Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
These differences occur within the same races you dolt. It's not about race no matter how much you want it to be.

So... what about cognitive difference developing because they are advantageous to the region? You conveniently skipped this. Is it impossible?
Read it again slowly dipshit.

The indigenous inhabitants of every continent have the same capacity to produce every phenotypic specimen.


Well-Known Member
Read it again slowly dipshit.

The indigenous inhabitants of every continent have the same capacity to produce every phenotypic specimen.
Yes of course but that's a non-answer. They all have the same capacity to produce physical characteristic traits, yet they don't all develop the same physical traits on all continents do they? So you are finally admitting that cognitive traits can vary also? Or are you still afraid of that one. Get off your white/black thought process and think purple/purple. Make them the same color so your PC pussyness allows you to answer.

Do you receive disability for mental reasons?


Well-Known Member
Yes of course but that's a non-answer. They all have the same capacity to produce physical characteristic traits, yet they don't all develop the same physical traits on all continents do they? So you are finally admitting that cognitive traits can vary also? Or are you still afraid of that one. Get off your white/black thought process and think purple/purple. Make them the same color so your PC pussyness allows you to answer.

Do you receive disability for mental reasons?
I didn't mention black\white, but thanks for revealing your intentions.

Yes dipshit, my answer was a thorough and fitting rebuttal to your stupid argument, including the cognitive function caveat.

I don't expect you to grasp the concept of why the facts shatter your racism.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mention black\white, but thanks for revealing your intentions.

Yes dipshit, my answer was a thorough and fitting rebuttal to your stupid argument, including the cognitive function caveat.

I don't expect you to grasp the concept of why the facts shatter your racism.
So purple people on one continent can develop different physical traits than purple people on another continent, but will maintain the same cognitive traits... gotcha.


Well-Known Member
So purple people on one continent can develop different physical traits than purple people on another continent, but will maintain the same cognitive traits... gotcha.
Unless there were some piece of genetic code which existed in one population but not in another. Too bad that the indigenous inhabitants of every continent have the same capacity to produce every phenotypic specimen.


Well-Known Member
Unless there were some piece of genetic code which existed in one population but not in another. Too bad that the indigenous inhabitants of every continent have the same capacity to produce every phenotypic specimen.
So pygmies can become Sudanese tall if they just move? cool story bro. You said it would only take 1000 years.


Well-Known Member
It's you who assumed the black/white angle
we were having a discussion about civil rights, you blithering nincompoop.

I want to expose racists, you want to hide and protect them.
yeah, i think that's the reputation i have around here, as someone who wants to "hide and protect" racists. right.

Logic would dictate you are the racist one here.
yeah, i'm sure everyone who reads your comments about racist food spitters feels that way.

you are an irksome blatherskyte.


Well-Known Member
hey abandon,

is ginwilly accurate when he says i want o "hide and protect" racists? is that the type of behavior you have seen from me over the years?

whereas ginwilly wants to expose them, right? i mean, haven't you noticed how vocal ginwilly was against the white supremacists, bignbushy, and other racists we've had?

thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
hey abandon,

is ginwilly accurate when he says i want o "hide and protect" racists? is that the type of behavior you have seen from me over the years?

whereas ginwilly wants to expose them, right? i mean, haven't you noticed how vocal ginwilly was against the white supremacists, bignbushy, and other racists we've had?

thanks in advance!

I shouldn't have said you want to, that was a poor choice of words and I apologize.

What I should have said is you want policies that hide and protect racists but are too stupid and close-minded to understand why.

Again, apologies.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you do it on purpose fwiw, I just think you are not real bright.
it's a good thing that the thoughts of worthless people are worthless.

tell us more about how civil rights was bad and blacks just needed to deal with denial of service because otherwise a racist ginwilly might spit in their food.


Well-Known Member
hey abandon,

is ginwilly accurate when he says i want o "hide and protect" racists? is that the type of behavior you have seen from me over the years?

whereas ginwilly wants to expose them, right? i mean, haven't you noticed how vocal ginwilly was against the white supremacists, bignbushy, and other racists we've had?

thanks in advance!


You have been my closest anti racist ally by far.


Well-Known Member
it's a good thing that the thoughts of worthless people are worthless.

tell us more about how civil rights was bad and blacks just needed to deal with denial of service because otherwise a racist ginwilly might spit in their food.
You claim I'm worthless yet you joined a dating site to get to know me better, followed me to other forums, posted personal info about me here, claim to know every post I make and show obsessive behavior toward me. I don't believe you mean that, I think you are just hurting from the rejection.


Well-Known Member
You claim I'm worthless yet you joined a dating site to get to know me better, followed me to other forums, posted personal info about me here, claim to know every post I make and show obsessive behavior toward me. I don't believe you mean that, I think you are just hurting from the rejection.
you think i had to join a dating site to see your pathetic attempt at attracting a female? i just typed "ginwilly" into the google box.

by the way, GWN yelled at me for posting that info, and i only did it so you would get 4chan over here. still waiting for that promise of yours, cupcake.

maybe your wife rejected you and left you because you break so many promises. or maybe it was the limp dick and beer gut.


Well-Known Member
you think i had to join a dating site to see your pathetic attempt at attracting a female? i just typed "ginwilly" into the google box.

by the way, GWN yelled at me for posting that info, and i only did it so you would get 4chan over here. still waiting for that promise of yours, cupcake.

maybe your wife rejected you and left you because you break so many promises. or maybe it was the limp dick and beer gut.

You googled my name and then joined the sites you can find me on. Totally not a stalker thing.

I really don't want to ruin your life over an internet crush you have on me. I haven't given your name over there yet because you stopped. I really don't want to sink that low but you had me worried. I had never been stalked by a dude before. I had this lady back when I played Euchre online, but my girlfriend put a stop to her.