Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
wait... you're stealing my sweat bee name, and you're lovin' on my squishables? are you stalking me? o.0

i can see your van you know; just cuz it's black with no windows and says, ''free catnip'' on the side doesn't mean i'm gonna be a gullible....

wait... free catnip?

*mosey's over with a dreamy look on face*
Haha yep that's me, Stalker Rosey :D :lol: with looted catnip :D
aw you dreamin bout me? lmfao :lol: shhh don't tell my boyfriend :lol:

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Verizon straight up told me that they would not put service on a straighttalk phone. But yet you can put Straighttalk on a Verizon phone. Fucked up shiznit right there...and you have to get a 3G phone for their $45 plan. You could get a 4G but it won't be able to utilize the connection unless you go up to the next package, $60 I think.
*sigh* going from stone age to high tech is gonna be fun... i had that droid for a few weeks, hadn't even activated it yet. only experience i've had with smart phones...

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
oh ya'll got me a few more minutes...was hoping to catch Dankster before I left. Thought I'd give him another 30, I think I've got that in me ;)
doubt he'll be back though, he had something come up unexpected earlier. I'm glad to see you too bro!!
me an' rosey stayed up all night together...

take THAT boyfriend!

swings musketeer sword with stylish sexy flourish.


Well-Known Member
*sigh* going from stone age to high tech is gonna be fun... i had that droid for a few weeks, hadn't even activated it yet. only experience i've had with smart phones...
aww sorry bro, hopefully you'll find a good deal..I got my S3 on Ebay for $170. Great phone, full of features. Then took it to Verizon and they hooked me up. Couldn't do prepaid on it because its too fast for their budget service though ;) kinda like ST. I'm on contract and loving it, it was unexpected!!

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
aww sorry bro, hopefully you'll find a good deal..I got my S3 on Ebay for $170. Great phone, full of features. Then took it to Verizon and they hooked me up. Couldn't do prepaid on it because its too fast for their budget service though ;) kinda like ST. I'm on contract and loving it, it was unexpected!!
i'll figure it out. i'm pretty quick, i just don't really follow or look into things that don't apply to me. therefore, i get left behind and catch up. ;)


Well-Known Member
oh ya'll got me a few more minutes...was hoping to catch Dankster before I left. Thought I'd give him another 30, I think I've got that in me ;)
doubt he'll be back though, he had something come up unexpected earlier. I'm glad to see you too bro!!
That man has been overly busy I'm sure with everything going on. Lots and lots to do. ;)

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Well-Known Member
Damn straight there's lots to do. I built the last site, and now have to do a completely new one.(Looking pretty similar right now)
This new one has so many more things to fill in and add and move around and OMFG......... No sleep for the dreamers i guess.
Hang in bro, you will persevere! and you did a great job with the first one, so I'm sure this one will be great also.
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