Give Blood....

Here in Cali they have machines like video games where you can use points to redeem stuff. No joke.
Summer is here...
Give Blood Feel better.... about yourself.... and mankind....

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Choose Your Day to Give Hope.

Summer is almost here, the season we've all been waiting for! Did you know there are 100 days between Memorial Day andLabor Day? That's 100 chances to enjoy a ball game or a barbecue...or to give hope.

Join us as we count down the 100 daily chances this summer to help save lives. Starting today, visit redcrossblood.orgoften to find inspirational stories of donors and recipients, giveaways and more!

Memorial Day is right around the corner, and so is our first giveaway! Come to donate between May 24 and May 26 to receive a Red Cross cooling towel, while supplies last.*

You'll also find some great giveaways on our website next week, including:

May 28 is International Hamburger Day! We're celebrating with 100 free hamburgers, enter for your chance to win one!

Summer is the season for lounging. Let us help you relax;enter for your chance to win one of 100 Red Cross beach towels on May 29.

Whatever your summer plans are, the American Red Cross would like to be part of them! Choose your day and make your appointment to donate blood. Then share your donation experience with others on social media using #ChooseYourDay!

*Offer applicable to presenting donors May 24 – May 26, 2014, while supplies last.


Schedule Your Appointment
If you recently made a blood donation, or if you have already scheduled an appointment to donate blood, please accept our thanks on behalf of the patients whose lives you may have touched. If you have been told previously by the American Red Cross or another blood center that you should never donate blood, please disregard this message.

Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), meet weight and height requirements (110 pounds or more, depending on their height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate.

Blood drive locations and hours are subject to change. Visit or call1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for additional details.

I work in an ER and I'm O- blood type. I donate every chance I get.

I see how much blood we use in our Level 1 Trauma Center and I realize its importance, especially a universal blood type like mine.

We see people all the time who were minding their own business and suddenly were involved in a traumatic accident and are losing lots of blood and need infusions STAT.

please donate if you can
I'm O+ but peeps won't take my blood cause I'm tattooed and pierced and shit.
I was told to wait six months after my last tattoo before I could give again, no problems after that. When I did have piercings they never saw them.

Sand, I saw a guy up my way driving a blue convertible with a visor and some guy ferrari type hair. I almost asked "do you, RIU?" Couldn't get a good look at your/his face though!

Edit: The Red Cross used to give out cards that stated you were an active hero after you donated so many times. It gave my name, type (A+) and the obvious hero tagline....obviously, because I'm Kinetic.
Piercings... Tats... yes the ARC makes you wait after new Tats, or piercings [6 weeks I think]...or if you share a needle... of course they do...
Public safety.... no big deal... Tats are welcome... just not new ones....

Last time I went.... I had a basal cell carcinoma removed and biopsied... 4 weeks...before... from my hand...
They would not let me give... no big deal... I'll give next week down the street on June 6th...

Humanity is helped when you give...
Giving also helps yourself...

I saw a guy up my way driving a blue convertible with a visor and some guy ferrari type hair. I almost asked "do you, RIU?"

It was not me... ha... I went to a car show Saturday at the Chenango County fair grounds...Just went to hang out and check out all the Kewl street rods... etc... For some reason... I really like checking the "Rat Rods" .... running driving hot rods from junk, and leftovers...

Weird... I polished up the Rail.... cleaned the A-arms... and damn.... they gave me a trophy for best in class....hahaaaa
Yes... they gave a lot of trophies out...
Is it true that places in america pay when you give blood?

The American Red Cross does not pay....
There are some blood banks that need your blood, and will pay....
There was a fellow that worked for me, that was 'semi' homeless and gave to get money when he was down and out...
I think he got $20 bucks or something...
I haven't donated in a while but at one point I donated quite frequently .
I left quite a bit in the floor of a dive where unknowingly I managed to piss off some ole redneck boy ( I didn't know it was his sister) who decided to slice me with his hawkbill knife !!
I worked somewhere that would have these blood drives about 3 times a year and I donated every time they came over a 7 year period......I think donating is a good thing no matter what
blood ,time,money anything you feel comfortable giving..........
Donate .... Yesterday, again... why yes I did...
As I was answering the pre questions, from the ARC worker...
She said: "74% of the general public is eligible to give....
Only 4% actually give...."

If you don't give... you have a lot of company...
If you do give

Give and save a life...
and you old guys over 40...
It could save your life....
Is it true that places in america pay when you give blood?

Their are places that do buy blood plasma , but they dont pay well , like 60 -120 a stick and you can only do it something like 3x a year , Look it up most major citys have locations , NYC has at least a dozen

I would love to give blood, but im very protective of my personal info.
I'm O+ but peeps won't take my blood cause I'm tattooed and pierced and shit.
Like Kinetic said:
You only need to wait 6 months after a new Tat or Pierce....

Giving Blood helps so many... and yes it does help yourself...

I gave a pint 3 days ago...
My body has between 12-13.5 pints... [6'2" 220+ lbs] You will have more or less around 10-13.5 pints...
When your body replaces the blood given....
It replaces it with NEW young fresh thin blood...
So you improve the age and quality of your blood....
If you are over 40... Men, give blood and get a free health check....
First they prick your finger to check for iron level [You want Iron under 15.5]
High Iron with High Cholesterol causes plaque in the arteries...
Plaque leads to heart attack and stroke....

You also get your Blood Pressure check, again, too high blood pressure leads to heart attack and stroke....
when i give blood they throw it away and then call me to tell me i'm dying. this is after i explain beforehand that i've had immunizations to hep a and b...

i suppose i could do it for my health...
why is it only for men to give blood?
you should include the women on the board as well:p
Well Sunni it's like this, if you have been reading along....

Men from the age 40-60 have a twice the chance of getting a heart attack then women...
If men gives blood, according to a 1998 Finnish study, MEN will lower their chance of getting a heart attack by 88% !

Women, loose [as you know] blood every month... their IRON levels are much lower than mens...
You NEVER hear a healthy man having anemia ... Women get anemic...women lower their iron levels naturally...
When MEN give blood, the IRON levels lower because of the given blood...

If you have high cholesterol with out high iron, you are fine....
If you have high Iron and high cholesterol, heart attack/stroke is your future...
It's the Iron along with the cholesterol that turns the cholesterol to plaque....
That is the issue....Give blood, lesson your chance of heart attack and stroke... it's that simple...

This works best in men... whom do not loose blood monthly... women over the age of 55 should also give blood to lesson the chance of the high iron in the blood causing the arteries to turn hard with plaque...

Men also eat more MEAT than women [men eat more, because we are larger] IRON, enriched foods, meat even white bread has enriched Iron... added iron, which raises the level of iron in your blood will eventually kill you...

Since EVERYONE should give blood... and only about 4% of those eligible give... I wonder what the heck...
Maybe, as a MAN.... I can get other men to give, if they think there is some gain [self gain] to giving blood...
There is so much gain to one's self when you give blood I can not even explain...
Besides, the euphoric pleasure of thinking I might save a life... I am getting myself healthier....I want all men to experience th joy of giving...
Men can feel better than ever... and lesson their chance of getting a heart attack if they give blood... it is that simple...
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