Obama now negotiates with terrorists


Well-Known Member
The term, "just doing my job" comes to mind. I think you erm "misunderestimate" the effectiveness of the Prussian schools on the typical worker bee who WILL kill or imprison others because somebody told them it was okay to do it.

Are you familiar with the Milgram experiment?
Yes. The vast majority stopped short of severe harm and murder.


Well-Known Member
I like you, you seem sweet and genuine.

But I've never pm'd you for a pic.

There was some discussion in a thread a while back that you said you wouldn't send it to people who network against you.

I just said I don't network with people here. Pinworm is the only one I've really had any pm conversation with.

You're old enough to be my momma.
Ummmm.... you talk to Pinworm. I'm Telling!

(sorry pin.)


Well-Known Member
that's precious coming from the skewed polls, show me iran's route to the sea, forest fires cause global warming, reality hating retard of the forum.
Yeah Iran's route to the sea is thru Galgamela, Mosul and Syria,

We have the block in place now. 50,000 rabid Sunni Jehadists, block the route in Syria and the Peshmerga were given USA air-defense assets this year.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Iran's route to the sea is thru Galgamela, Mosul and Syria,

We have the block in place now. 50,000 rabid Sunni Jehadists, block the route in Syria and the Peshmerga were given USA air-defense assets this year.
Dude, your racism towards Arabs is impressive.


Well-Known Member
We traded four or five Gitmo detainees for one American solder who has been held in Afghanistan.

Ok, that gives you some warm fuzzy feelings.

But hasn't US policy been for ever that we won't negotiate with terrorists? Why the sudden turn around?
Obama needed to get the VA scandal off the front page.


Well-Known Member
IDK BNB, I look at it like this is not a normal terrorist negotiation. We had a soldier captured during a war we should never have been in and released prisoners we should have never captured. I'm pro-Obama on this one.
Aren't you pro Obama on every one?


Well-Known Member
Arabs? Sunni Jihad is way beyond Arabs and my concern is not even akin to racial judgements.

Those were facts. You don't like facts.
I'm saying you blast others for what you see as racism yet spout a healthy dose of bigotry yourself.


Well-Known Member
Id be more concerned had they traded actual convicted criminals, not simply illegally held hostages.
One has been convicted of slitting the throats of over a thousand men and BOYS in front of their wives, mothers, and sisters. These are terrible men that you are calling "illegally held hostages".


Well-Known Member
Obama needed to get the VA scandal off the front page.
Cuz Obama keeps killing vets...that bastard. Then negotiates with terrorists to save an alkaida sympathizer. Haha. If only ur guys' job was really that easy.


Well-Known Member

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
One has been convicted of slitting the throats of over a thousand men and BOYS in front of their wives, mothers, and sisters. These are terrible men that you are calling "illegally held hostages".
Then why are they not charged and put in prison like every other murderer? It makes no matter what they are based on what they have done, they are still illegally held hostages whether you like it or not. Or did the various arab nations legally hand these people over, or was it more a case of secret rendition? I never heard of any trials and verdicts.