If you could punch one Roll It Up person in the face, who would it be?

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Id love to punch all the people who deny 9/11 was an inside job (to institute the Patriot Act, ensure perpetual war and repeal God loving Americans Second Amendment Rights) in the face.
Id love to punch all the people who deny 9/11 was an inside job (to institute the Patriot Act, ensure perpetual war and repeal God loving Americans Second Amendment Rights) in the face.
I don't love any god........especially not Yaweh Manson. and I think 911 was blow-back from our evil foreign policies. bring it :)
Wait for it...
Ignore that ignorant fool, he's just ingested too much fluoride and as a result hasnt the mental faculties to peek behind the wizards curtain at the truth.

I wouldn't even bother punching him actually, there's a bodybag in a FEMA camp with his name on it anyways.
Anyone who denies the truth this beautiful bastard speaks.^^^^
Don't forget to bring a toothbrush to your local FEMA camp when they suspend the Constitution and declare martial law.
Lucky for everyone no one said they would punch me. If that was the case i would have to take everyones chain....
Ignore that ignorant fool, he's just ingested too much fluoride and as a result hasnt the mental faculties to peek behind the wizards curtain at the truth.

I wouldn't even bother punching him actually, there's a bodybag in a FEMA camp with his name on it anyways.
nobody who believes in their government that much wants to see the fucked up shit that you pointed out, facts that those who dont live in denial have realized. soon theyll claim your a conspiracy theorist instead of doing some research, the ignorant will remain ignorant as always.
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