
Hi everyone,

This is my first post and it seems to be a hard subject for myself. I'm looking into helping a medical patient with lung cancer threw a CBD treatment. My research seems to have come to a stop on the subject. It seems most posts I read tend to lean on the THC and this patient is a recovering alcoholic so I have decided to try and stay away from the high THC levels. I got my hands on a strain from seed called " shark shock " from the CBD CREW. This is a 1-1 ratio of THC and CBD and peaks around 7% as I read. I feel this will be a good trade off since I can't find a true seed source yet for extreme CBD levels with low to zero THC levels.

So back to the matter at hand. I'm looking for the best way's to treat her on a daily basis for her condition. She has gone threw a lot and her body can't handle chemo anymore so this is her golden ticket to a safe treatment and healthy life again. As I read and read, I'm just not sure what the best treatment is for her? I tend to think RSO would be a good way to go, but how much per dose and what is the amount she needs to take per day and for how long in order to reach full effect?

I also think capsules of decarb flower would help, but again no solid amounts or guide lines that I can find to support my thoughts. I would love to hear some recipes and treatment guidelines to help aid her into recovery from the members here. I'm not new to the hobby, but I will be the first to admit I'm out of my comfort zone when it comes to fighting cancer. Any and all help would be great. My goal is to give her quality of life back with the best treatment I can offer her in a organic fashation packed with CBD and love.

Thanks for reading, hope to hear some great ideas. I apologize for the poor grammar ahead of time.Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday. Peace.
We're on the same path...
I am growing Blue Shark and Critical Cure, both high cbd, low thc strains. They are not finished yet.

From what I understand Rick Simpson oil works because it uses whole plant extracts and has high THC levels. Rick does not mention, as far as I know, high cbd strains. I'd stick with high thc medical grade indica strains to make RSO to have any faith in it.

(I'm honestly not sold on the whole cbd movement yet. I have experimented with many products. The one thing is that when smoking high cbd strains I don't get as anxious or paranoid. I tried pure cbd edibles and felt absolutely no effect. I have a pure cbd oil coming in the mail, but I doubt it has any medical benefit.)

For a full treatment of RSO you would likely need Several pounds of dried plant product. The good news is that C02 oils are readily available from collectives. I purchased Popnaturals co2 oil. I think it's high quality and it does not contain the less desirable agents such as alcohol, ether, butane etc.. co2 oil is really pretty inexpensive when I think about how much material and machinery goes into the manufacturing.

As for being alcoholic, there is little resemblance between medicating with oils and being drunk. Most likely she will just get the much needed rest. I feel no sense of euphoria and actually find the experience not enjoyable.

Most people start with a dosage the size of 1/2 of a grain of rice 3-4 times a day and work up to 1 gram a day as soon as practical. Different people have varying sensitivity to the RSO but if there is no adverse reaction (generally the feeling of being very high which may be uncomfortable to some) it is advisable to get to the 1 gram dose ASAP. The generally accepted course of treatment is about 70 grams and then a smaller maintenance dose going forward.

I do not have cancer and am in good health. I ate a pea sized amount of 50/50 cbd thc popnaturals oil last week and was very very medicated.. I have low tolerance though.

I hope this helps. Caretakerdad is a member here and he gave me all of this advice. He is a very helpful and compassionate member. I don't think he'd mind me referring you to him for more information.

Best of luck to you and your patient.
Thanks for the great share and advice Sunny. I'm on the fence with RSO because of those reasons. To explain better, she is recovering and as I don't feel the buzz from this plant is a bad thing, it may trigger her down the road to open old chapters in her life. With that said, RSO is the only thing I know of with real results. I have seen my fair share on CBD footage and write ups, but it seems people like the Stanley brothers don't want to share with the rest of the world. If the CBD has high healing powers I would love to know more then what I do.

If RSO is the real way to go, Can you really make it in this machine?

I have one on the way to make butter a little more simpler as it seems to advertise. I thought to myself, hey, why not play around with this a little more. Of ourse you couldn't make pounds at a time, but I think it's a cool little gadget to have around the house.

As far as collectives go here in Michigan, I will pass...I know the real way they are run around my area and it's a shame. I could never trust anything from them to put in my body let alone a woman with cancer. Sad, but it's just how I feel. I have the tools to get the job done, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. If RSO is the true way to go because of high THC levels then I will have to have a real good talk with her. I just want the best for her and don't want to put her in harms way. If you have a trusted recipe on RSO that you like, feel free to share.

Thanks so much for the help Sunny.
pm st0wandgrow (I hope I got his s/n correct). he posted up a good tek for making a cbd oil. I think the recipe came from the guy in cali who helped the little girl with her seizures.
pm st0wandgrow (I hope I got his s/n correct). he posted up a good tek for making a cbd oil. I think the recipe came from the guy in cali who helped the little girl with her seizures.
Thanks for the lead my friend. I will act on it after the holidays.
You need RSO type of oil.

