The Irish Growers Thread!

Don't get depressed man times are changing and I think Europe and U.S. will be fully legal in our life times. I say in the next 5 - 10 years. Once the U.S. does it other countries will follow suit.
If it is to get legalized it will have to be on the cannabis as medication ticket. And there is just no way that Ireland will do it on its own, it will only follow if it happened in the UK and hence Northern Ireland. Then there will be such a pain in the ass along the border that they would be forced into it.
I think you are right that some form of legalisation will occur in Ireland in the next ten years. I also think it will be fucked up and designed to fail.
We have a political history of bodies being formed that are legally designed to fail, from GSOC to the HSE to FAS to Central Bank to the Competition Authority......the list is endless.
But then we also have a history of inactive moaners. People just dont vote. We are our own worst enemies.
Phew....political rant over.
Normal buzz will continue.
Soooo.....The Auto Mazar worked out very well. Despite being cut about 2 weeks too early, when cured, gotta kinda nice buzz to it. Bit heavy duty for first 10 minutes then mellows a lot. Defo a smoke you could take about 1 hour before a formal dinner party kinda vibe.
About to crack the Kannabia Queso tonight as a test for the new and improved drobe. Still have to sort the carbon filter as well as a wall mount for the in duct.
@ghostdogalpha: that sucks your government is that way and that the people do not vote. From this thread it seems as though you true irish folks smoke as much as us americans. I think once I get some new freebie seeds from local breeders I am going to gift a few of you again!

My buddy came over with a 1/4 oz of golden goat (clone only) that is popular as hell in CO. It was originally created by accident in Topeka Kansas. I love it so I traded him 3 grams of chernobyl (his favorite) for 3 grams of golden goat.

Info on the golden goat: man where would you be without the Sunday World.

The related column to the right shows the level of journalism involved. One of the stories is --->
"Man jailed after he was caught repeatedly masturbating in cow slurry"

I mean for peats sake.....

know nothing about journalism man,but that fella was a weird cunt,put the family through hell,harrassed them for years,people need ta know who these scumbags are,prob could have picked a better headline tho...
know nothing about journalism man,but that fella was a weird cunt,put the family through hell,harrassed them for years,people need ta know who these scumbags are,prob could have picked a better headline tho... bad.Should have read the story and not just the headline.It sounded pretty rough.
@ghostdogalpha: that sucks your government is that way and that the people do not vote. From this thread it seems as though you true irish folks smoke as much as us americans. I think once I get some new freebie seeds from local breeders I am going to gift a few of you again!

Info on the golden goat:

Sounds like a plan!

I dont think I am political or anything but I just get pissed off when you see people in a bad way and then there is all this red tape between them and what they need.

Thanks for the link on the golden goat.
Hey man the only grow journal i have on here is from a few years ago
I think a complete grow journal is always a good read, whatever the age. I am starting to think lately that I actually enjoy the growing more than the smokeing. Buuut thats probably just a phase.
I think a complete grow journal is always a good read, whatever the age. I am starting to think lately that I actually enjoy the growing more than the smokeing. Buuut thats probably just a phase.

Yeah luv growing meself great just watching it :) .. that plant i posted earlier has been just givin water nothing else its prob just a lil over a month old now
@ghostdogalpha: that sucks your government is that way and that the people do not vote. From this thread it seems as though you true irish folks smoke as much as us americans. I think once I get some new freebie seeds from local breeders I am going to gift a few of you again!

My buddy came over with a 1/4 oz of golden goat (clone only) that is popular as hell in CO. It was originally created by accident in Topeka Kansas. I love it so I traded him 3 grams of chernobyl (his favorite) for 3 grams of golden goat.

Info on the golden goat:

Aww man u hav no idea about the government here its an absolute joke bannana republic eat your heart out ......

was lookin at the golden goat sounds lovely i love that fruity aroma makes my lips wet ;)
Yeah luv growing meself great just watching it :) .. that plant i posted earlier has been just givin water nothing else its prob just a lil over a month old now
I love it when they are at that nice grow stage. I think it gets different when they start to flower. Man...I sound like a hippie parent.

But yeah...I love watching them grow. I had a nice grow room once and I used to stick a folding chair in there sometimes and just sit in with the 2 or 3 plants. Happy daze.
I got a straight up Indica pheno. I vaped a bowl and after ten minutes my eyes were bloodshot and I had double vision, it was a total narco body high no head high at all. I finally gave in and took a 2 hour nap. I know what I am using for sleep......until it is gone anyway.

I bet the Romulan in it was dominant.
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that was some bust in Kildare,40kg .....never hear much of personal ops getting busted,hope there only after the big boys...
could be worse,there was only 14 irish people convicted for growing weed in 2013,so the odds are good ....loose lips sink ships an all that..
There are huge riots if the feds try and shut down a dispensary here in california. The DEA stopped messing them after the California government said as soon as you turn them over to us we setting them free, giving their stuff back, and we will help them repair any damage that may have occurd during your raid.