Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
Abandonconflict, what may I own?

Yeah, sounds retarded...

Also, I don't take advice from republican dipshits regarding anything, particularly biology.

wow, you going to take that angle? Want a link to the discussion you and RR were having where you kept avoiding the question?

LOL about not listening to me about biology. Prove me wrong then and name the species in animal kingdom without hierarchy, should be easy enough, since you know so much. Even the ant farm has a queen.
wow, you going to take that angle? Want a link to the discussion you and RR were having where you kept avoiding the question?

LOL about not listening to me about biology. Prove me wrong then and name the species in animal kingdom without hierarchy, should be easy enough, since you know so much. Even the ant farm has a queen.

So you think we ought to have a monarch?
Freedom with out equality is tyranny.
individual tyrannies, perhaps, but as a system? I think not. successful people will be the ones that see the merit of forming networks with the best elements, regardless of differences. merit will eventually become the driving energy in human interaction.
So you think we ought to have a monarch?

Is that what you got out of it? Or are you just avoiding the question.

Here, I'll ask it again. What genus of animal exists without hierarchy?

And no, i do not think we should have a monarch, i don't think i really needed to answer that, but I'll assume you really are that dense.

In fact, the only hierarchy I am in favor of is that I am king of my castle and you are king of yours. BTW, can I own my own castle? how bout the land it's on?
Notice how the people who think that segregation and freedom mean the same can't allow me to continue criticizing their views with out desperately trying to deflect attention away.

My internet is not fast enough to reply to 3 morons who can quote me a combined 13 times in 4 minutes.

So I will let your stupidity stand and continue criticism of ancaps.