DGD- Coco & Hydro-Mutli strain grow 2013--SSH/CHEESE/GSOGxKD/SAGExLMX and more

Thanks for the pics Gen .. drop by any time with updates on these ..

Took some more pics but i haven't quite got to grips with this 600d yet..IMG_8377.JPG IMG_8382.JPG IMG_8383.JPG IMG_8392.JPG IMG_8398.JPG All the above are a mix of the Sage Xs ..

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Thanks don..

Took some of the shots of ak47 x kali mist as i pics of this ones been lacking.. i like how this ones grown ,doesn't need much support as some of the others ..

Gave all the plants just water in the last feed -molasses and water this one and will be giving them just water from here till chop..
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All seeds that sprouted have been put in coco.. I culled the F2 sshs as those won't be worked with after i seen a a few nanners in one of the SSHs .. lets hope the male ssh has the same or better properties (minus the herm of course) as this mom does reek and fills out well .. skunk dom but alot of people reckon its got haze tastes in it..

The SSH x SLH have gone straight in to 12/12 .
I have a 2 females and looks like 2 males showing in the DD X LA con .. theres a very strong smelling female in these .

Super silver hazes about to be chopped..
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Spice .. will be running a few more of these
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some of the seeds for the next round .. As i only got 2 fem from the L.A x DD im running a few more of these..

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A feew more from the grow.. Got myself a trimmer and im happy i did, its not the quietest thing to have but it does a good job.. Speeds things up alot

Going to put up some info here on the seeds i just dropped..

Black Zombie
The Black zombie is cross of Outlaw Genetics Double Purple Doja F3 crossed to our Blue Bomber F1 male, then backcrossed back to the DPD F3 mother. BZ is a very purple strain with some nice potency and vibrant orange hairs once ripe! The Dominant pheno type is Double Purple Doja, look for a nice mix of the two parents. The Blue Bomber dominant flavor is most sought after. There are more potent green phenos.

Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks

Lineage: (Dpd f3 x Blue Bomber) x Dpd f3

Yeild: medium-heavy

Aroma and Flavor: Mainly spicy with coughcandy sweet berry phenos, burnt rubber pheno

Effect: Nice relaxing , creative, thought provoking effect. Great daytime smoke, and great party weed. all your friends will love the dark rich purple nugs with

vibrant bright orange hairs.

Strawberry Bomb
Strawberry Bomb is one of our most potent strains, This one rings the bell everytime. Reeking of a creamy strawberry bubblegum, strong dank fuel aroma. Some phenos are more fuely kush smelling /tasting.

This is a great pairing of a strain from our friend Pollen Jock in Scotland. It is a cut of Strawberry Cream x to Bodhi Sr71 Purple Kush x Appalchia which became known as Strawberry Hills. We selectivly found two choice females from the Strawberry Hills and spanked them with a Hearty P.K. Bomber male.

will add more info over the next few day..

sage x
The other spice..has about 5 equal sized colars
sage X

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So it seems thoses pods were sterile in the SSH as theres no seed in the bud.. May have been a little hasty in removing those F2's but i have plenty to go through at another time ..

Have a few more males than anticipated but i have plan b already in action so its all good..
gen seems like the sweet kandy kush has made a re-apperance in my area.. even though i know longer have it some dudes been putting out pieces , i guess that shows how good it is as he definately does not have SCK.. but jumped on the bandwagon as soon as it rolled by..

Anyway ..plans are moving ahead .. seeds are getting ready to be potted up too.. i will update with pics another time ..
plants look great man but that bud trimming machine looks like it's not such a close shaver DGD.

Nah its definately not a close shave as ..but those pics don't do justice as i werent taking of the bigger leaves when i snapped those -the leaves flatten out and get in the way.. The sagex trimmed a lot better than the cheese but the ssh was the worst . Definately not winning no awards with this and some of the trimmed bud had a bit to much leaf when dryed which ment a btit of dust was in the box after i turned the bud over a few times.. All being said i wouldn't trim again with out one as i hate triming rooms now - this or a bigger one will be the future for me..
Thank man.. Going to get into the hash runs next week ... might even have a washer by then if not the same old bags will be out again.. The bag underneath deffo helps in the hash making ..i'll take a pic when i can but its basicly finely chopped leaves and bud -some stem too but its a compact load in a mess bag so that helps with the air flow too ,it still needs turning though..i lost a tub full of trim cause i forgot to turn it over :(...

some shots SLH X SSH..
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Some snaps of the SLH X SSH ..bud shots of 3 buds ..can u tell what is what?
Testing out the dripper system again ,with a smaller pump this time ..

Added some nemetodes to the water and this spider mite preds to the plants .. Need to get some more nematodesand strips as this flies are getting out of hand,i smoked out the hallways and none grow rooms but still battling.. will be trying potatoes next see if that helps .. also found these f##kers like to jump in buckets of water too ..

Anyway started a thread for those SLH X SSH and i will do one for the L.A X DD and SLH x DD too so the info can be found alot easier..

below the strecth on one of the taller slh xssh

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Shut down the main grow for now , i moved the SLH x SSH and gave away the rest..

The male SLH X SSH started to show female hairs so its been binned , the females have just gone into 12/12 .. Took cuts just after pics were taken..

The SLH x DD are starting to bud ..#6 looks like its got the purple coming through.. #5 the selfed topped one is moving the slowest of the bunch
The L.A x DD are budding too #1 is slighty ahead of #2
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will update the SLH x SSH thread with those slh pics..
