White guy killer syndrome, Elliot Rodger’s deadly, privileged rage

He even calls RobRoy racist because the non -aggression principles he tries to live by are too complicated for buck to understand, so ...... RACIST!!! If he only knew how ignant he looks.

no, it's more due to his opposition to civil rights, his frequent use of racial slurs towards the president, and his outright denial of known history.
no, it's more due to his opposition to civil rights, his frequent use of racial slurs towards the president, and his outright denial of known history.
Yeah lol, that's it.

You know, most of us have dropped the white vs black mentality and realized problems in this country have little to with color and everything to do with SES. Why don't you leave 1950 and join us?
Yeah lol, that's it.

You know, most of us have dropped the white vs black mentality and realized problems in this country have little to with color and everything to do with SES. Why don't you leave 1950 and join us?

so you're saying racism is over?
so you're saying racism is over?
Really? I'm saying it's not the issue you need to focus on if you really want to help. Racism will never be completely eradicated. Especially if we attempt to do so with legislation instead of education.

If we could make you understand that the crackwhore's kid is going to have it rougher than the doctor's kid, you will be on the road. If you realize that a person could be a doctor in this country depending only on family and friends, even if they are black, you will join this century. Being black isn't a recipe for failure despite what you think. Being terribly poor can be. Poor doesn't discriminate like you do.
Really? I'm saying it's not the issue you need to focus on if you really want to help. Racism will never be completely eradicated. Especially if we attempt to do so with legislation instead of education.

If we could make you understand that the crackwhore's kid is going to have it rougher than the doctor's kid, you will be on the road. If you realize that a person could be a doctor in this country depending only on family and friends, even if they are black, you will join this century. Being black isn't a recipe for failure despite what you think. Being terribly poor can be. Poor doesn't discriminate like you do.

you are literally among the last few people who should be lecturing about this.

besides, you miss the obvious connection between three centuries of persecution by race and SES.

but i guess it's no surprise that someone like you would be pleading to others to ignore the obvious racial components.

shed your ignorance.

you are literally among the last few people who should be lecturing about this.

besides, you miss the obvious connection between three centuries of persecution by race and SES.

but i guess it's no surprise that someone like you would be pleading to others to ignore the obvious racial components.

shed your ignorance.

We know buck, you always qualify your reasons why you think blacks need help other skin colors don't. We've heard it before.

A kid being raised in poverty with no father has the deck stacked against them. The fact that you and Obama only focus on blacks in this situation and ignore the brown, yellow, red or white kid in the same situation tells a lot about what you think of blacks. It's sad and damning .

Blacks still face blockades today from people like you telling them they can't do it without you. Thankfully, people like you and the racists of the past are seeing the light or dying off.

Someday we'll have laws that apply equally to all and have no basis in color. Maybe...
you think blacks need help other skin colors don't.

no, i acknowledge the history that blacks have endured that other races haven't.

why don't you move on to your next step in this tired old racist rhetoric of yours and belittle the struggle that blacks in america have faced.

The fact that you and Obama only focus on blacks in this situation and ignore the brown, yellow, red or white kid in the same situation tells a lot about what you think of blacks. It's sad and damning .

so are you saying obama is racist against black people now? is that your latest brilliant gem?


Blacks still face blockades today from people like you telling them they can't do it without you.

when have i ever said a black person "can't do it without" me, you lying sack of shit?

We know buck, you always qualify your reasons why you think blacks need help other skin colors don't. We've heard it before.

A kid being raised in poverty with no father has the deck stacked against them. The fact that you and Obama only focus on blacks in this situation and ignore the brown, yellow, red or white kid in the same situation tells a lot about what you think of blacks. It's sad and damning .

Blacks still face blockades today from people like you telling them they can't do it without you. Thankfully, people like you and the racists of the past are seeing the light or dying off.

Someday we'll have laws that apply equally to all and have no basis in color. Maybe...

My dad left me. My mom dropped me off on my grandparents doorstep who later belittled me for being a freak, forcing me to go to school where vicious kids picked on me. Now I have a wife, kids and make plenty of money writing. All while having Aspergers. So yeah.
no, i acknowledge the history that blacks have endured that other races haven't.

why don't you move on to your next step in this tired old racist rhetoric of yours and belittle the struggle that blacks in america have faced.

so are you saying obama is racist against black people now? is that your latest brilliant gem?


when have i ever said a black person "can't do it without" me, you lying sack of shit?
I acknowledge the history also. I even want to give slaves the property and servitude of slave owners.

What I refuse to agree with you about is that it's still 1950.

