New Member
Hey guys I'm new here and I need some help, ok so I know NOTHING about growing and I got a seed off a freind and put it in a glass of water till the root came out and then put it in a pot that I keep in my room with a LED light it's about 2.5 months old now and it's not very big but it's growing and it has lost all its leaves except the top ones everytime it grows and new leaf the ones below turn yellow and fall off I'm not sure what's wrong here I've started to turn the light to 12/12 becaus I thought the light may be burning the leafs but it hasn't made a difference. The plant doesn't look like its dying tho it's jst very slow and a few days ago I notices some "white" little hairs about a few mills long comming out of the top of the plant I have a few pictures here so u guys can hopefully understand what's going on. Thanks