The reason so many blacks are gay.


Well-Known Member
Not long ago I watched a video of a Black psychologist talking about the effeminization process of Black boys and how their being physically effeminized by an avalanche of drugs, including ADHD drugs.

I then asked myself if the over-medicating of Black children for behavioral issues is a new type of Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, a travesty in which 399 of 600 Black male sharecroppers seeking treatment for syphilis were deceived by doctors into thinking they were being treated, but actually weren’t receiving the needed drugs. The comparison is more about government deception and the abuse of Black people. The Tuskegee study was conducted by the U.S. Public Heath Service, the U.S. Government, from 1932 to 1972, for 40 years, and only was discontinued because someone leaked the story about what was going on. Not to mention many of these men kept having sex, infecting their wives and the children born to them. Many also died.

Well, wouldn’t you know it that I’m watching TV one morning and an attorney’s face pops up on my screen telling anyone who’s son has been given Risperdal to call him and that the drug is being recalled because it’s causing young boys to develop female breasts. Risperdal, a drug with anti-psychotic results, has been widely prescribed to boys with behavior problems, including ADHD and bipolar disorder. How in the hell does this happen? You know the drug companies had to know. Apparently, Risperdal increases the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates irreversible breast growth.

After watching the commercial, I also thought of the studies that discuss how Black children, but especially Black boys, are racially profiled or targeted by school staff for punishment more often than any other race or gender of student and punished more harshly. Even the “Johnny come lately” Obama administration has created and rolled out a list of suggestions on stemming the tide of targeting Black children for discipline in school.

But imagine how insidious these schools and drug companies, who make billions off of these drugs, are when it comes to such a a drug actually causing boys to develop breast. And consider that Black boys, who are desperate for role models, have to listen to Barack Obama’s ongoing gay rights messages, including his going to Morehouse, an all-Black boys college, and pushing our best and brightest boys to accept homosexuality, and even using the word “boyfriends” when addressing them.

Also consider the army of gay characters on the Black reality TV shows that rate very high in Black households. Consider young Black males exposure to homosexuality in prison, due to prison rape and situational homosexuality, and the fact that Black men are given longer sentences than any other group.

Then add up the issues pressuring Black males, including drugs, rampant discrimination, a 50 percent high school dropout rate in many predominantly Black schools, and you have Black boys who are mentally, emotionally and physically beaten down, unable to pursue a decent education, which means they cannot take care of themselves and their families, and now you have an effeminized group of males — physically, emotionally, and mentally — with no self-respect. These are ripe circumstances for lowered inhibitions, and abhorrent behaviors like homosexuality. In fact, many Black men see their heterosexuality as the only thing that’s theirs — and now society is even taking that away. What’s left?

So, Black man, the next time someone calls you a homophobe, call them a racist and a Black male heterophobe because they don’t give a damn about the genocide you, your children, and your people are experiencing. They have so little respect for you that they don’t believe you are even worthy of standing up for yourself. In fact, they would rather see you gone sooner than later. And, sadly, a lot of Black people feel the same way.

America, the world, is at war with Black men – and you don’t even know it. Just look around.

And what Black man do you know that sits around like Barack Obama trying to push homosexuality onto his people? If you do know one, something’s wrong with him. Genocide is real and has already arrived in your town.
This sounds like a question for Buckfuck. He'll come runnin' as soon as he sees your post and comes looking for racists and bigost.

Wait for it.....Wait for it.....
I think the white handlers need to stop this manufactured genocide against the blacks.

So Michael Sam is “playing” the masses, making money and “gay history” – prepped or “trained” by his narcissistic gay handlers to help them deceptively “merge” their gay White movement (yes, gay Whites drive the movement, and use naïve Black gays like patsies) with the Black Civil Rights Movement. This is an affront to Blacks, a travesty – an act of racism/White Supremacy/White Privilege all rolled up into one.
Recently, all major news outlets reported that Sam signed an endorsement deal with Visa before he was even drafted. He had also, before the draft, started filming his own reality show for Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network, but the Los Angeles Rams, possibly influenced by unhappy teammates, convinced Sam to stop filming so he could concentrate on football. I mean, really, shouldn’t you have to make the team and then become a superstar before you start getting an Oprah camera crew to follow you around for your own reality show?

