How to tell a quality yucca extract for the bad!

when I was a kid my Mom took my brother and I to the Yucca Valley to go camping at Jellystone Park.... what a shit hole
I bought some to clean my drip lines. mine is 20% saponin with 80% substances from Yucca schidigera. I have never used it yet. I hear it is a surfactant or sticker spreader for foliar feeding. I do not have e enough experience to use it that way. little help please. the brand is thermX70 I am sure there are many other brands. this comes from a store in Ca grassvalley where I used to live, now in fucked up AR where the humidity is so fucking bad you sweat in the shower. Can't wait to back to Cali.
thermX70 is good stuff.

I have heard it makes a fantastic wetting agent ect.

So can you confirm it works well to clean drip lines and such?
I use it as a foliar feed alone. active ingredients are steroid saponins (complex sugar structures which help plants assimilate nuts. and develop stress resistance) when thermx70 is applies to a stressed area, effects are noticeable immediately. I use a conservative amount at 1/4 tsp. per gal of well water or some good DE chlorinated (sp?) water never that gov. tap water. also I use it with any foliar feed to help the teas, kepl+fish+humates (my fav.) Epsom salt, or any foliar spray stay to stay on longer. make sure u put it in last as it loves to foam heavily, especially when it is agitated. like I am now. I use it in my injector fertilizer in my drip irrigation. oh yeah, I use it to spray on the soil as a soil penetrant. like soap does to ease the tension of water. ALWAYS TEST ON A SMALL AREA FIRST TO CHECK THE RESULTS. I do that with all the stuff that I have not used before and do not know the results. be on the conservative side as to not burn ur world down. I got mine in a store in grassvalley ( love that name) Ca. close to where I used to live. U can order it online at if u live close to that area. the name of the nursery is Peaceful Valley Farms-great name. hope that helps.
shaggyballs; ur stuff on pythium was fantastic/ awesome, extremely impressive. wish I had seen it a long time ago; this site as well. so much knowledge here it is incredible. "damp off " killed 9 plants this year. first time I ever had that happen. maybe it its this damn stat im in, (every thing is always clean in my garden, I learned that from brewing beer. one fu@king bacterial and ur batch is done =NO BEER-YIKES), Arkansas (first gro here) never got in CAli./Redding by lake Shasta . I got some stuff from mosserlee called "no damp off" all it is, is long sphagnum moss that is ground up small , stuff is naturally sterile just like urine. go figure.
I haven't used it yet just got it I got some fungi from johnny's that is an anti fungi for pythium it is called,"RootShield" trichondera harzianum Rifal strain T-22 of fungi. just put it in the soil u make or buy. works like ten MFrs not cheap,$18 worth every dime, pythium killed 11 bubba Kush from Humb. seed co.
Thanks zubug16
Glad to help any way possible!
Trichoderma is a good choice.
The yucca I just bought is a good ant-fungal agent with Immune system boosting properties.
and it is cheap a little seems to go a long way!
I bought a sample and it will last a while.
so i bought a sample ...looks more refined than what i got last....will report back after use.

Well I finally tried the yucca I got on Ebay and it seems like a quality product plants seem to like it.
I cant say I see a big difference in growth but man is this stuff sticky I left a little on the spoon and it was damp out.
I could hardly get it off the spoon...sticky stuff!
I guess that is what I bought it for though!!

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Only Ornamental; said:
Yes, yucca contains saponins, some sort of natural soap. Due their very gentle and mild action, saponins are actually used by museum conservators to clean for example fragile medieval tapestry because they're prone to loose colour when washed with more aggressive soap.
Good source from another site!
So yes you can use yucca as a drip line cleaner.
Good to finally know for sure.
The stuff I use is HERE


Anybody else use a powder yucca extract?
Not much info on yucca I guess???
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Are there any other sources for a quality yucca in a powder,The stuff I have is good, I am always on the hunt for the best.
So I would like to try more kinds before I make a large purchase.
It seems hard to find good info on this stuff!
Any help is appreciated!
Anyone found other products with high saponin content to try out on our girls.
There seems to be a lot of options, but I would like some feedback before spending the coin!
Could we please have some further discussion on this topic?

Been looking for a reliable powder source, I actually saw this on eBay but wasn't 100% convinced on it. Thanks for the tipoff!