solar panels. Very solid tech, much from Europe. Almost a mile of pipe buried 8' deep. No propane on the property at all.
props to your grow skills brother.

I'm installing a 5 ton geothermal system and a ground array of solar panels. Very solid tech, much from Europe. Almost a mile of pipe buried 8' deep. No propane on the property at all.
I was still learning then, I took to it pretty well I think :)

That'll be a sweet setup dude, Im a city dweller (well, you guys wouldnt call our cities, cities) so sadly those things arnt options for me, we have that sorta "cookie cutter housing estate" thing here, Id like to move out to the countryside when my years advance moar and Ill definitely put all the forms of renewables I could on the land around the place, its not practical to live in the countryside now tho, its still a bit backwards regarding internet connections, transport, etc.

Anyways the point is that regardless that I feel that way, I still think carbon based fuels are the most practical way of getting energy that can be easily transported.

Power generation is a different story, Govts should be pushing away from coal/gas/nuclear to cheaper renewable sources with huge R&D that would make renewables a practical option for the energy market to latch onto (ie. make it efficient enough to make someone a profit so it ultimately "gets done").

Simply making carbon fuels more expensive just lines Govt pockets, doesnt help you or me and isnt a practical option without an actual replacement available.
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