help help help


Well-Known Member
i might sound like a bit a prick(don't qoute) but i am best friends with one of the biggest dealers in north england (lucky me) so i can shift tons of the stuff, that's what keeps interested ,,,,you only excell through error,, ,,you only learn through not knowing,,, apart from if your name is,,,ASKAPRO,, YE HA
my uncle is Pablo escobar

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
i might sound like a bit a prick(don't qoute) but i am best friends with one of the biggest dealers in north england (lucky me) so i can shift tons of the stuff, that's what keeps interested ,,,,you only excell through error,, ,,you only learn through not knowing,,, apart from if your name is,,,ASKAPRO,, YE HA
is your friend "North of England"? cuz that guy is a bit of a tool


Well-Known Member
i might sound like a bit a prick(don't qoute) but i am best friends with one of the biggest dealers in north england (lucky me) so i can shift tons of the stuff, that's what keeps interested ,,,,you only excell through error,, ,,you only learn through not knowing,,, apart from if your name is,,,ASKAPRO,, YE HA
When I lived down south, I was still considered 'cock of the north'. Which makes me a big player on Cloud Cuckoo, and in LaLa Land.


Well-Known Member
serious though, my uncle is like, director of partners at one of the largest law firms around, and I am a, um, criminal. isn't that ironic?


Well-Known Member
"That guy over there is a limey, lives in London, and came over here just for a short ... limey. An insulting term used to describe the English