What are your political deal breakers?

Free the bunny!!!

I was thinking about you in that AS thread. I had no idea the prejudice you face. That was eye opening.

Everyone is fucking two face bitches. They lie to you and think you're pretending that you sometimes just don't get it.

"You're over twice as smart as me, so don't act so fucking dumb."

"If I give you a quarter, can you STFU!"

"I'm busy right now, come back tomorrow."

"Anyway," looking at their friend, "can you tell him to go away?"
Everyone is fucking two face bitches. They lie to you and think you're pretending that you sometimes just don't get it.

"You're over twice as smart as me, so don't act so fucking dumb."

"If I give you a quarter, can you STFU!"

"I'm busy right now, come back tomorrow."

"Anyway," looking at their friend, "can you tell him to go away?"

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They were second class citizens everywhere at the time, not just the south. Much worse in the south, but even some of the sympathizers were like the bucks of today thinking blacks needed special laws.

so you're saying that blacks get "special rights" now?
I'm not trying to hurt you. you made a very un-empathetic remark. I was retorting to dude's comments about how great the blacks had it. they didn't. I'm going to speak for them. that's how I do.
I got a broke back, Hep C, my ear is deaf except for Yoko Ono screaming in it, and I lose my balance and fucking fall. I'm on 75 mg of meclizine a day, and people think I'm a doper. I know about problems, and they don't make me say, "fuck everyone else."
I'm not trying to hurt you. you made a very un-empathetic remark. I was retorting to dude's comments about how great the blacks had it. they didn't. I'm going to speak for them. that's how I do.
I got a broke back, Hep C, my ear is deaf except for Yoko Ono screaming in it, and I lose my balance and fucking fall. I'm on 75 mg of meclizine a day, and people think I'm a doper. I know about problems, and they don't make me say, "fuck everyone else."

Did people call you a freak and had zero friends? Where even your mom and dad gave you up? My grandparents used to accuse me of being gay. They disowned me when I got a wife, because they couldn't use the excuse, "see that's why you'll never get any pussy." I seriously don't give one single fuck. Not one. People think I'm high all the time because I'm happy with my life. When someone says something mean, I just smile and walk away. Lots of the time they follow me. There was a time when I would say, "If you don't go away now, you'll regret you ever lived. FUCK OFF!" That's how I beat the shit out of a Marine one time. After I said he was a pussy with PTSD, he punched me. He punched me as hard as he could at the time, but I was so pumped on a sensory overload, I felt nothing. So I kicked his ass and my wife had to pull me off. Not even the cops were called and I went home with the wife.

That was before I found enlightenment with Buddhism. Which taught me NTs are just losers and not worth my time. You know how much that sucker punch hurt after all the adrenaline wore off a few hours later?
blacks were treated like animals. a horrible legacy. even a freedman was a second-class citizen in the antebellum South. don't delude yourself.
I'm not pointing to it and saying it's a goal.

I'm pointing to it and saying it got worse before it got better.

Some people can't comprehend that I suppose.

Removing them as slaves caused animosity.

Animosity caused jim crow. Caused lynchings. Note that the kkk wasn't founded until after the civil war.
I'm not pointing to it and saying it's a goal.

I'm pointing to it and saying it got worse before it got better.

Some people can't comprehend that I suppose.

Removing them as slaves caused animosity.

Animosity caused jim crow. Caused lynchings. Note that the kkk wasn't founded until after the civil war.

freeing men.........caused "animosity?" too fucking bad.