The UK Growers Thread!

you know why there's ne scottish thread gaz? cos you'd be fucked all on your lonesome without the rest of the island.
There is a scottish thread mate, I started it the other year, just very very quiet lol think its only moved 8 pages in over a year, but thee is a fair few scottish lads on riu I speak to a few that dont come in the uk or scotland thread,
lol well tbh this isn't the thread for advice for noobs you're right but seeing as he probably has gnats i thought i'd help the lad out. he can GTF now if it so pleases ya. i don't make the rules round here...
Mate why would u go from being sound and helping a brother out to having an attitude like that cause ice says so!?!?im greatful for ur help,i really am,but be a man,ur own man,and dont be a sheep and start being a prick to impress that tosser!again,i appreciate the help,thanks pal
Well set my cooltube up, but got a 6-4" reducer attached to my 4"fan on the 6"tube, still managed to drop my temps by 7c compared to the open lights I was using, still pretty high but at least now its under 30c in the tent. Had it running about an hr now so hopefully thats the temps settled at where thee gonna stay roughly.
Fuck me this thread is gettin boring recently, where the fuck is rambo with his aggresive wit towards the noobs, his regular hash and exo pics, his fucked up voddy fueled arguments,
Wheres yorkie with his philosophical, conspiracy theory, malarky, so he can try convince me that no planes hit the twin towers, the moon landings are all fake, the iss is bullshit, the mayans just got the date wrong etc,

Nowadays its all hey lads, morning all, fixing my ducting, killed my clones (yes ice these last 2 are directed at u cunt lol) grow a set ya bunch a fannys, bring back the gd ole days of the uk thread,
rambos one of the few decent ppl on here,i think hes clever enough to see what a bunch of sheep u all r,and like myself hes a shepherd not a sheep.
I must say gb u did dissapoint,when I first started reading this thread I thought u were one of the ok ones too but ur just a sheep,too interested in impressing ur bum boy pals with ur pretend hard man act,tut tut,or should that be baaa baaaa
Morning slags been up about about an hour feel fucked these nights play havoc with ya mind feel like a zombie a weed zombie plants are stinkin now filters doing a bang on job tho....had a play in there the other day forgot how bad they make my arms itch come out in little bumps n shit and the more I itch the more weed smells I get coming off me arms lol must say the billberrys are starting to smell a lot better now and filling out quick
rambos one of the few decent ppl on here,i think hes clever enough to see what a bunch of sheep u all r,and like myself hes a shepherd not a sheep.
I must say gb u did dissapoint,when I first started reading this thread I thought u were one of the ok ones too but ur just a sheep,too interested in impressing ur bum boy pals with ur pretend hard man act,tut tut,or should that be baaa baaaa
I dont pretend to be hard I am fuckin ARD cunt, and as for trying to impress I dont think so, I dont feel the need to impress anyone but my kids and wife, all I do in here is state what im thinking if ppl like it kl if not too fucking bad, I dont really give a fuck what anyone thinks in here, the ones that know me know what im all about and who I am, as for cocky wee fucks like u, ur opinion means fuck all to me,

U speak like u actually know or get on wiyh some of the regular lads in here, but thats all it is is speak cos nobody even bother with u in here now u little fud, grow up get a life, and stop coming crawling in here when your BUM boys arent about in ur pussy new uk thread,
rambos one of the few decent ppl on here,i think hes clever enough to see what a bunch of sheep u all r,and like myself hes a shepherd not a sheep.
I must say gb u did dissapoint,when I first started reading this thread I thought u were one of the ok ones too but ur just a sheep,too interested in impressing ur bum boy pals with ur pretend hard man act,tut tut,or should that be baaa baaaa
rambos one of the few decent ppl on here,i think hes clever enough to see what a bunch of sheep u all r,and like myself hes a shepherd not a sheep.
I must say gb u did dissapoint,when I first started reading this thread I thought u were one of the ok ones too but ur just a sheep,too interested in impressing ur bum boy pals with ur pretend hard man act,tut tut,or should that be baaa baaaa

