Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

The question remains to you because you refuse to accept the answer; enough to warrant doing something
no, the question remains because despite their recent backpedalling, the IPCC continues to base their "How Much" assertions on guesswork and deliberately falsified data.

To prove anthropogenic climate change is a politicized hoax, he cites the founding member of the John Birch society..
robert welch (the founding member of the john birch society) DIED in 1958, long before the global warming "crisis" was ever dreamed up.
i cited a journalist who stumbled onto the real data, and was threatened with lolsuits if he revealed it. i cited NOTHING from welch, so that would be a LIE.

Guys, you can't make this shit up.. LOL!
and yet you did make that shit up...

Yes. You deny "how much". You can ask a million times and you'll receive the same answer to deny. You refuse to admit "how much"
a million wrong answers based on a political agenda and smearing those scientists who offer a different opinion is still the WRONG answer.

Well, you're not too smart, so that doesn't really surprise me, but that's not what he meant, ask him yourself..
smart enough to make you look like a fool, so what does that say about you?
Fuck you, Kynes. Your a lying, delusional, ranting asshole. You distort the truth about everything because you can barely read.. You don't even know famous historians works in an area of history and make idiot and absurd claims that I debunked in 20 minutes.
Go get your GED. STFD AND stfu, the adults are talking.
so, you divert from the question at hand AGAIN,
the international trade union confederation IS a marxist organization, i proved it, and your constant attempts to change that fact are pathetic

and on to your latest canard:

"famous historians" have determined that the population of the levant was Less Than One Million in the 1920's when the british mandatory authority did it's census and land surveys

in the 1920's while jewish immigration was tightly controlled, arab migration was uncontrolled, and yes, a shitload of squatters rushed in to claim "ancestral land rights" to land owned by the ottoman caliphate, and later by the british crown, in the hopes of tricking the jews into buying land they were promised by the british.

there was a huge influx of arabs from all over the moslem world, even the king of jordan (a part of historical israel that churchil gave to the husseins as a consolation prize, despite the balfour declaration) noted that fact,

in order for your silly UN-SOURCED, ZERO CITATION narrative to work, everybody has to be lying, the hope-simpson commission, the peel commission, the king of jordan, the ottoman records keepers, and even the pallies themselves:

"Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called al-Masri, whose
roots are Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from
Dumietta, from the north, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians;
we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you [in mainland Egypt].
Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are
Saudis." ~Fathi Hammad Hamas Minister for the Interior 2012

hey, you can read more here:

i guess that one guy Finkelstein doesnt have a lock on the "historical consensus"

unless of course Finklestien is 97% of all historians...
By facts, I think he means the data gathered via satellite and various other instruments scattered around the world. Unless you're saying the satellites are instruments are wrong, how are the numbers exaggerated?

2x2=4 regardless of how much of a cunt you think 4 is.
the cunts who collected the data cherry picked what they wanted for their agenda, discarded anything that didnt "Hide The Decline", fabricated insanely skewed computer models, sold the political class a bill of goods, got the press all singing in harmony, and unleashed a hail of brickbats upon any who dared question their conclusions.

2x2 may always = 4, but if you have to eliminate 3, 17, 9, 42, and 6 from the equation, and discredit 5, 7 and 8 to make the math work, your conclusions will always be wrong, even if the story sells well.
Your ignorance is truly breath-taking. You babble but know none of the historians work who have clearly defined this area.
Yes. I'll have fries with that.
and who are these "historians" whose work "clearly defined this area"?

you have provided no links, no citations, NOTHING to support your claims, except some vague assertions, and vigorous name-dropping about this (presumably) brilliant, heroic, wealthy, successful, super handsome genius named Finklestein, whose name you doodle in your journal, surrounded by hearts, as you breathlessly dream your schoolgirl dreams.
and who are these "historians" whose work "clearly defined this area"?
I've referenced Finkelstein and Morris. The area is the 'influx' theory of Palestinians. There are others as well who have examined the scholarship. It's now well accepted that Peters created an academic hoax and Dershowitz tried to perpetuate it and both were proven to be frauds.
The fact that you have revealed complete ignorance of this is very revealing. As in: you don't read, you don't stay informed, you rely on rhetoric and polemics as opposed to academics.
Good luck with that.

Thanks, I'll have fries with that.
did kynes completely miss my post in which i trotted out roy spencer (LOL) and his list of achievements in the field of exxon-mobil funded, political front groups?

did kynes just happen to miss that whole post in which i listed roy spencer's (LOL) impressive qualifications when it comes to deluding himself into creationism over evolution, and the fact that he is beholden to an evangelical pledge on AGW?

did he, without addressing that post, then turn around and point fingers at the AGW side, accusing them of PLAYING POLITICS and treating AGW AS RELIGION?

I've referenced Finkelstein and Morris. The area is the 'influx' theory of Palestinians. There are others as well who have examined the scholarship. It's now well accepted that Peters created an academic hoax and Dershowitz tried to perpetuate it and both were proven to be frauds.
The fact that you have revealed complete ignorance of this is very revealing. As in: you don't read, you don't stay informed, you rely on rhetoric and polemics as opposed to academics.
Good luck with that.

Thanks, I'll have fries with that.
source? or should i visit wikipedia?
the cunts who collected the data cherry picked what they wanted for their agenda, discarded anything that didnt "Hide The Decline", fabricated insanely skewed computer models, sold the political class a bill of goods, got the press all singing in harmony, and unleashed a hail of brickbats upon any who dared question their conclusions.

