Club 600


Well-Known Member
Bit freaked out, our little one decided to doa Fosbery flop off the changing table, ffs....broke his fall with his head naturally!!! So he's spent the night in hospital all wired up and being monitored. Wife sent me a msg earlier as she stayed with him at the hospital to say the checks had gone ok...hopefully he'll be able to come home. I don't think I have heard my wife scream so loud in her whole life. Man it's hard with these little yins, they can break your heart in a second.


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps, we're all back home now. Wow that was a scary one.,...more for us than the wee Yin. My god when he started to spew afterwards it was like return of the Exorcist! Really put the craps up us. I was super impressed with the Dutch health care though. We just got a taxi down to Accident and Emergency/Spoed dienst and they had us in a room within half an hour....the kids ward was something to behold, looked amazing really with all the activity centres, massive widescreen TV that Abramovic would have been happy with on his Yacht (remind me to tell you that story), and just such nice people to boot....I don't think he wanted to come home, ahaha. Anyway, thanks for all the posts folks, Jig the wife is calm again and I think she's got her head round that it wasn't her fault and accidents do happen.

And Mr West, that explains a lot, lmfao...:)

p.s loved the photo shoot thing Jig, was it just the one collage thing or was there more? I kept clicking on things and getting other peoples family photocs coming up:)


Well-Known Member
Bit freaked out, our little one decided to doa Fosbery flop off the changing table, ffs....broke his fall with his head naturally!!! So he's spent the night in hospital all wired up and being monitored. Wife sent me a msg earlier as she stayed with him at the hospital to say the checks had gone ok...hopefully he'll be able to come home. I don't think I have heard my wife scream so loud in her whole life. Man it's hard with these little yins, they can break your heart in a second.
this will not be the last,boys seem to love falling on they's good they are so strong,and new bones and all,good fluid on the brain....lil kids are super strong.
i know if i fall on my head right now would not be good...hell if i turn my back the wrong way it's over for the week..

make sure to rub his neck,just for the stiffness...