Ya think?
Sam is using his sexuality to “be somebody,” at least to those who care after having been indoctrinated with the gay community’s “gay rights is Civil Rights” dogma. Sam even lustfully kissed his boyfriend on the lips and celebrated with a cake and scripted poses with his handlers and boyfriend on camera when he was drafted. The staged performance has caused a backlash from some previously supportive media sports personalities who believe Sam is doing too much and has “put the cart before the horse.”
What’s also odd about all of this is that during Sam’s draft day, I saw mostly Whites, and none of his family. How low can you go? We already know he’s an embarrassment to his dad, who has expressed his displeasure with Sam’s choices. He said Sam texted him that he was gay. It was almost a defiant text, indicating that Sam has some kind of resentment towards his father.
Destroying the minds of young Black children by glamorizing homosexuality and turning their views of gender roles upside down wasn’t enough for Sam – he’s also the cause of the NFL punishing Miami Dolphins Safety Don Jones, who tweeted the words “OMG” and “horrible,” referring to Sam’s draft day spectacle, kissing and hugging his boyfriend on the lips on TV.
So Sam, because he serves the political interest of powerful gay White men and their sympathizers, may have been abused and in need of counseling, instead is automatically being validated as a hero, a Jackie Robinson.
Jones apologized, saying, “I want to apologize to Michael Sam for the inappropriate comments that I made last night on social media. I take full responsibility for them and I regret that these tweets took away from his draft moment.” Well, Jones, like anyone else that criticizes the Gay Mafia, have no rights.
The only thing worse than Sam kissing his boyfriend on TV are the cowardly apologies demanded by the White overseers who control the people or athletes who allow themselves to be bullied into apologizing.
However, Fox News hosts seem to be the only ones willing to criticise Sam with little worry about the gay community. Other brave critics have mentioned something I rarely hear, but I have always found to be my biggest concern when the media proliferates gay propaganda – what about the kids?
Yes, why is Michael Sam kissing a dude on TV, repeatedly on ESPN, CNN and other networks? What about the kids?
The fact is that homosexuals are less than 10 percent of the population, and the gay White community intentionally and racistly “used” the Black Civil Rights Movement to attach their sexual deviance to Black people’s struggle with racism. And why does less than 90 percent of the population facilitate the demands of 10 percent?
Because gay White men and women drive the gay movement and change, but their gay plight is not like Black’s issues with discrimination and Civil Rights is not for them because the still benefit from White supremacy and privilege. And they can, and usually do, hide their sexuality but Blacks cannot hide their skin color or escape 400 years of racial oppression. Gayness and Blackness are mutually exclusive and stand apart.
So how do gays get away with using Blacks and the Civil Rights Movement? By putting a Black face on homosexuality in the form of Jason Collins, Robin Roberts, Michael Sam, and others, with the help of their White brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., in the White media, particularly the news, entertainment, and sports media, as well as Hollywood.
You see, if you’re White, no matter how small your plight, you can get what you want, especially if you can get the media to support you.
High profile Black leaders, athletes and entertainers know the gay White community is targeting them and gay Black men who are not openly gay to come out and lead the gay parade. If you corner a living animal or human being, most will come out fighting to survive. However, Black human beings have been expertly acculturated to accept the media’s contemporary “gay is the new Black” movement and their money will be taken away and they will be vilified in the media, including on Twitter, Facebook, the radio, and on television.
The fact that all of the bougie, well-paid Black athletes, entertainers, and politicians have all accepted and repeat gay dogma like air is evident of the fact that Black people have allowed White America to turn them into masses of “chicken little’s” because of fear and/or a price. I mean, really, how do Black people look themselves in the mirror and sleep at night when they have allowed White gays and the White media to use their Black brothers and sisters – a people who are 13 percent of the population, but about 50 percent of aids cases – as pawns to corrupt the minds of their children.

If Black people ain’t turned into a bunch of Chicken Littles then I don’t know who has? When your oppressor shows you something with the right hand, you’re supposed to know to check out what the left hand is doing because he has a 400 year history of meaning you no good.
Maybe it's because I'm white, but most black women are not very good looking.