Obama commissioned a 200 million dollar study to find out what most of us already knew. That being born poor, without a father and dropping out of school is not a recipe for success. Color of skin isn't a reason.

I don't believe I've ever heard you say those words. You just imply it constantly. (You just got bucked)

Interesting tidbit. I'm posting from my phone and autocorrect leaves bucktard alone.
Obama commissioned a 200 million dollar study to find out what most of us already knew. That being born poor, without a father and dropping out of school is not a recipe for success. Color of skin isn't a reason.

are you honestly gonna sit there and deny that skin color plays no role in any of this?

please tell me you don't need me to post the adversities black face due to their skin color alone still. just tell me you're not this dumb and are just trolling me, otherwise you have descended to new racist, denialist lows.
are you honestly gonna sit there and deny that skin color plays no role in any of this?

please tell me you don't need me to post the adversities black face due to their skin color alone still. just tell me you're not this dumb and are just trolling me, otherwise you have descended to new racist, denialist lows.

Oh sure I admit skin color plays a role, not denying that at all, a small role that decreases with time. I'm just saying that SES trumps skin color all day every day for people other than you and that's where our focus should be. Unfortunately, tools like you want to make THE issue about skin color and ignoring the rainbow of skin colors that need help breaking the welfare cycle. Oh that's right, you think our war on poverty is working wonderfully and the failure is based on skin color. You are so not racist Buck.
Oh sure I admit skin color plays a role, not denying that at all, a small role that decreases with time. I'm just saying that SES trumps skin color all day every day for people other than you and that's where our focus should be. Unfortunately, tools like you want to make THE issue about skin color and ignoring the rainbow of skin colors that need help breaking the welfare cycle. Oh that's right, you think our war on poverty is working wonderfully and the failure is based on skin color. You are so not racist Buck.

so when is skin color playing just a small role?

is it when blacks have to send out twice as many resumes to get the same number of callbacks?

is it when blacks are 8 times more likely to be arrested for pott, despite similar usage rates as whites?

is it when blacks are more likely to be pulled over, searched, and arrested based solely on the color of their skin?

is it when they get more severe prison sentences for the exact same crime as a white person?

please let me know which, if any, of those scenarios that skin color is just playing a small role.

by the way, the war on poverty is wildly successful since it is currently keeping something like 15 millions people out of poverty and the poverty rate would double without it.

and also, whites had a 300 year head start in breaking the poverty cycle. so what's your excuse? are white people just lazy and incompetent despite the centuries worth of built in advantages?

i'm sure white people everywhere appreciate your advocacy and concern.
so when is skin color playing just a small role?

is it when blacks have to send out twice as many resumes to get the same number of callbacks?

is it when blacks are 8 times more likely to be arrested for pott, despite similar usage rates as whites?

is it when blacks are more likely to be pulled over, searched, and arrested based solely on the color of their skin?

is it when they get more severe prison sentences for the exact same crime as a white person?

please let me know which, if any, of those scenarios that skin color is just playing a small role.

by the way, the war on poverty is wildly successful since it is currently keeping something like 15 millions people out of poverty and the poverty rate would double without it.

and also, whites had a 300 year head start in breaking the poverty cycle. so what's your excuse? are white people just lazy and incompetent despite the centuries worth of built in advantages?

i'm sure white people everywhere appreciate your advocacy and concern.

What you say about blacks tribulations today with a skewed legal system is obvious to everyone so that is a role. When I agreed with this assertion before and helped your argument by posting about a study that showed even black judges are consistently harder on blacks you called me racist for it, remember that? Just a microcosm of who you are. Even when I agree with your stance, you try to call me racist for it.

Poverty is a cycle in this country. Blacks as a percentage fall into this cycle more because of yes, our history here and where they started compared to other races, not denying that either.

What I'm denying is that focusing on the skin color while ignoring the SES factor doesn't help. If we figure out how to combat the SES cycle, we help ALL people in poverty, not just blacks. That's something that seems foreign to you. Why do you think blacks are the only ones that need help?

LOL at our war on poverty being wildly successful and LOL at claiming to know how many would be in poverty if not for it. We were trending away from poverty for decades and flatlined as soon as our war started.