There are several tested high CBD strains floating around michigan.
Search and read. Lots of us have been thru all of this.
Thanks NurseNancy420 for the reply. Could you maybe explain what the difference is in high CBD made RSO vs High THC RSO?

I have don't may fair share of reading, trust me. I also have a high cbd strain but it is very high in THC. I'm trying to avoid high THC levels as said above unless there is something about the THC itself that helps with the healing, cell growth etc. From what I read, my understanding is that CBD is the true winner of the plant. I have PTSD myself and use Ambulance from 303 seeds. This is my night time magic as I call it. My sleep went from a few hours with night terrors and panic attacks to a full night with almost zero episodes. The CBD strain tends to calm me without anxiety and helps me sleep better compared to a normal strain. I also notice after raw juicing for a few months, my body pain and migraines have have decreased.-

A trusted source is very sketchy in my area. Most networking just leads to thugs and bs. I have met very few compassionate caregivers in the last few years. I know there out there and I'm sure I'm talking to a few right now on the forum. I just need to learn trusted sources instead of " check this youtube video out " OR " This person runs 36 plants, they know what's up ". Like most information, I check with honest reviews. I find most reviews that are helpful are on Roll It Up so I now am a active posting member :)

Thanks for the reply, I hope to learn more down the road.
Yes, you never know what you are getting from the collectives..I feel that they use a lot of shake and leaf in their products, but the products I have sampled here in cali seem to work reasonably well. Ironically the best product I have tried is Rice Crispy treats made by TKO edibles.. I get around 9 doses of meds for $6. No head trip.

Are you smoking or vaping the Ambulance? I smoked some cannatonic. It was pleasant..
Yes, you never know what you are getting from the collectives..I feel that they use a lot of shake and leaf in their products, but the products I have sampled here in cali seem to work reasonably well. Ironically the best product I have tried is Rice Crispy treats made by TKO edibles.. I get around 9 doses of meds for $6. No head trip.

Are you smoking or vaping the Ambulance? I smoked some cannatonic. It was pleasant..
Thanks for the share Sunny. As for the Ambulance, I mostly make dry ice hash and mix some bud in with it. I cap them about 2 hours before bedtime and I can stay asleep with no anxiety. I do smoke it, but I find it works better for myself if I eat it.

As far as Michigan VS Cali, well Cali has had a long...run ahead of us. In my area, bags are brought in without even having to give your name or sign paper work. The person simply brings in what they have, get low balled and payed out cash. The unchecked ounce of meds that was bought for 120 bucks is now placed in a fancy jar and sold for 5-20 dollars a gram. If the person calls it OG Kush for example and the collective thinks it looks nothing like the OG they normally sell, they simply just change the name OR make one up and call it a Michigan home cross. This is the kind of service I was dealing with. I had enough, picked up some books and became my own caregiver. I have come a long way. but I still have a lot more to learn.
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Basically the difference is in the narcotic effect.
Trying to ingest a gram a day of high narcotic oil is tough. I can't do it and function.
We are finding good results with custom blends.
It's why I think strains that are more balanced have merit.
Our CBD guy will be at the high times booth both days
Thanks for the share Sunny. As for the Ambulance, I mostly make dry ice hash and mix some bud in with it. I cap them about 2 hours before bedtime and I can stay asleep with no anxiety. I do smoke it, but I find it works better for myself if I eat it.

As far as Michigan VS Cali, well Cali has had a long...run ahead of us. In my area, bags are brought in without even having to give your name or sign paper work. The person simply brings in what they have, get low balled and payed out cash. The unchecked ounce of meds that was bought for 120 bucks is not placed in a fancy jar and sold for 5-20 dollars a gram. If the person calls it OG Kush for example and the collective thinks it looks nothing like the OG they normally sell, they simply just change the name OR make one up and call it a Michigan home cross. This is the kind of service I was dealing with. I had enough, picked up some books and became my own caregiver. I have come a long way. but I still have a lot more to learn.

Good idea... I have a bunch of flower curing right now that I really had no idea what to do with it since I really don't like smoking. Smoking just hits me too hard and fast and my neighbors all smell it. So you just make dry Ice keif and put it in caps? Is the dosage just a trial and error process? Do you have to decarb before capping?
Good idea... I have a bunch of flower curing right now that I really had no idea what to do with it since I really don't like smoking. Smoking just hits me too hard and fast and my neighbors all smell it. So you just make dry Ice keif and put it in caps? Is the dosage just a trial and error process? Do you have to decarb before capping?
Yup. I go buy a 10 pound block of dry ice from the store and grab a hash bag. I crack the ice into small pieces, place bud in bag then add the ice. I take a big rubber storage container, and beat the bag up and down fast and the pollen falls right out of the bag. It will come out like dust so you can't even see it until a good 5 minute shake. Once you look down you will see it everywhere. I scrape it up in the corner of the tub with a credit card and poor into a container. I then wrap the dry ice hash and ground buds in foil, place in oven and decarb. I have a cap-me-quick that makes 50 at a time for like 20 bucks off amazon. I use cap size double zero.