what is it with u and sheep, think you have a wee fetish going on there pal, take it else where muppet!
rambos one of the few decent ppl on here,i think hes clever enough to see what a bunch of sheep u all r,and like myself hes a shepherd not a sheep.
I must say gb u did dissapoint,when I first started reading this thread I thought u were one of the ok ones too but ur just a sheep,too interested in impressing ur bum boy pals with ur pretend hard man act,tut tut,or should that be baaa baaaa
LoLoooooool @ shepherd
what is it with u and sheep, think you have a wee fetish going on there pal, take it else where muppet!
No fetish love its just pathetic seeing grown men acting like school kids,all trying to impress one another.Better not go against ice though eh,ul be shunned!
yeeeh everytme tryina impress the thread hiarachy

lmfao my good god, no mate wer just not divvys,

u came to te thread with mongied plants ascking help
we lolled but obliged started teh hazing
u played along till the "good ole boys" came along then sided with them retards and made another uk thread

they dint last long, the thread u sarted is a fail

well as a great man once said
Snoyl lolol you can't grow your pics are SHIT you don't know what's up with your plants I've seen better looking nettles now crawl back under that scabby rock u came from don't think anyone can be bothered with your shit anymore and your WANK pics
Aww r my pics not to ur satisfaction?im hurt,i really am
I dont pretend to be hard I am fuckin ARD cunt, and as for trying to impress I dont think so, I dont feel the need to impress anyone but my kids and wife, all I do in here is state what im thinking if ppl like it kl if not too fucking bad, I dont really give a fuck what anyone thinks in here, the ones that know me know what im all about and who I am, as for cocky wee fucks like u, ur opinion means fuck all to me,

U speak like u actually know or get on wiyh some of the regular lads in here, but thats all it is is speak cos nobody even bother with u in here now u little fud, grow up get a life, and stop coming crawling in here when your BUM boys arent about in ur pussy new uk thread,
Grow up get a life ahahahahahaha says the soft lad who spends all day every day trying to impress a bunch of mostly fannies on an internet thread thats a fucking classic nice one garybhoy ur a funny guy faf.pap xxx
Aww r my pics not to ur satisfaction?im hurt,i really amGrow up get a life ahahahahahaha says the soft lad who spends all day every day trying to impress a bunch of mostly fannies on an internet thread thats a fucking classic nice one garybhoy ur a funny guy faf.pap xxx
Not as hurt as those plant u have lol.
yeeeh everytme tryina impress the thread hiarachy

lmfao my good god, no mate wer just not divvys,

u came to te thread with mongied plants ascking help
we lolled but obliged started teh hazing
u played along till the "good ole boys" came along then sided with them retards and made another uk thread

they dint last long, the thread u sarted is a fail

well as a great man once said
And u,i see right through u.u claim to have grown big time with 3000w blah blah blah yet u cant clone?!uv just killed a plant 6 weeks into flower and ur slagging my growing?uv got fuck knows how many alliases on here?ur just a wrong un,i smell a RAT
No fetish love its just pathetic seeing grown men acting like school kids,all trying to impress one another.Better not go against ice though eh,ul be shunned!

Nah first of i spk how i feel u dont like it then fuck off i aint interested in impressing no one and secondly how are they pathetic cause they get on with each other and share info about stuff. if you actually stopped being a knob-end you would see the lads on here aint trying to impress each other, only u do that coming on and spouting shit to everyone in the hope that ppl go 'oh we like him' well guess what motherfucker no one likes you now jog on
look how big my dick is.......

impressed lads? now snoyl do us all a favour and take your bulb out of the socket, lick your finger then jam it in there ( it helps if you stand in a bucket of water first)

they yours g? mad looking pots? they get bound and shoved em in wilma trays? long veg too thar hyyyawg