Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

your a cunt.

i complimented someone else and so then you take it as an insult. um cool dude. why dont you take the stick out of your ass
so hang on... im a little confused... your 22 years old, but you've been growing for 20 years? oh ok that makes sense. your obviously the best im sorry for saying anything
cut the bullshit,

"jesus fdd, you have a lot of reference to go by. and a book on rolling? man you know your shit. i commend you. my favorite rollit-upper"

dude, if you CAN READ, then you will understand that you bein a smartass by posting this comment!!!

and I never said that I have been growing for 20yrs I said that you talked down on someone growing for 20yrs......... maybe you cant read. I understand, just ignore me and dont try to read anymore K?
hahah GraF is a cunt.
when i read that the first time i was like wtf, he just went off on him for no reason. how could you confuse any part of what he said, he wasnt being sarcastic you must've just been high.
oh my god, you two must be like 17 or somethin because seriously,

last time "wow, even a book on rolling j's, I commend you fdd2blk, youre my favorite rollitupper"

that doesnt sound sarcastic??? If I said that to someone, I would definately be talkin shit BUT BUT BUT, if you werent then whatever, I apologize.

Fadrian...... have I ever ebven spoken to you before??? no. and there are a whole lot of people on this site that I HAVE helped so, u callin me a cunt isnt really called for unless I can just refer to you as my bitch.... is that okay?? ok cool,,, wheres my bitch at??
that does not sounds sarcastic at all. I was going to write the same comment almost. He is just saying that he knows he shit by all the books he owns, vast knowledge, etc. Graf I like you and all but you totally are sticking your own foot in mouth....but ne ways lets all get along guys

now that I think about it you did the same thing to me....you misunderstood what I said and took it as me being a smartass....we had the same convo on another thread.,
yeah, I get it now, I did say that if he was actually complimenting him I apologize.....

For some reason I could see myself saying that... but if I did say it, it WOULD be a smartass comment- I guess its a guilty conscience type thing.....

But again........ I apologize.
Noone else is mad at that rick guy??? his plants are to big, I know why my outdoor plants arent that big now, because that huge thing is stealing all the resources outside, had to hook my 2 plants up to oxygen tanks tanks yesterday, because it they even get a fresh breath of air anymore:evil:

o and fdd.. my birthday is coming up pretty soon, and instead of a gift card this year or that stupid pony thing u got me last year, how bout one of those nice cardboard boxes u had, and dont bother cleaning in out, not sure what was in it.. but u can leave it in there, just wrap and send :)

damn but has anything else tried that Rick's Monster Plant Grow? just curious becuase slick ricks plants are pretty nice. And whoever got to meet and smoke with slick rick.. is basically a legend now to :)
Hang until dry then put into jars for curring. I haven't had better bud from any other producer. With that said just do what you think is right. There are fundamental rules that you should follow. Hand up side down until dry, put into jars to re-moisturize / dry for about 3 weeks. Then indulge! I have experimented with putting it into the frig after the 3 weeks and had some good results.
Hang until dry then put into jars for curring. I haven't had better bud from any other producer. With that said just do what you think is right. There are fundamental rules that you should follow. Hand up side down until dry, put into jars to re-moisturize / dry for about 3 weeks. Then indulge! I have experimented with putting it into the frig after the 3 weeks and had some good results.

the fridge.....hhhmmm. now that i may try. thanks.:hump::peace::joint::joint:
Woah GraF, you kinda went off on one there. I know what you mean, it could've sounded sarcastic, but you gotta give people the benefit of the doubt when using a medium of communication as open to interpretation as typed text. Hope everyone's cool now
I would think the fridge would be good, just make sure your bud is pretty dry so moisture doesn't accumulate and cause mold.

like I said, S O R R Y, thanks for bringing that back up though, I appreciate it!!!! lol