2x2 may always = 4, but if you have to eliminate 3, 17, 9, 42, and 6 from the equation, and discredit 5, 7 and 8 to make the math work, your conclusions will always be wrong, even if the story sells well.
How does eliminating 3,17, 9, 42 and 6 from the equation, etc., etc., have any effect on 2x2=4? It still equals 4 and will always equal 4.
the cunts who collected the data cherry picked what they wanted for their agenda, discarded anything that didnt "Hide The Decline", fabricated insanely skewed computer models, sold the political class a bill of goods, got the press all singing in harmony, and unleashed a hail of brickbats upon any who dared question their conclusions.

2x2 may always = 4, but if you have to eliminate 3, 17, 9, 42, and 6 from the equation, and discredit 5, 7 and 8 to make the math work, your conclusions will always be wrong, even if the story sells well.

how many debunked lies can you tell in one day?


i didn;t have time to make screenshots of ALL * INVESTIGATIONS that cleared them of any and all wrong doing, but you shoul[d get the point.
no, the question remains because despite their recent backpedalling, the IPCC continues to base their "How Much" assertions on guesswork and deliberately falsified data.


robert welch (the founding member of the john birch society) DIED in 1958

you really can't help yourself, can you?

roy spencer and now the joun birch society?

i bet you still have the unmitigated gall to call politics on our side.

a million wrong answers based on a political agenda and smearing those scientists who offer a different opinion is still the WRONG answer.

and there it is, shamelessly and in bare naked hypocrisy calls POLITICS! on the AGW side. meanwhile, over in royspencerville...

He is on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute,[7] and on the board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.[8]

The George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) is an American politically conservativethink tank

the institute has, in order to resist and delay regulation, lobbied politically to create a false public perception of scientific uncertainty over the negative effects of second-hand smoke, the carcinogenic nature of tobacco smoking, the existence of acid rain, and on the evidence between CFCs and ozone depletion.[2]

In 1998 Jeffrey Salmon, then executive director of GMI, helped develop the American Petroleum Institute's strategy of stressing the uncertainty of climate science.[16]

William O'Keefe, the Institute's current CEO, was previously Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the American Petroleum Institute, and has also been on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Energy Association and Chairman of the Global Climate Coalition,[20] a business-led anti-climate change action group active between 1989 and 2002.

From 1998-2008, the institute received a total of $715,000 in funding from Exxon-Mobil.[25]

Between 1985 and 2001, the institute received $5.5m in funding from five foundations, including the Earhart Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation and Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.[21]

The Earhart Foundation is an American private charitable foundation that funds research and scholarship. It was founded in 1929 by oil executive Harry Boyd Earhart.

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is an American conservativefoundation with about half a billion US dollars in assets.

These are among the grants awarded to organizations:

as you can see, for all the bullshit kkkynes loves to spew, the politicization is coming from the scientists that he supports.
How does eliminating 3,17, 9, 42 and 6 from the equation, etc., etc., have any effect on 2x2=4? It still equals 4 and will always equal 4.
if those numbers are in there, but you only extract a pair of twos, then multiply, you will get 4, but it will not represent the facts.

thats what the IPCC and it's "science" working group have done repeatedly, and it's what eco-loons continue to do, even long after their bullshit has been debunked.

Example: today's google doodle celebrates Rachel "Silent Spring" Carson, despite her entire claim to fame being, she made up a bunch of lies, packaged them as science, and sold a shitload of books to muttonheads.
if those numbers are in there, but you only extract a pair of twos, then multiply, you will get 4, but it will not represent the facts.

thats what the IPCC and it's "science" working group have done repeatedly, and it's what eco-loons continue to do, even long after their bullshit has been debunked.

Example: today's google doodle celebrates Rachel "Silent Spring" Carson, despite her entire claim to fame being, she made up a bunch of lies, packaged them as science, and sold a shitload of books to muttonheads.

can you tell us about some of rachel carson's works on AGW?

or do you just desperately need a distraction at this point as you continue to ignore every point i bring up about your "well respected scientists" who are simply paid shills for political and monied interests, and beholden to evangelical pledges and creationism beliefs?
cat got your tongue, kynes?

or did your nephew need the computer back and momma needed someone to scrub her back in the tub?
how many debunked lies can you tell in one day?


i didn;t have time to make screenshots of ALL * INVESTIGATIONS that cleared them of any and all wrong doing, but you shoul[d get the point.

Wow, Buck actually thinks that so called "exoneration" by Penn State means anything at all.

Desperation and foolishness for all to see.
Penn State University actually "exonerated" Jerry Sandusky before the the truth finally came out.
Buck should have known better than to cite Penn State's credibility, but alas, he obviously does not have the foggiest clue!
Quite amusing.
Wow, Buck actually thinks that so called "exoneration" by Penn State means anything at all.

Desperation and foolishness for all to see.
Penn State University actually "exonerated" Jerry Sandusky before the the truth finally came out.
Buck should have known better than to cite Penn State's credibility, but alas, he obviously does not have the foggiest clue!
Quite amusing.

now what about the other 7 investigations that all came to the same conclusion of no wrongdoing at all?

don't you have an article from the "obama murders his gay lovers" people to address that?

maybe a prediction to throw in there?
There have been biased puff pieces, where the fox checks the hen house, that said no problem.

But, this is an election law issue now.

Hey if all investigations are equal to you, then what is wrong with one more?