Maybe it isn't because I'm white because many of the successful and better looking black dudes have a white old lady.
that's because your white ass is always trying to knock down the strong black queens by promoting that ho music. and you're a faggot so as a gay white heroin addict who wants to take the unaborted black children to be pedo meat you really have no say in this thread. You are part of the genocide you ashy mothafucka
I've never been a part of the murder, death, nor abortion of any black person.
Maybe it's because I'm white, but most black women are not very good looking.

Maybe it isn't because I'm white because many of the successful and better looking black dudes have a white old lady.

i agree ladies that exhibit full negress features do appear more harsh looking to me
however brown ladies who are a mix of black and white genes who abandon their fro and have thinner lips and smaller nostrils are more pleasing on the eye imo
Not long ago I watched a video of a Black psychologist talking about the effeminization process of Black boys and how their being physically effeminized by an avalanche of drugs, including ADHD drugs.

I then asked myself if the over-medicating of Black children for behavioral issues is a new type of Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, a travesty in which 399 of 600 Black male sharecroppers seeking treatment for syphilis were deceived by doctors into thinking they were being treated, but actually weren’t receiving the needed drugs. The comparison is more about government deception and the abuse of Black people. The Tuskegee study was conducted by the U.S. Public Heath Service, the U.S. Government, from 1932 to 1972, for 40 years, and only was discontinued because someone leaked the story about what was going on. Not to mention many of these men kept having sex, infecting their wives and the children born to them. Many also died.

Well, wouldn’t you know it that I’m watching TV one morning and an attorney’s face pops up on my screen telling anyone who’s son has been given Risperdal to call him and that the drug is being recalled because it’s causing young boys to develop female breasts. Risperdal, a drug with anti-psychotic results, has been widely prescribed to boys with behavior problems, including ADHD and bipolar disorder. How in the hell does this happen? You know the drug companies had to know. Apparently, Risperdal increases the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates irreversible breast growth.

After watching the commercial, I also thought of the studies that discuss how Black children, but especially Black boys, are racially profiled or targeted by school staff for punishment more often than any other race or gender of student and punished more harshly. Even the “Johnny come lately” Obama administration has created and rolled out a list of suggestions on stemming the tide of targeting Black children for discipline in school.

But imagine how insidious these schools and drug companies, who make billions off of these drugs, are when it comes to such a a drug actually causing boys to develop breast. And consider that Black boys, who are desperate for role models, have to listen to Barack Obama’s ongoing gay rights messages, including his going to Morehouse, an all-Black boys college, and pushing our best and brightest boys to accept homosexuality, and even using the word “boyfriends” when addressing them.

Also consider the army of gay characters on the Black reality TV shows that rate very high in Black households. Consider young Black males exposure to homosexuality in prison, due to prison rape and situational homosexuality, and the fact that Black men are given longer sentences than any other group.

Then add up the issues pressuring Black males, including drugs, rampant discrimination, a 50 percent high school dropout rate in many predominantly Black schools, and you have Black boys who are mentally, emotionally and physically beaten down, unable to pursue a decent education, which means they cannot take care of themselves and their families, and now you have an effeminized group of males — physically, emotionally, and mentally — with no self-respect. These are ripe circumstances for lowered inhibitions, and abhorrent behaviors like homosexuality. In fact, many Black men see their heterosexuality as the only thing that’s theirs — and now society is even taking that away. What’s left?

So, Black man, the next time someone calls you a homophobe, call them a racist and a Black male heterophobe because they don’t give a damn about the genocide you, your children, and your people are experiencing. They have so little respect for you that they don’t believe you are even worthy of standing up for yourself. In fact, they would rather see you gone sooner than later. And, sadly, a lot of Black people feel the same way.

America, the world, is at war with Black men – and you don’t even know it. Just look around.

And what Black man do you know that sits around like Barack Obama trying to push homosexuality onto his people? If you do know one, something’s wrong with him. Genocide is real and has already arrived in your town.
Why is it that are the black people Ive met are just... other people?

Why such a problem in the US?

Problem solved