super cropping during flowering?

Some strains don't react well to late supercropping but you can just tape the ones that done heal back in 2 weeks and tie them with some string to hold them up.

I remember doing it to my G-13 4 weeks into flower and it refused to fully heal, it just sat like that for 2 weeks but it kept growing regardless. It just looked like a limp dick.
Some strains don't react well to late supercropping but you can just tape the ones that done heal back in 2 weeks and tie them with some string to hold them up.

I remember doing it to my G-13 4 weeks into flower and it refused to fully heal, it just sat like that for 2 weeks but it kept growing regardless. It just looked like a limp dick.

Hahah love the description mate limp dick great words but yea super cropping is what I'm gunna be doing to my girl tomoz she's already 1 1/5 weeks into flower and I already lst it in veg so has nice small bottom branches growing out well and I thing it's time to give em a super cropping tomoz to she her explode with goodness in the next few weeks to come :)
super cropping is recommend over LST... It's just some strains do not like super cropping.. Also, go EASY super cropping as you want to break the fibers, not the stem. I pinch and roll a bit till the branch starts drooping. this is how I know I successfully did a super crop. And yes, super cropping is a old ass technique. I see some on this site but not a lot. Maybe one day someone will come in and drop many jewels? Just keep those fingers crossed!
So I have a habit of vegging a bit to long and inevitably need to bend plants over. Typically I break the stems to the point of breaking them and need to support them. They really dont seem to slow down much and most of the time it is either the same amount or slightly larger yield with bigger buds. I am not recommending this at all but I have actually started to do this with a few strains that seem to thrive, one being White Russian. She loves to be broken in half lol. Also the plants will be back up straight if I dont tie them down in three or four days. They are an amazing plant when it comes to survival!
Can you supercrop 3days before u go into flowering
you can super crop during flowering,i think it was aimed at that stage to stop vertical growth and just slow them down.
BUT,Who ever come up with the SUPER part of super cropping is a fool because i think of it has the same thing has bending a straw and trying to drinking through it,ya can still get the fluids but its far harder then it is with a straw that is not bent.I would much rather tye them down so they grow side wards i think its far more productive,with out any bend

I think sometimes it has to be done but i avoid it has much has possible
you can super crop during flowering,i think it was aimed at that stage to stop vertical growth and just slow them down.
BUT,Who ever come up with the SUPER part of super cropping is a fool because i think of it has the same thing has bending a straw and trying to drinking through it,ya can still get the fluids but its far harder then it is with a straw that is not bent.I would much rather tye them down so they grow side wards i think its far more productive,with out any bend

