So if AIDS is not a gay disease....

so you have had a cock in you ass..just not lately. Why do you think you are not gay.
Although I just said I'm not gay, I would clarify that by saying I don't know that I am gay.

Sometimes you just want a hole to cum in.

Out and about, dudes don't catch my eye.

I've had long talks with gay men about it. I'm not attracted to men, I'm willing to engage in random acts of sex with men, but not doing any gay stuff in the process.
Although I just said I'm not gay, I would clarify that by saying I don't know that I am gay.

Sometimes you just want a hole to cum in.

Out and about, dudes don't catch my eye.

I've had long talks with gay men about it. I'm not attracted to men, I'm willing to engage in random acts of sex with men, but not doing any gay stuff in the process.
If you had the choice between a man's ass or a females pussy who would you chose.
Although I just said I'm not gay, I would clarify that by saying I don't know that I am gay.

Sometimes you just want a hole to cum in.

Out and about, dudes don't catch my eye.

I've had long talks with gay men about it. I'm not attracted to men, I'm willing to engage in random acts of sex with men, but not doing any gay stuff in the process.

when you masturbate to internet porn, what gets you to cum?
when you masturbate to internet porn, what gets you to cum?
Usually I look for armature porn on where some married couple is in a hotel room and they have a black dude fucking his wife.

I like to time my ejaculate to the part where the black bull slowly pulls his cock out of the white wife's snatch and the gush of cum floods out.

It's pretty cool if you get to see the husband suck it out.
Ask your next shrink.
Print off your postings from the last 2 days.
Examine the recurring themes.
Something is on your mind and it's not hot-bitch posters, budweiser and nascar. Seems to be pedophilia, bbc, aids and such.
Did you forget to bag it? Getting erections in all the wrong places?
Just sayin', as they say.

Dude, just fuck him and get it over with. Jesus Christ.
Usually I look for armature porn on where some married couple is in a hotel room and they have a black dude fucking his wife.

I like to time my ejaculate to the part where the black bull slowly pulls his cock out of the white wife's snatch and the gush of cum floods out.

It's pretty cool if you get to see the husband suck it out.

you sure about that?
It's an interesting phenomenon to watch someone free associate on the internet.
Guess it beats paying a psychiatrist.
bnb may be onto something here.
It's either that or pregnant women, midgets.

I started watching hard core porn at an early age, so it takes extreme visual stimulus to stimulate me visually.
Did you breastfeed?
Ever start a fire? torture animals?
Feel ignored as a chile?
Resent your father? Not have one?