Slavery and other items of note....


Well-Known Member
well, as long as YOU are on his side, that bodes well for him.
I can see how that term can be offensive to some.

But please explain to us a more accurate term for a child who's mother crossed the border to give birth on this side so she and the baby daddy could stay?

It's one of those things that is what it is.

But it does not specifically refer to any race.

If a french family was on vacation and the mother was pregnant and went into early labor here, that kid would be an anchor baby.


Well-Known Member
good ol' family values conservatives.
The 14th amendment was drafted in such a way as to disallow the newly freed slaves to be anything other than citizens.

150 years later, pregnant women flock towards the United States in time to squeeze out little José just in time. Now, because of the unintended consequences of the 14th amendment, José, his mom dad and siblings get subsidized housing, medical care, an education and so much more because they sought out to take advantage of our laws.

The writers of the 14th amendment did not foresee this and I doubt they would have left that loophole open if they had.


Well-Known Member
The 14th amendment was drafted in such a way as to disallow the newly freed slaves to be anything other than citizens.
The writers of the 14th amendment did not foresee this and I doubt they would have left that loophole open if they had.
It's simple. Amend it.
Problem: The GOP has developed a massive sense of entitlement. They don't deal. They make pronouncements just like ranting righties on this forum tend to. You cannot solve problems in a nation of laws without legislation. No deals, no changes. No problem solving.

This is what outsiders find disturbing about America. You've become a nation of extremists. A prez can't get his way at the UN so he says 'fuck world opinion' and invades 2 countries. Unilateralism only works when one has the big dick and big, deeeeep pockets. The latter is over.

Time to do consensus. Barry O does it and everyone shits on his head. It's a disgrace. The people under 30 are going to see this differently; for them, this is their coming of age. They will remember and the GOP will pay. Add in Hispanics and it's suicide. The GOP shows no signs of getting it. Mitt who?

This is one of the worst things I've seen in a democracy. It's like watching a drunk, stumbling around on a dock in winter on a moonless night at 2 am.


Well-Known Member
What would these people be doing otherwise? People sell their children into slavery to get the money to keep themselves alive. Many of these slaves are better off being owned. As opposed to living in poverty.
Do you have children ???


Well-Known Member
Slavery opens doors for people who would have no life otherwise.
Yes this type of statement here^^^^^^^^ is wonderful for a mother to let flow out her mouth.
What would these people be doing otherwise? People sell their children into slavery to get the money to keep themselves alive. Many of these slaves are better off being owned. As opposed to living in poverty.
You as a mother agree that another mother selling her child to be used as a child sex slave is opening a door that child might not have had. Yes I'm sure you are a wonderful mother:roll:..How's the crack these days. I'm sure you are the type that smokes that stuff whilst your children go hungry.


Well-Known Member
accusing sheskunk of crack smoking is inappropriate. it is inappropriate because no one who smokes crack would weigh that much.

it is more likely that she gives her kids crack and thinks of eating them, if anything.


Well-Known Member
Yes this type of statement here^^^^^^^^ is wonderful for a mother to let flow out her mouth.

You as a mother agree that another mother selling her child to be used as a child sex slave is opening a door that child might not have had. Yes I'm sure you are a wonderful mother:roll:..How's the crack these days. I'm sure you are the type that smokes that stuff whilst your children go hungry.
I never said anything about sex. You made that up in an attempt to insult me. As you make up even more stories of my drug use.

Nice try, loser.

You must be a real role model yourself. Making up lies just to belittle women. What a POS.


Well-Known Member
accusing sheskunk of crack smoking is inappropriate. it is inappropriate because no one who smokes crack would weigh that much.

it is more likely that she gives her kids crack and thinks of eating them, if anything.
I'm just not understanding a person like that even having children...


Well-Known Member
I never said anything about sex. You made that up in an attempt to insult me. As you make up even more stories of my drug use.

Nice try, loser.

You must be a real role model yourself. Making up lies just to belittle women. What a POS.
what type of slave are you referring to ????? Any type of slavery is or labor..again what type of mother are you ????