The UK Growers Thread!


Hey i may not be not be on often but id say go for it and get rid of the likes of that twat Doppey/Snoyl
Stop it gaybhoy.
Saerimmer,theres an "ignore" button,also ur getting me mixed up cause ive never threayened anyone,im not that sad to make empty threats,and lastly get ur facts right about the plant I asked about.when the guy in the shop said that to me I asked on here about it and was told that he was just trying to sell me more nutes.
And last but not least,if u cant take it dont dish it out,its not difficult,so stop being a pap


Well-Known Member
Stop it gaybhoy.
Saerimmer,theres an "ignore" button,also ur getting me mixed up cause ive never threayened anyone,im not that sad to make empty threats,and lastly get ur facts right about the plant I asked about.when the guy in the shop said that to me I asked on here about it and was told that he was just trying to sell me more nutes.
And last but not least,if u cant take it dont dish it out,its not difficult,so stop being a pap
Again i think your memory is failing you.... i do belive you said something along the lines of " If you dont wanna come a cropper dont say anything online you wouldnt say to my face" which to me is the same as " Say that to my face an see what you get"


Well-Known Member
Just been going thru my kids phones as I like to see what their up to, they are only 7 and 8, my 7 year old text his sis saying "you a bich"
To which my 8 year old replied, "its spelled bitch"

Think I better start watching my language around them a bit more
Their gonna hear it elsewhere mate. Best teaching them the effects the words have mate....we've big suicide problems over here.

That took me from the time you posted ur comment till now to type that lol first bong of the day fooked me lol...i typed this extra bit about a min after I first posted my first part of the comment thing lol....just realised the time doesn't change when you edit so there was no point in saying all that but I've said it and it took ages to say as I'm well High so yeah gooooooooooo on.
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Well-Known Member
Obviously Shawnee lol

Got physco In now..shes a slow fucker, compared to coco wen she's bigger she's going in coco obviously but il keep the soil as a plug it's got shit in...lmfao
Sat in she'd having a jay them bed

As for kids swearing my 4 yr old knows its a clipped ear and on the stairs for half hour lmfao bless so she knows naughty words tells me of for it lol
Hard to reign it in tho wen u swore for so long. Reigned the nigger talk in tho. .....not in gangster central no more ,,much more of here

Hey relax u catch my comment on the top max and canna side by side?


Well-Known Member
Ok member in jail once a ex pad ate came trying to rob me bakki as I was a baron came with his oil homi, anyways as it goes was making a peanut butter earnie and had my bak to him. Bare in mine I was like 6'7 14 stone anyways getting all laity so I thought gotta knock one out or scare shit outa him fast, Had jar in hand thought meh that's heavy, Lid on and turned pushed door locked and literally jumped into the cunts face blood everywhere up walls the lot went down like sack of shit. The other lad Shit it big time like wtf u doin wa waa gave the other lad few uppercuts with said jar as he went Dow n like cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt fucker cunt

Anyways wing kicked off as it does with voilence and screws came dragged lad out and THEN the cunt starts getting mouthy as the doors locked

So sat ther threw the fucking jar out of cell window not wiped not. Made a smoke and packed my shit. I knew I was goin down seg

Down I went outside sect 18 with intent charge the lad has like 32 stitches inside and outside give statement the cunt. Went bak to jail after arrest and day out copper was like he's after compo I'm like lol criminals can't get it. Coppers like yeeeeh lmfao
Go bak to jail not allowed a job. High risk-again..
Mother comes to visit and this is bak wen they wer going u 18 days early release and 180 quid for it too governed comes on visit asks my name asked mom if I'm going home and said she wanted me out of her jail and I'm out in 2 days and never. ICome bak LOL
Anyways charge got NFA.d eventually and I'm glad I'd have got hammered

That is all.


Well-Known Member
Obviously Shawnee lol

Got physco In now..shes a slow fucker, compared to coco wen she's bigger she's going in coco obviously but il keep the soil as a plug it's got shit in...lmfao
Sat in she'd having a jay them bed

As for kids swearing my 4 yr old knows its a clipped ear and on the stairs for half hour lmfao bless so she knows naughty words tells me of for it lol
Hard to reign it in tho wen u swore for so long. Reigned the nigger talk in tho. .....not in gangster central no more ,,much more of here

Hey relax u catch my comment on the top max and canna side by side?
Yeah give it a go once the boost is out but keep it up so you can taste test it as the boost near promises a better taste