I'm not in the "it's because of lazy and incompetence" camp as the reason for the status, but if that's the argument you feel you can win, have at it. I'm in the camp that it's a cycle that people don't know how to break and so far our solution has been to throw money at it. I'd much rather see OJT and skills education.
Why do you think blacks are the only ones that need help?

is that really all you see in my posts?

it amazes me that you can make statements that spending a few more years in prison because of your skin color plays just a "small role" in things.

blacks are not the only ones that need help, but they are the most affected by our nation's history, which you try to minimize and revise at every possible turn.

again, whites had a 300 year head start on breaking the cycle of poverty and every advantage, institutional, societal, and otherwise, to do it. so what gives?

you expect everything to be just fine in the black community a mere 50 years after legally ending some of the worst injustices free men in this nation ever had to endure (note: you oppose legally ending those injustices), but 300+ years is not enough for whites, even with all the advantages?

maybe talk more about how blacks have "special rights" some more and see what kind of cringes you induce.
is that really all you see in my posts?

it amazes me that you can make statements that spending a few more years in prison because of your skin color plays just a "small role" in things.

blacks are not the only ones that need help, but they are the most affected by our nation's history, which you try to minimize and revise at every possible turn.

again, whites had a 300 year head start on breaking the cycle of poverty and every advantage, institutional, societal, and otherwise, to do it. so what gives?

you expect everything to be just fine in the black community a mere 50 years after legally ending some of the worst injustices free men in this nation ever had to endure (note: you oppose legally ending those injustices), but 300+ years is not enough for whites, even with all the advantages?

maybe talk more about how blacks have "special rights" some more and see what kind of cringes you induce.

You make up shit that you think I say while denying that you actually defended a bill in New Mexico or Arizona that was a special tax payer after school black only program because they needed it.That's why I think you are dishonest. Browns in the same situation may need not apply says Buck. That's why I think you are racist. You think that blacks would not be served in the south today because of your 1950 version of the south, that's why I think you are a bigot. The main problem with poverty is the cycle we've created, not skin color, and our "war" has been a giant failure, that's why I think you are stupid.

Clear enough?

Please answer if your claim that you know all of my posts was true or not, I need to know if I need to up my security or not. I don't even claim to know all of the posts I've made here.
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You make up shit that you think I say while denying that you actually defended a bill in New Mexico or Arizona that was a special tax payer after school black only program because they needed it. Browns in the same situation may need not apply says Buck. That's why I think you are racist. You think that blacks would not be served in the south today because of your 1950 version of the south, that's why I think you are a bigot. The main problem with poverty is the cycle we've created, not skin color, and our "war" has been a giant failure, that's why I think you are stupid.

Clear enough?

Please answer if your claim that you know all of my posts was true or not, I need to know if I need to up my security or not. I don't even claim to know all of the posts I've made here.

I think why Buck makes fun of my condition, he has a form of High Functioning Autism (HFA). Look at his face in those pics he's posted. Either that, or he's a psychopath. For his sake I hope it's just autism.
I think why Buck makes fun of my condition, he has a form of High Functioning Autism (HFA). Look at his face in those pics he's posted. Either that, or he's a psychopath. For his sake I hope it's just autism.

There is definitely a personality disorder, His obsession with me made me think OCD or BPD, but you may be right.
You make up shit that you think I say while denying that you actually defended a bill in New Mexico or Arizona that was a special tax payer after school black only program because they needed it.

the funny thing is that it is actually you who makes up shit that you think i say.

for example, take the thread you just mentioned. you actually claimed that i said whites are better than blacks, when all i did was mention america's history of white privilege and black subordination. witness:


That's why I think you are dishonest. Browns in the same situation may need not apply says Buck. That's why I think you are racist.

you think a lot of stupid things.

you think a few more years in prison due to skin color plays a "small role" in things.

You think that blacks would not be served in the south today because of your 1950 version of the south, that's why I think you are a bigot.

you and your white supremacist friend bignbushy have this historical revisionist take on things.

white only businesses were doing just fine when civil rights (which you oppose) was passed. slavery was at an all time high when the civil war (which was indeed all about slavery) was waged.

the south wasn't gonna change on its own anytime soon. your human rights abuses needed to be ended by force. mainly because southern culture was based off a system of hierarchy and subordination adopted from other cultures.

The main problem with poverty is the cycle we've created, not skin color, and our "war" has been a giant failure, that's why I think you are stupid.

feel free to think i am stupid, but facts are facts.

if you reduced SS to pre-war on poverty levels and ended all the other programs that came with it, the poverty rate would double. this is simple math based on incomes.

Clear enough?

clarity is not your problem. stupidity and racism is.

Please answer if your claim that you know all of my posts was true or not, I need to know if I need to up my security or not. I don't even claim to know all of the posts I've made here.

are you unaware that there is a search function here?

i just enter a kewword and your name and rollitup shows me everything you have posted about it.