Sannie's SugarPunch

Pulled the trigger on some Sannie's and mailed off my cash today. I kept trying to pay with different online bank transfer services but I couldn't get any to work... and my bank doesn't do international transfers so I had to mail in cash. I haven't heard of anyone successfully doing a bank transfer.

Ordered a pack of sugar punch and chucky's bride with blue santa x c99 freebies... super excited to get these going. Just did 2 runs of extrema, jack, and mad/berry. Have a 3rd run in week 2 bloom and sugar punch is up next.
i wanted the blue santa mix but didnt get it..c99 works well with anything!
@stow..the had regs along time ago but the redrop was just fems.
ucg, I didn't catch long did you veg that SP for ? And, what size air-pot do you have it in ?

sorry for the confusion. not very long, about four weeks. my sunshine daydream is 2 feet +/- right now. the sp is maybe 1 foot tall (from top of soil). they are in 2-gallon airpots. i forgot to write down the exact date they sprouted, but i'm guessing the 9th - 11th...somewhere around there.

ETA for clarification: earlier picture shows blood orange and i am referencing ssdd here even though the ssdd wasn't in the earlier picture because the sugar punch & sunshine daydream went to flower same day and i was expecting more stretch from her. comparing her to the blood orange that went in a week later was a mistake, as i should have had her next to the ssdd.
Finally after almost 2 months I got my seeds...Not my original order but rather the second order...I just checked the mailbox, and the package is at the local PO....I just have to go sign for it as I wasn't here when the mailman came by today...

If anyone is thinking of ordering I have two words of advice:

did anybody else's sugarpunch beans look a lil small and maybe a tad premature (a bit green)? I know he had a batch go bad prior to this one, wondering if he's having problems...
Not complaining, but they look a lil weird. Been soaking for 24 hrs. The mad scientistXjackberry, on the other hand, were huge and normal looking.
im thinking i just got a bad try to clone again(she doesnt clone well for me,and i have no trouble cloning..usually 64 outta 64 root) and see if i start with a new clone and PAMPER it,maybe something will change..if its this finiky,i probably will get rid of her..i have no room for primadonnas in my room.
I gotcha, I don't mind high maintenance strains, though, as long as they reward me at the end, almost makes it more worthwhile, kinda. But I like a challenge, it's more rewarding when you finally get it all "ironed" out. Depends though.
Small yields, on the other hand, I have little patience for, I don't need large yields, but I have a rule of 125g per plant, quality nug (not lower nugs), per plant. That's why I dumped the grand daddy purple, purple urkle, girl scout cookies, platinum girl scout cookies, sugaree, and the "c99", I put the c99 in parentheses because I think it was an imposter. Good nugs, but like <90g a plant, which is crap for the wattage I use.
did anybody else's sugarpunch beans look a lil small and maybe a tad premature (a bit green)? I know he had a batch go bad prior to this one, wondering if he's having problems...
Not complaining, but they look a lil weird. Been soaking for 24 hrs. The mad scientistXjackberry, on the other hand, were huge and normal looking.

I've wondered the same. I'm not having issues with either seed I sprouted (so far), but Sannie actually had two seed runs fail for SP so I was kinda wondering how well the kinks were worked out on this current batch too.

I guess we'll know in a couple months when some grows start wrapping up ......
i cant say anything till the bud is in the bag,but it(just my couple plants,not saying this to be a fact of this strain)just seems kinda mediocre.perhaps it is just this strain and im comparing it to the monsters i planted at the same time..only time will tell..
oh..doesnt clone well either..way behind the others i cut at the same time..

I popped 10 seeds each of Sugar Punch and Pyramid Seeds, Anesthesia on 3/31. Comparing the two... Sugar Punch has been a pain in the ass and has taken a lot more time and attention. Two of the Sugar Punch I practically had to beg to stay alive at one point. They made it through but are kinda scrawny. Out of the 10 seeds 8 germinated. Out of the 8, I have 5 that look healthy, robust and look like they should be able to yield to their full potential ("keepers"). So really out of 10 seeds I ended up with 5 that I would consider "keepers". Anesthesia on the other hand went 9 for 10 on germination with 8 "keepers". I also ended up with 3 "triple tops", one of the "triple tops" is a midget though... Anesthesia has also been very easy to care for, and with the exception of a deformed twin, it hasn't really required any more attention than any other strain I have dealt with. With the exception of the midget, they are all very vigorous and hearty.

About a week later I popped 10 each of Eskobar's Candy Kush and Bomb Seeds, Cherry Bomb. I went 10/10 on Candy Kush with 9 and possibly 10 keepers. A very impressive strain so far. For Cherry Bomb I went 8/10 on germination with 7 possibly 8 keepers. Both strains have been very easy to deal with to this point.

