Slavery and other items of note....


Well-Known Member
deflection on women..........noted.

I read the Quran........especially those Suras ;)

you apologist
where did i apologize?

i said that the mistreatment of minorities and women in some fundamentalist and conservative islamic cultures greatly resembles the mistreatment of women and minorities that right wing conservative racist religious folks like you prefer.

have you ever seen me speak highly of extremist racist right wing folks like you? nope. what i said was the opposite of an apology, but perhaps you are not capable of interpreting that in your messed up head.

but speaking of "cults of bloody expansion", what is your position on the expansion of white christians across america at the expense of its former inhabitants?


Well-Known Member
"but speaking of "cults of bloody expansion", what is your position on the expansion of white christians across america at the expense of its former inhabitants?"

i support the Republic of Lakotah, and contribute to a fund for heating fuel for the rez, you?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
"but speaking of "cults of bloody expansion", what is your position on the expansion of white christians across america at the expense of its former inhabitants?"

i support the Republic of Lakotah, and contribute to a fund for heating fuel for the rez, you?
I support the Anasazi. All hail our reptilian overlords.


Well-Known Member
If I could own a slave I would.

Not based on race, any color would do.

They would be well treated, with the possibility or sexual attention from their loving master.

Imagine owning like 30 people and sending them all out to work at McDonald's or Walmart. That's almost $300/hr. After feeding them I'd probably down to $230/hr.

Damn I wish I could own slaves.

I keep @ least One ... She's such a Freaky little Pet too.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In order to criticize and not have others laugh, one must use the same dictionary.

...and not talk with a mouthful of food. Imagine if a person said they criticized doctrines, but we thought we heard, "I criticize dolphins".

Then a conversation about whether Flipper was a slave would ensue and everybody would start talking out of their blowholes about racist dolphins and such. Which brings to mind is a Killer Whale black or white?


Well-Known Member
Please explain how that is a racist term
Anything Uncle Buck disagrees with becomes a racist term. He can't even admit that people come to this country and have babies so that the child becomes an American citizen and anchors the illegal parents. It's a well known fact but he refuses to accept reality while he continues to live in his ideological world.


Well-Known Member
Killer whales are black, no doubt. But they grew up with no options, so they were forced into it. It's a class thing really.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="londonfog, post: 10538229, member: 1187I'm just not understanding a person like that even having children...[/QUOTE]
Im betting she has more cats than kids.
Who would stick their cock in that fat, rancid cunt of hers?
She's a vile and disgusting person who brings nothing to the table except of course for her "mobility scooter" and double stuffed Oreos.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="londonfog, post: 10538229, member: 1187I'm just not understanding a person like that even having children...
Im betting she has more cats than kids.
Who would stick their cock in that fat, rancid cunt of hers?
She's a vile and disgusting person who brings nothing to the table except of course for her "mobility scooter" and double stuffed Oreos.[/QUOTE]

I've stuck my cock in some pretty bad shit before, that's for sure.

When an orgasm brings clarity instead of clouding your thoughts you know you've hit rock bottom.