Stuck in an ice cold tundra. It has not all been happy lol. How are you?! I tried to get on my old account but I forgot what email I used. And the password I had for it.
Stuck in an ice cold tundra. It has not all been happy lol. How are you?! I tried to get on my old account but I forgot what email I used. And the password I had for it.
haha im good :p

why are you in an ice cold tundra?
I thought it would be a good idea when I went lol. It was something I could have spent more time thinking through. The site has changed a bit...and I have no like button...how sad...
I thought it would be a good idea when I went lol. It was something I could have spent more time thinking through. The site has changed a bit...and I have no like button...how sad...
you dont have likes cause you need to be an established member we had to change the entire website the whole site wasnt working, youll get your likes soon sweetie.
are you in the upper part of canada or something like nunavut LOL
Well I went to see Alaska. But now i'm in the blazing Midwest heat being tormented by flies. I'm heading back to Cali next week though.
how was it? ..cold and snowy? thats how i expect HAAHHA
did you have fun? was it for a boy orjust for yourself
Was it for a boy lol. No I just went. Got a wild hair up my ass and all. But then it got frozen up there along with every other hair I had on my body and that wild hair eventually shattered to pieces and I decided to go back to heat. I didn't want to transfer the kids in the middle of a school year so I had to stay. Even after every piece of my body froze. The kids thought it was great. Since they didn't inherit my inability to tan they got to be the "dark, tan kids." That is, in comparison to the people we lived near. Who all looked like me. Now I guess I know where I probably come from lol.