When it comes to dose, you have to play with it. One double zero cap with knock me out and the next morning I wake up wasted. I found if I do a 50/50 blend only half a cap if fine. If I'm having a bad day with the ptsd I will tke a full cap. This allows me to relax and fast asleep with out a racing mind, panic and other issues with the ptsd. I find it more enjoyable then smoking and feel it's more of a medical benefit by eating it.

I have a newbie question also, when can I like peoples posts and PM people? I don't seem to have the option yet.

Thanks again Sunny
Basically the difference is in the narcotic effect.
Trying to ingest a gram a day of high narcotic oil is tough. I can't do it and function.
We are finding good results with custom blends.
It's why I think strains that are more balanced have merit.
Our CBD guy will be at the high times booth both days
High times booth? Is there something going on in Michigan I'm not aware of?

Thanks for the info NurseNancy420
You need to make the Rick Simpson oil. Use the best and strongest bud you can get. Do not worry about the getting high stuff. On the plant the type of THC will not get you high. It needs to be heated to change it to THC-B. That is why you get high smoking it. It gets it hot and carbonizes it.Changes THC-A to B. That is what gets you high. You start off slow when taking it and work your way up. You will feel it but not like you smoke it. Hope I make sense. I am a little buzzed. Killing a migraine.
You need to make the Rick Simpson oil. Use the best and strongest bud you can get. Do not worry about the getting high stuff. On the plant the type of THC will not get you high. It needs to be heated to change it to THC-B. That is why you get high smoking it. It gets it hot and carbonizes it.Changes THC-A to B. That is what gets you high. You start off slow when taking it and work your way up. You will feel it but not like you smoke it. Hope I make sense. I am a little buzzed. Killing a migraine.
I'm getting conflicting information. I have been spending time on Roll it up looking at write ups, but not found what I'm looking to learn.

I'm trying to figure out what makes fantastic RSO and the reason behind it?

It seems I could use a 25% THC level plant but that doesn't explain why it would be better then a low THC but high CBD plant. THC to my knowledge has little medical benefits. This makes me believe that a rich CBD plant would have the best benefits for making RSO to treat cancer. If someone has a write up to explain the breakdown of RSO and why it works I would greatly appreciate it. In the mean time I will keep looking.

I'm getting conflicting information. I have been spending time on Roll it up looking at write ups, but not found what I'm looking to learn.

I'm trying to figure out what makes fantastic RSO and the reason behind it?

It seems I could use a 25% THC level plant but that doesn't explain why it would be better then a low THC but high CBD plant. THC to my knowledge has little medical benefits. This makes me believe that a rich CBD plant would have the best benefits for making RSO to treat cancer. If someone has a write up to explain the breakdown of RSO and why it works I would greatly appreciate it. In the mean time I will keep looking.

The science of Medical Marijuana is still in the infant stages. THC-a is used in the body. It seems it all works together as a Med. Not just one component. Go to Phoenixtears.net I believe. Or just search Phoenixtears. It will teach you allot. It is Rick Simpson's site.
The science of Medical Marijuana is still in the infant stages. THC-a is used in the body. It seems it all works together as a Med. Not just one component. Go to Phoenixtears.net I believe. Or just search Phoenixtears. It will teach you allot. It is Rick Simpson's site.
Thanks Da Mann. I will check that out in the morning for sure.

I'm just trying to figure out if I can make great RSO without the insane high to follow. I read high CBD is more medical, but then I read high THC is great for RSO. I'm just not finding the bridge between the two. It seems the THC has to play a roll because most RSO is made with little CBD value. At the same time I see things made with 0.01% THC and 17% CBD for kids to ingest to cure seizures. The more I read, the more question I end up with. I'm starting to doubt myself as to how much I can help this poor woman. I will keep my head up and read on.

Thanks for all the shares so far.
We do the best we can. I applaud your dedication. This seems to be a very new field of study. I have talked with a lot of people and even some of the most educated people in the MMJ industry have not heard about treating cancer, but that kind of blows my mind.. Please keep this post going and everyone can share what they discover.

One person did tell me that by the time people come to him for treatment it's often too late for RSO to work for them, but he has helped many people live out the rest of their days in a much better way by treating the pain with mmj over opiates..
Organiccbd, to make high CBD oil you need to start with high CBD bud. There is no way around it. Look up Genotype A in Ann Arbor, they sell clones of Cannatonic - Perkins Cut that has tested over 17% CBD and less than 1% THC.
We do the best we can. I applaud your dedication. This seems to be a very new field of study. I have talked with a lot of people and even some of the most educated people in the MMJ industry have not heard about treating cancer, but that kind of blows my mind.. Please keep this post going and everyone can share what they discover.

One person did tell me that by the time people come to him for treatment it's often too late for RSO to work for them, but he has helped many people live out the rest of their days in a much better way by treating the pain with mmj over opiates..
I will be sure to update the thread with my findings. I have a little better information to work with now. I'm still on the fence about how to make the stuff, so many ways as I'm reading. When I find the correct plan of action, I will post.

Thanks for all the help Sunny