The UK Growers Thread!

Alright uk how's everyone doing today, well I flipped my greencrack mum into 12/12 so I can sex the bitch, I should have my seeds in the morn from the tude and hopefully get them popped rapid as I'm itching to get my tent up and running. Also got a load of trimming to do tonight as I'm helping my bro out so it will be a long night but at least I get free smoke out it so all's good there, hey gaz if this greencrack turns out fem you still want a cut as they have rooted m8 hence flipping the mother to see if there fem so I should find out soon enough bud.

He's no a Billy he's no so fucking silly he's no a Billy he's a TIM.
Haha does he think I dont have him on ignore lol, only reason ive seen a cpl posts is because ppl keep quoting him in their replies,

Fuck it hes a dick anyway, let him believe what he wants
Is he still here rambling on? What a bell end....fucking dry round here at the mo for good smoke has been the last few weeks its doing my bean in I'm seriously thinking of not selling any of my crop and keeping it all for myself lol
That's what I've done mate, at irish prices I'd have been a fool to sell my tack when I'd be paying 50e for sub par crap @3g...
I did build a tolerance up fairly fast but with all the money I've saved I bought an oz of exo the last day to smoke on for a little then back to my own lol
And I only used this profile cause I couldnt post pics on my other one and I wont be using my old one now cause every time I see those pm's u sent me I get embarassed and feel a bit bad for annoying u
First of im sure they are all blokes and last time I checked i had a set of tits and a fanny although I prob have bigger balls than u ya pussy bastard. And secondly what is your problem maybe if you stopped being a knob jockey you might actually get help in here or are you too retarded to see that u wank stain!
Classy lady
Is he still here rambling on? What a bell end....fucking dry round here at the mo for good smoke has been the last few weeks its doing my bean in I'm seriously thinking of not selling any of my crop and keeping it all for myself lol
Thats what im doing from now on m8, now ive downsized my op, just going for a 4 plant perpetual, will have 4 flowering while the nxt 4 veg etc, gonna be keeping it all personal and if any mates or whatever need sorted out but thats it,
Aye I think it is mate I'm working so what do don't spend on shit weed I'll be saving anyway and if there's any left over at the next harvest that's bonus money I I might use a few oz of nug to make some exo honeycomb god that shit would be nice
Gaybhoy bolt ya nugget if ur goin to try and be someone else heres a wee tip-dont use ur own words and if ur gonna try to ne a girl watch the language,the most minging slapper goin aint got a mouth that potty.3/10 for effort though pal

hahaha ok well this woman got brought up with 5 brothers so if you dont like how i speak go take it up with them