Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Which record is that? Thermometer or speculation?
The record is very very short and does not account for 99.99999999999999999999% of the historical range of temperatures Earth has had over the last 5 billion years or so, of which we have 200 years of records.

We know for sure their was an ice age, and are pretty sure it wasn't caused by humans, so what did it? Perhaps Earth just heats up and cools down without any help whatsoever from us Humans?
The record is very very short and does not account for 99.99999999999999999999% of the historical range of temperatures Earth has had over the last 5 billion years or so, of which we have 200 years of records.

We know for sure their was an ice age, and are pretty sure it wasn't caused by humans, so what did it? Perhaps Earth just heats up and cools down without any help whatsoever from us Humans?
That's why people use the term 'recorded' in a specific way.

You seem offended I'm stating there was no recording device 450,000,000 years ago. Why is that?
That's why people use the term 'recorded' in a specific way.

You seem offended I'm stating there was no recording device 450,000,000 years ago. Why is that?
If I seem offended then your powers of observation are very opaque.

Why use "recorded" when you know for a fact that they in no way reflect the temperature fluctuations the earth has seen in its history? Its like saying that US history started in 1990 and forget all the stuff from before.
If I seem offended then your powers of observation are very opaque.

Why use "recorded" when you know for a fact that they in no way reflect the temperature fluctuations the earth has seen in its history? Its like saying that US history started in 1990 and forget all the stuff from before.
I posted an article. lol

They used the term 'recorded', because they want to specifically state that within all RECORDED months, April was the hottest...... ON RECORD.

The point was;

The global climate is not stable, or PLATEAUED, it was the hottest month on record.

EDIT: Sorry, tied for the hottest on record.
Oh god. The salt is a fucking solid. Have you never driven on snow? The salt coming into contact with the snow or ice (water) and becomes salt water, which has a lower freezing point than fresh water. So it melts. It absorbs heat from its surroundings when it does this. This also explains how an old fashioned ice cream churn works.
this means something.jpg
The record is very very short and does not account for 99.99999999999999999999% of the historical range of temperatures Earth has had over the last 5 billion years or so, of which we have 200 years of records.

We know for sure their was an ice age, and are pretty sure it wasn't caused by humans, so what did it? Perhaps Earth just heats up and cools down without any help whatsoever from us Humans?

Maybe so. But when we should be cooling by the simple physics of a different phase of the solar orbit wobble, where we are farther from the sun in winter, what is the difference from the last time around, 21,000 years ago.

Answer: We are. You are right about actual human readings but the ice cores tell the story of the Ice Age Cycle. It matches the orbital calculations.

If it is warmer, or even flat, then we are keeping it warmer. It should be a lot cooler. It is not. It is why they really began looking so hard. The orbit and the cores say one thing. The facts say otherwise.

Whatever we say about the past, this is happening now. And whatever the data from the thread title about the "not cooling" going flat, we are losing the ice and that can be measure by satellite. Subscribers&utm_campaign=280f707fd1-UA-2235360-4&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_65b67362bd-280f707fd1-91265109

An analysis of data from the European Space Agency's (ESA) CryoSat satellite shows that ice loss in the Antarctic is increasing at an exponential rate. It is estimated that the polar region now loses 159 billion tonnes of ice each year, with the worst instances of degradation located in the Western area of the Amundsen Sea.

Yes, and possibly.
I am curious as to whether or not CO2 levels cycle throughout the day (more specifically, how much). If you could check that, and collect some data, that would provide some interesting fodder for research purposes.
I intend to get a CO2 attachment for my arduino, and then use it for my needs, but will be checking environmental levels, too.
It would be interesting to see how much variance develops depending on geography, wouldn't you agree?
It's kind of funny, how growers have some of the most cutting edge technology at their disposal, yet no one has thought to use that collective power for larger scientific purposes.
Imagine the data pool that could be generated from all the growers around America (and Jianada)...
It just occurred to me that the increase in CO2 might be a contrived effort by pot activists to increase plant yields.
Yet you claim "record high temps in centuries"

Yes, I do. Because thermometers have existed for centuries.... Not since 450,000,000 BC like you have suggested. (LOL)

21st century....

20th century....

19th century....

18th century....

17th century.....

1611 was the first time a thermometer was metered and used to record temps.

See what I did there? I used MATHS to figure out the how far apart the 1600's and the 201x's are.... I bet your mind just exploded at the sheer magnitude of this discovery. Maybe you should put on a helmet....
Don't you have a CO2 meter? Can you hook it up to your computer for continuous data collection?

Really. You are not following this? Do you know what the level of man-made CO2 Carbon 14, we are talking about?

Let us think differently, I try to. If you know world civilization is in for a rough time coming up with the Ice Age, what do you do?

- study the problem
- find out where in the cycle we are
- begin the baseline plots that will show the decent into the cold
- get ready for ICE
- HOLD ON what is this?
- YIpes!!!
- study the problem
- see we are in some kind of man-made wammy before the Ice comes in 1500 years.

Now what do you do?

This double discovery began, before Sagan. Sagan is part of the "what to do."
How do they go about telling us, We are a bunch of vicious dog-monkeys that are capricious and powerful and stupid enough to war over anything.

Tell about the END OF THE WORLD?

Sure, Panic War. So what to do? There will be war. What to do?

I really see this now, whole cloth, Global REAL, and a very bad situation, but not for anyone alive.

What to do? Tell everyone to Prepare for Ice and severely dropping ocean level but first Prepare for No Ice and severely rising Ocean?

Most including me, would say bs., you can't have it both ways.

But, REAL means we certainly may be in, for both. In another 100 years, your grandkids and then their gandkids will be in Warm High Sea War and eventual in Cold Low Sea War, and then the Ice Shields run over Russia and Canada and mass migration south no matter what,

War and War and nothing to be done.

Hard to talk about the Real of it .
Yes, I do. Because thermometers have existed for centuries.... Not since 450,000,000 BC like you have suggested. (LOL)

21st century....

20th century....

19th century....

18th century....

17th century.....

1611 was the first time a thermometer was metered and used to record temps.

See what I did there? I used MATHS to figure out the how far apart the 1600's and the 201x's are.... I bet your mind just exploded at the sheer magnitude of this discovery. Maybe you should put on a helmet....

Now you are just being an ass...

When did we start receiving global temperature data so we can talk about global warming??? Why does a liberal feel the need to jump on anyone that says the winter was colder or the summer was colder for only focusing on local data yet you can point to the first time a friggin thermometer was used and comprehensively decide that we have been recording global temperature for centuries.

This is the problem with the global warming people and their religion. Facts dont really matter if they contradict the belief that we are all going to die unless we subvert and pay tribute to people who proclaim themselves smarter than everyone else while flying around in personal jets...
The record is very very short and does not account for 99.99999999999999999999% of the historical range of temperatures Earth has had over the last 5 billion years or so, of which we have 200 years of records.

We know for sure their was an ice age, and are pretty sure it wasn't caused by humans, so what did it? Perhaps Earth just heats up and cools down without any help whatsoever from us Humans?

This blasphemy is punishable by way of death by sword. The Global Warmists (religious status pending) wont stand for it.