Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Naw.. I just try & call it how I see it.. how I see it is someone we all barely know is coming in here trying to start shit with 1 of my good friends..! NOW that pisses me off.!! Not a good attitude dude. Not at all. You want to learn, you come here & said you was a pro, then your not you said. Then you insult 1 of my buddies. What in the hell :confused: enough already.... good lord.. Now please leave.. thanks.
you're a good man you know that?


Well-Known Member
Naw.. I just try & call it how I see it.. how I see it is someone we all barely know is coming in here trying to start shit with 1 of my good friends..! NOW that pisses me off.!! Not a good attitude dude. Not at all. You want to learn, you come here & said you was a pro, then your not you said. Then you insult 1 of my buddies. What in the hell :confused: enough already.... good lord.. Now please leave.. thanks.
I hear that!! but yeah you are, you try to get along with everybody. I will never understand troublemakers. Never.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't even starting shit with me in the first place, he was just replying with smart ass remarks when you were giving him perfectly fine answers for the questions he was asking.

I know when I want to learn something new I treat those people with respect.


Well-Known Member
dont let the dude get you worked up bro.. He clearly is showing everyone he isnt happy with himself. I was wondering why everyone was picking on him earlier, now I think I know. good lord.
we try to be nice..
guess we just have to take the good with the bad. Makes me more thankful for the good!! :D


Well-Known Member
Oh I know bro, it went from me to you.. with a quickness to. You've been nothing but nice to me. From day 1. :) now thats a true friend. :) in my book.
He wasn't even starting shit with me in the first place, he was just replying with smart ass remarks when you were giving him perfectly fine answers for the questions he was asking.

I know when I want to learn something new I treat those people with respect.
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