God damn CATS!!!


Well-Known Member
SOO heres the latest! 8 of outa 12 of my sprouts are living, 4 were dug up by fucking cats! Thats not the worst of it! I planted 5 purple kush autos yesterday right? Around 1 am my dog is going BALLISTIC ! I go outside to find my freshly planted pots with dirt all around them! We have a colony of cats living in the barn in my backyard and other yards. Basically my neighborhood is a haven for cats. SO I look around the soil for any seed and I see nothing sooo I cannot confirm they actually dug the seed out but they sure removed quite a bit from the pots! Do you guys think IF infact the seed is still in the soil it will sprout? I wonder if them digging around in the soil caused the seed to be pushed deeper into the pot? WTF! Why in the hell would they dig in my pots? My guess is they are using them as liter boxes? I'm a huge animal lover and all...but COME ON !
That sucks dude. Nothing you can do really but hope and pray. Probably a gang of black cats. ( I threw in that last sentence as Uncle Buckfuck bait. )

LOL, I tried to dig a little off the top layer where I planted to see if I could see any sign of seed, however I did not :( But I sure shifted the shit out of the soil that was dumped looking for seed and saw none. SO I assume the seeds are still in the soil, however where lol? Hopefully they were not pushed down too far. Why in the hell would these cats use my pots as liter boxes? I think I may have to evict them from my barn. This is the first year they ever messed with my grow. However this is also the first year we had so many damn cats! Ugh.....
Lost in the woodwork. I did have a new seed or two I thought was lost when I let the water bucket hit the dirt to hard. So replanted and a few days later have 2 in one.
My cats know better by now. The first year I started growing I bought a super soaker. They don't get too close to my plants now lol. Also cats can get really sick from eating cannabis. Keep them away. I also sprinkled cayenne pepper all around my seedlings when they kept jumping on my tables and knocking them over. This is a little harsh though. Burns the hell out of their paws. I think lemon juice around the plants repels them as well. If all else fails, then hogwire is a good investment.
Had a bunch of racoons hit three separate spots, dug up every plant and tossed them aside, they were almost three months old.