I think sometimes it has to be done but i avoid it has much has possible
well i well give her a week to recover
You can absolutely super-crop into flower, and like some others, I limit it to the first few weeks (which most plants will finish stretching by anyway). LST and Supercropping both yield good results when it comes to height management, and you will find that the only real difference in the results will be in the bend site when super-cropping. This can be a serious benefit if you do it right by causing the plant to rebuild with additional structure that equals more pathways for the nutrients to travel to the growing tips...but it also can cause you some problems up if you don't (like all things basically, :???:). Be very careful. In veg if you snap a top off, no biggie, just let the nodes below it grow out - just an unplanned topping. But in flower you really lose something, so take things super slow and use lots of support around the stem with your fingers as you bend and gently twist to make sure you do the right kind of damage (crushing the fibers and cell walls of the stem without making any tears or separations) and not the bad kind (significant stem damage that can cause fatal results to everything above the bend site). Also, really understand your plant. For instance I have a Sour Diesel plant that does not like to be super cropped at all. She is that hollow-stem chronic and has a tough time repairing the damage - I tried several times and had to do some serious first aid with tape and whatnot and it took days and days for her to even start showing some recovery signs. So I have to LST her to control height as she stretches because super cropping is stressful to her. But then I have an HSO Bubba Kush that you have to crank down on to even crush her stems when young and she fixes herself up in like hours it seems. Usually I try it out on a smaller, less significant branch (something I would probably cut off eventually after the stretch is done anyway) to see what the structure of the stem is and how the plant responds. Pick something mature enough to be a good representation, but not so big that you would be bummed loosing it.
[Qsupercrop my girl today can I put her in flowering tomorrowuudical, post: 10557157, member: 424750"]You can absolutely super-crop into flower, and like some others, I limit it to the first few weeks (which most plants will finish stretching by anyway). LST and Supercropping both yield good results when it comes to height management, and you will find that the only real difference in the results will be in the bend site when super-cropping. This can be a serious benefit if you do it right by causing the plant to rebuild with additional structure that equals more pathways for the nutrients to travel to the growing tips...but it also can cause you some problems up if you don't (like all things basically, :???:). Be very careful. In veg if you snap a top off, no biggie, just let the nodes below it grow out - just an unplanned topping. But in flower you really lose something, so take things super slow and use lots of support around the stem with your fingers as you bend and gently twist to make sure you do the right kind of damage (crushing the fibers and cell walls of the stem without making any tears or separations) and not the bad kind (significant stem damage that can cause fatal results to everything above the bend site). Also, really understand your plant. For instance I have a Sour Diesel plant that does not like to be super cropped at all. She is that hollow-stem chronic and has a tough time repairing the damage - I tried several times and had to do some serious first aid with tape and whatnot and it took days and days for her to even start showing some recovery signs. So I have to LST her to control height as she stretches because super cropping is stressful to her. But then I have an HSO Bubba Kush that you have to crank down on to even crush her stems when young and she fixes herself up in like hours it seems. Usually I try it out on a smaller, less significant branch (something I would probably cut off eventually after the stretch is done anyway) to see what the structure of the stem is and how the plant responds. Pick something mature enough to be a good representation, but not so big that you would be bummed loosing it.[/QUOTE]
I supercr
well i well give her a week to recover
i know a grower that has super cropped 3 times due to a miss hap with a timer he still hit 48 oz dry in a loft with not much height .
i would not advice it my self but sometimes shit happens.

I still think it is alot better to tye them down even if your not keen on scrogging tye them down to other pots owt really has long has you can get them growing side ways,i do this for first two week in flowering then just tye the stem to something in the roof to support buds later on saves messing around when they stink,so in the end they are supported from below and above
Well I supercrop them so I should tie them down now but check this out I supercrop them frist an then I put them in flowering the next day so can I still tie them down
Supercropped 5 weeks into flower. Sativas love it. It does not slow down growth. This was the biggest cola on the plant.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
nice fat coal bro so u saying i could put them into flowing even do i supercrop them a day ago
i usually supercrop either 1-2 weeks into flowering, no stress or shock period, just tons of bud sites.
this is my experience as well. if your plants are healthy bending.or snapping.wont slow them at all. My plants almost laugh at me when I bend them, the shoot.back up almost immediately. thats why i try to stake or tie down branches now, that way they stay where i want them instead of shooting back up in the same spot
i like to pinch the hell out of all my stems too, the straw analogy isnt.accurate, its the complete opposite-it creates highways instead of roads.
i like to pinch the hell out of all my stems too, the straw analogy isnt.accurate, its the complete opposite-it creates highways instead of roads.

I love to just crush my stems every few weeks to do just this. You don't have to bend or reduce height just as Squidbilly said. Just crush them and they will heal back up with more pathways for nutrients and water. Great input!
I pinch, just like I'm going to bend it but I don't. this creates 'knuckles' in the branch and my.stems look like they are on steriods, lol. It makes for stronger thicker branches that can really pack on the weight. it makes them like super highways insteqd of roqds. Pinching improved my yeilds by close to an oz a plant, so I pinch like a mad man. That being said, try to do.any pinching or bending before week 3-4. Once.u that point they wont recover the same way
Has anyone experienced the buds turning real spindly (sorry not sure of actual term) when super cropping? They grow lots of little leaves and buds are real airy. One of my WR's did this after breaking her. Still got a huge amount of these real airy buds but a pain to trim!!!