Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
lol, calm down, take it bit by bit... for all i know, i'm typing in greek right now :p

i'm experimenting with a drug i've never tried before, concerta, aka time release ritalin.

i was wondering if you ever watched an episode of game of thrones, and if so, whether it's any good or not. i've never watched an episode of game of thrones.

i just read what i typed in this post, and i'm comprehending it, but it may not be english... i'm a little fuzzy atm :p
books are better but the show is great
you need to start from episode 1 or you will be crazy lost
the book series is called " story of ice and fire " if your a reading type

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
books are better but the show is great
you need to start from episode 1 or you will be crazy lost
the book series is called " story of ice and fire " if your a reading type
i'm a book worm, i may see if i can find the series. i'll have to watch the show first though; if i read the books and the show doesn't do them justice, i'll have a hard time watching it.

is there a site with all episodes that you know of?


Well-Known Member
lol, calm down, take it bit by bit... for all i know, i'm typing in greek right now :p

i'm experimenting with a drug i've never tried before, concerta, aka time release ritalin.

i was wondering if you ever watched an episode of game of thrones, and if so, whether it's any good or not. i've never watched an episode of game of thrones.

i just read what i typed in this post, and i'm comprehending it, but it may not be english... i'm a little fuzzy atm :p
Its a fuckin awesome show man..been following it from the beginning to current :) fuzzy usually means stoned or sleepy :lol:
oh I'm straight..just needed to get up and walk around a few minutes. Plus put on tea. haha

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Its a fuckin awesome show man..been following it from the beginning to current :) fuzzy usually means stoned or sleepy :lol:
oh I'm straight..just needed to get up and walk around a few minutes. Plus put on tea. haha
i feel like i've got a minor vibration going on throughout my body, like a caffeine high, but without the jitters and anxiety. i'm running a high (and hopefully safe) dose, adding a little at a time to find a tolerance/dosage balance. this will be the only time i run this stuff, i'm not feeling like it's worth doing again in the future. i do have a better understanding of what's going on with a lot of these kids with (or without) adhd though...crappy pharmaceuticals... ;)


Well-Known Member
i feel like i've got a minor vibration going on throughout my body, like a caffeine high, but without the jitters and anxiety. i'm running a high (and hopefully safe) dose, adding a little at a time to find a tolerance/dosage balance. this will be the only time i run this stuff, i'm not feeling like it's worth doing again in the future. i do have a better understanding of what's going on with a lot of these kids with (or without) adhd though...crappy pharmaceuticals... ;)
Uh..yeah for sure on the kids these days ;)
that sounds like a good trip to me :) however, those great spells don't usually last too long. lol


Well-Known Member
yep dont want to say to much after reading the books
since the show has been pretty dam close so far
but ya
i will say that all the houses will be going at each other very soon
oh I figured that was coming. My daughter's baby daddy (Piece of shit) has read ahead to the 3rd book and just started on the fourth. Its slightly out of sync but he said a few things about Lady Cat coming back (like that one dude that never dies) and a couple other things..
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