What is the true cause of snap crackle an pop buds


Active Member
Why is it some buds I've smoked before. Snap crackle and pop you hear the snap see it crackle and ever so often it'll pop. To many nutes left in the plant, bad cure, ect?
I believe it is the sugars, made some sweet tea accidentally spilt some sugar on the electric flat top, snapped popped even threw up a lil flame. I can believe how if you over push nutes to close to harvest even if you cured and dried proper that it might not have been able break down the high amount of sugars.
Pushing too much nutrient too late in the bloom cycle will do it, and it brings a harsh chemical flavor with it.
nope, That is not it, it is sugars left in the plant from improper drying and curing. Go burn some sugar and you will see what I am talking about.
nope, That is not it, it is sugars left in the plant from improper drying and curing. Go burn some sugar and you will see what I am talking about.
I'm going with this. More and more I am believing that it is all in the cure. I have to think that this is the reason that some will catch fire and burn in the bowl ....with a flame
I don't think I have to be wrong for you to also be correct. Both of these can cause it. Proper cure only corrects the sugar issue, however.
if you look up how plants uptake nutrients, you will find that nutes must be first broken down into ions, so, this whole chemical causes bad chemical taste is B>S. a plant doesn't know if those ions come from organic or synthetic nutes. If I fed a apple tree nothing but synthetic nutes, no matter how much I use, the apples will taste like apples,not chemicals.
if you over nute a plant, How come the leaves burn, but the Bud doesn't? If the bud held chemicals, it would burn too.
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if you look up how plants uptake nutrients, you will find that nutes must be first broken down into ions, so, this whole chemical causes bad chemical taste is B>S. a plant doesn't know if those ions come from organic or synthetic nutes. If I fed a apple tree nothing but synthetic nutes, no matter how much I use, the apples will taste like apples,not chemicals.
if you over nute a plant, How come the leaves burn, but the Bud doesn't? If the bud held chemicals, it would burn too.
Um u dont smoke apples or maybe u do

just joking and how would u know if the apple would taste the same have u used or heard of ppl feeding apple trees super concentrated synthetic nutrients would cost a lot I flush my weed before harvest like 10 days before I flush for 10 minz then I refill my res and go back to feedin nuts
Agreed regarding the sugars (carbohydrates) causing the majority of "crackle". While not nearly as dramatic, a properly cured bud can still "crackle" though. In particularly resinous specimens air can become trapped and as it is heated, it expands and can "pop". Bud sites are sinks; a place of metabolism and storage of nutrients. It would only follow logically that if those nutrients are in a high enough concentration you will notice in the final product. It may not taste "chemical" or even offensive but the difference is there. Of course, I have to follow with what has become something of a cliche' - It varies with strain, environment etc. Ie: A plant grown using higher levels of N, having rich dark green leaves even up to harvest will certainly taste different or have more "crackle potential" then one who's N was withheld. Buds may not get "burnt" persay, but there is still a response to the presence of excess nutrients. :peace:
Do people on this website even pay attention to what the hell they are saying?

The snapping and crackling is usually due to a bad "cure" Or not flushing the medium properly before harvest.

The popping itself is the result of too much chlorophyll being left in the bud.

These are just the answers that I have found when looking into this subject of the snap,crackle,pop.

Take em' or leave em' I really don't care.