So if AIDS is not a gay disease....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Very possible. Seems like when these women stop prostituting they develop AIDS though. But as long as they keep on prostituting they don't seem to get it. So weird and cool.
perhaps AIDS is a symptom of Insufficient Capitalism...

once they stop sellin pussy, like good capitalists, and start "Sharing" it free of charge, BAM! they get the GRIDS.


Well-Known Member
there's so many things wrong with this statement...
That's kind a prison thing down south, especially among the blacks.

It is a way to reject gay and still bang butts.

"You either have one, or you are one." I was told that when I was in the system, but I went around with a Book of Tibetan Buddhism.

They called me the Bible Buddhist and left me alone.


Well-Known Member
That's kind a prison thing down south, especially among the blacks.

It is a way to reject gay and still bang butts.

"You either have one, or you are one." I was told that when I was in the system, but I went around with a Book of Tibetan Buddhism.

They called me the Bible Buddhist and left me alone.
You can fuck a dude in the ass, but if you're closing your eyes, and pretending you got Jessica Alba on the other end, it's not gay.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying "aids cures fags" but in reality, isn't the major demographic that gets aids gay men?

I know all humans can get it.

But it spreads like wildfire in the gay community when it breaks out.

Meanwhile not many straight people catch it from sex.

It's blood to blood transfer. Anal sex is more bloody. Not much to discuss really.


Well-Known Member
Gay is a self description and it is also a societal characterization.

So, if someone thinks Alba's puss would feel like some guy's ass, that seems very gay to me.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

However, I am the Breast Man, I am the Twat Lick, co co ca joo.

Ever hear the joke about the Hindlick Maneuver?


Well-Known Member
It's blood to blood transfer. Anal sex is more bloody. Not much to discuss really.
Blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk all contain the hiv virus if someone has hiv.

These fluids need to touch a mucus membrane to be transferred.

Having some guy cum in your eye will give you the disease as sure as having him cum in your puss or ass.

The most dense concentration is blood and semen.

That's why dude on dude ass pounding is the most efficient means of transmission.