Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
Not mad, just feel like insulting what I feel is blatant non mentally ill retardation.

That last post of yours was great. Accusing me of derailing the thread when the post of mine you took issue with was a post saying they shouldn't be made fun of.

It was retarded.

Meanwhile, other people were saying it and you took no issue.

Grow a back bone or be consistent.

Give the ass burgers guns and bullets!!

maybe i misinterpreted your intentions. i felt you were being a dick and trolling for effect. if you weren't, i'm sorry. i've got to deal with assholes daily, and sometimes i'm quick to judge. i don't think that people with aspergers should be banned from owning guns.

i offer truce. would you accept?

and btw, there's nothing wrong with my backbone. i'm getting too old to fight though.
maybe i misinterpreted your intentions. i felt you were being a dick and trolling for effect. if you weren't, i'm sorry. i've got to deal with assholes daily, and sometimes i'm quick to judge. i don't think that people with aspergers should be banned from owning guns.

i offer truce. would you accept?

and btw, there's nothing wrong with my backbone. i'm getting too old to fight though.
I think I made two or three posts prior to taking up for the burgers.

Specifically one. There are a handful of people here that think it is ok to make fun of the mentally ill for being mentally ill.

So yeah.

You got it wrong.
or use wet wipes...
most of those have alcohol on em, it'll give you the "Ring of Fire"

if you gotta, then use baby wipes, but your pooper will smell like you been eating babies.

buck, why five starred?

aspies and autistic persons have a HUGE variance of extremity. according to the definition, i could be considered and aspie. i own guns, hunt, live a productive life... i still prefer to be alone, away from people, and have quirks and social inadequacies...

but i have also been laid, and haven't knifed roomies or ran over innocents.

should we bar people with a social impairment from owning guns just because some lunatics act loony? i say no.
its five starred because of the amount of skin he abraded off his petzela while fapping to it.