So if AIDS is not a gay disease....

I can smell the implication of child porn.

Detail time.

You're all saying that because of my story about a room mate and his child porn.

He and I were engaged in illegal activity for profit, unrelated to his pornography.

So, no, I didn't turn in my partner.
A paragon of virtue.
It seems we have misjudged this fine young specimen of virility, humility and virtue.
I weep in sheer awe of your awesomeness.
naww you're a sick fuck pedo faggot that just made a post saying that age is only a made up number. seriously you are so much fucking proof that pedos and faggots go hand in hand. it's people like you that made it it so that straight whites ended up with aids in our circles cuz you faggot ass was too doped out not to suck every dick that came with a little money or a dirty ass spoon.
Age isn't a number, age of consent is a number.

Does something magical happen in your brain after you go to sleep on the eve of your 18th birthday?
just suck a sick dick and die faggot. naw the law is in place so fucking degenerate junkie faggots such as yourself don't fuck up the heads of children. It's a very easy concept to understand. You are a so fucking low on the social heirarchy you have given up trying at life so you have decided that sucking dick for dope or that fucking kids is ok. I seriously will western union you some money to buy an eightball of boy if you promise to use it all in half an hour.
Its gay in the sense that its another dude you're fucking, its not gay in the sense that you're not being fucked by a dude.

"it's murder in the sense that it's another person you're killing, it's not murder in the sense that you're not being murdered by a person"
Nice try.
There's a whole picture that emerges. Nobody cares about your sexuality. At least I don't. The paedophilia postings of the last 2 days are noteworthy.
But hey, you're just a normal guy with stuff on his mind right?
Or you like to shock and crave attention.
If you weren't repulsing people would anyone notice or are?

Who cares about your worm-like judgments? You are a worm-like homophobe who thinks they can lecture on Normal. That's a joke.