so i didnt know where to post this and need help not relating to cannabis


Well-Known Member
Sorry, just stoned immaculate and when I read your post with the missing 'r' on the end of you, I just imagined a stereotypical southern Redneck ( im from uk) and found it funny. Absolutely no offence intended. So when you posted the spelling mistake it made me laugh. Hmmmm dont know if that clears it up LMAO.:joint:

yea im stoned too and just forgot to type the "R". lol its cool


Well-Known Member
im tellin you go punch ur cousin really hard in the EAR. and let him kick your ass. it will work. 100% Guarantee


Well-Known Member
tell them you got a contagious STD!

i bet they wouldn't want your ass there.

well how bad you not want to go?


Well-Known Member
yeah i read the whole thing for sure lmao
I operate from the knowledge that all members here had to do the same thing I did, hit the I Accept button when presented with the User Agreement.

By hitting that button, you we're saying you were over 18, a lie. It does not matter a whit what age you will be in 3 weeks, only today. You can LMAO all you want, it does not change the fact you are a MINOR.

Ladies and gentleman of the forum, I present to you a grim vision of the future: rw33fh.


New Member
thats a lil to far im not makeing any flase std claims lmao but nice try mayb crabs nah not evewn that


New Member
damn ptroast got me i cant get in any trouble for this though right only like get kicked off the site