So Sugar Punch appears to be the weakest player in my veg room at this time. I am going to hold back the heartiest and mother her, so we shall see. It may be that there are just a lot of week genetics in the strain and you need to pop a lot of seed to find a good mother and go from there. But coming from seed, not the most impressive strain from my experience...
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I gotcha, I don't mind high maintenance strains, though, as long as they reward me at the end, almost makes it more worthwhile, kinda. But I like a challenge, it's more rewarding when you finally get it all "ironed" out. Depends though.
Small yields, on the other hand, I have little patience for, I don't need large yields, but I have a rule of 125g per plant, quality nug (not lower nugs), per plant. That's why I dumped the grand daddy purple, purple urkle, girl scout cookies, platinum girl scout cookies, sugaree, and the "c99", I put the c99 in parentheses because I think it was an imposter. Good nugs, but like <90g a plant, which is crap for the wattage I use.

So what are your keeper strains?
I popped 10 seeds each of Sugar Punch and Pyramid Seeds, Anesthesia on 3/31. Comparing the two... Sugar Punch has been a pain in the ass and has taken a lot more time and attention. Two of the Sugar Punch I practically had to beg to stay alive at one point. They made it through but are kinda scrawny. Out of the 10 seeds 8 germinated. Out of the 8, I have 5 that look healthy, robust and look like they should be able to yield to their full potential ("keepers"). So really out of 10 seeds I ended up with 5 that I would consider "keepers". Anesthesia on the other hand went 9 for 10 on germination with 8 "keepers" (3 of them "triple tops"). One of the "triple tops" is a midget though... Anesthesia has also been very easy to care for, and with the exception of a deformed twin, it hasn't really required any more attention than any other strain I have dealt with. With the exception of the midget, they are all very vigorous and hearty.

About a week later I popped 10 each of Eskobar's Candy Kush and Bomb Seeds, Cherry Bomb. I went 10/10 on Candy Kush with 9 and possibly 10 keepers. A very impressive strain so far. For Cherry Bomb I went 8/10 on germination with 7 keepers. Both strains have been very easy to deal with to this point.

So Sugar Punch appears to be the weakest player in my veg room at this time. I am going to hold back the heartiest and mother her, so we shall see. It may be that there are just a lot of week genetics in the strain and you need to pop a lot of seed to find a good mother and go from there. But coming from seed, not the most impressive strain from my experience...
thank you Keizer, I appreciate this information greatly, I feel I'm up for the challenge, def thought the beans looked a lil weird, but if they germinate, i'll be happy. I'm very curious about your other strains. The anesthesia and the candy kush, especially.
It does suck to hear that the SP is a lil weak, (out of ten fem seeds only 5 good prospects?) especially when it's being grown by people that know what they are doing, which you seem to. Curiosity always gets the better of me, and i'd regret not trying the SP so in that regard it's worth it. Although, different topic, the genes in the madscientistXjackberry got my drooling a lil. Saw a nice smoke report on the jackberry...
So what are your keeper strains?
right now my keepers are a great Jack herer, a nice pheno of the grapegod, and a blue dream. My goal is to get six keeper strains. I'm tryin some new strains out via clones (cheesequake, agent orange, grand AK)
and I popped a couple freebies a couple months ago, the strawberry blue, shark (cbd), kali (cbd), fruity chronic juice.
and of course the beans I just soaked, 5 SPs and two jackberryXmad scientist.
This year i'm interrupting my perpetual harvests for some new genetics
oh yeah, and I forgot i'm flowering a blue-cheese clone I got too
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Pulled the trigger on some Sannie's and mailed off my cash today. I kept trying to pay with different online bank transfer services but I couldn't get any to work... and my bank doesn't do international transfers so I had to mail in cash. I haven't heard of anyone successfully doing a bank transfer.

Ordered a pack of sugar punch and chucky's bride with blue santa x c99 freebies... super excited to get these going. Just did 2 runs of extrema, jack, and mad/berry. Have a 3rd run in week 2 bloom and sugar punch is up next.

I haven't heard of a recent successful bank transfer either. I am pretty sure that cash is the only way to go.

I would be very interested in hearing about your experience with Extrema in particular, but the others as well. Do you have any pics???
sugar punch (into flower 5/6)
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blood orange* (into flower 5/14)
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the two together (*for size comparison as both sprouted on same day)
View attachment 3158924

Did you pop one or two beans to get your Sugar Punch? And what happened with the "separations" that you did?

Your Bodhi gear looks great. I want to hear how your SSDD and Blood Orange do. SSDD is all the buzz and I am very curious about Blood Orange. I still have White Lotus on deck, but it will be a while till I get to them.