i've already answered your questions over and over.
what you have failed to do is find one single other person that agrees with your retarded notion that denial of service to blacks did not cause harm.
we agree that there is no "right" to cause harm, now all you need is to find someone else that shares your delusion.
not even the guy who thinks he is the messiah is as deluded as you are.
I'm sure there are "some" instances where blacks were denied services.
However, I think denial of services aren't as wide spread as you let on.
consider the "sit in" at the local diner. Blacks weren't denied services there, they were denied internal seating.
They could, and did very often order their food from a window out back.
Equality, no, but you'd be hard pressed to find a diner anywhere in the south that didn't work that way.
Most towns even had blacks only diners that whites weren't allowed into- I don't see you crying about the harm from their denial of services.
There were public water fountains, one for whites, one for coloreds.
Please tell me a service that they were denied!
I can't think of any, they often had to accept substandard service, but rarely were they left with no options, if ever, to get a bite to eat if they had cash.