Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Salinity decrease melting, Fresh water INCREASES melting. Simple physics of the hand cranked ice cream machine,

We put salt on the ice to DECREASE THE MELTING.

STFU. No wonder you are so confused, You have most of the science on backwards.
It is true that an ice cube will melt much faster in tap water than in salt water. And although there is a difference in how high the ice cube will float in each (as I’d said before), it is not enough to make the major difference.
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If you are so dumb that you can't read a few words to get the point, then you are too dumb. You wrote it off because you are not up to speed on melting science of ICE.

(speed of melting...get it? No?)

Go back and read both my little essays, now that you have better information on the basics.
It is true that an ice cube will melt much faster in tap water than in salt water. And although there is a difference in how high the ice cube will float in each (as I’d said before), it is not enough to make the major difference.
My favourite "smart ass" in the comments was the 15 year old (calling people >2x his age "kids")

Ok. all you little kids are wrong! I did a big huge project on this and i won 1st place in the science fair. If you put water and ice together in a cup and a cup of just water in the freezer at the same time then the one with salt will freeze faster. This happens because when salts solute in water they break apart as ions for example table salt, NaCl, becomes Na+(aq) Cl-(aq) water, which is already somewhat polarizes, reacts to the soluted ions by polarizing further, thus making the bonds between water molecules more powerful stronger bonds means more it takes more energy to keep them apart, means they'll solidify at a higher temperature. So yeah u little kids dont know anything bout this stuff. well mmmkay have a good day! XD
- Binky (age 15)
I bet "Binky" went on to Uni and blew Hir mind when SHe started learning about the wave equation and Gibbs energy. :lol:

goddamn right 1.50 for a tall boy. we can't all be bourgeois laundromat employees like your self. you checked your lint traps lately?
Actually you can brew your own. just started up a Belgain pale ale and a La Petite Orange for the summer. Did an Imperial stout for the winter. Each brew is 5 gallons which is about 24-26 22 bottles or 48-50 12 ounce bottles. Much better then pabst. My lint traps and ducts get checked daily. Do you need a job? It would help with buying a better beer
Actually you can brew your own. just started up a Belgain pale ale and a La Petite Orange for the summer. Did an Imperial stout for the winter. Each brew is 5 gallons which is about 24-26 22 bottles or 48-50 12 ounce bottles. Much better then pabst. My lint traps and ducts get checked daily. Do you need a job? It would help with buying a better beer
nah i'll leave the brewing to the masters of the craft over at pabst.
My favourite "smart ass" in the comments was the 15 year old (calling people >2x his age "kids")

Ok. all you little kids are wrong! I did a big huge project on this and i won 1st place in the science fair. If you put water and ice together in a cup and a cup of just water in the freezer at the same time then the one with salt will freeze faster. This happens because when salts solute in water they break apart as ions for example table salt, NaCl, becomes Na+(aq) Cl-(aq) water, which is already somewhat polarizes, reacts to the soluted ions by polarizing further, thus making the bonds between water molecules more powerful stronger bonds means more it takes more energy to keep them apart, means they'll solidify at a higher temperature. So yeah u little kids dont know anything bout this stuff. well mmmkay have a good day! XD
- Binky (age 15)
I bet "Binky" went on to Uni and blew Hir mind when SHe started learning about the wave equation and Gibbs energy. :lol:


finally some heckler science that i can skim quickly and understand completely.

as for the rest of the folks around here still arguing, you guys may want to learn the difference between glaciers, icebergs, and ice shelves. if you guys can't get that concept, then you really have no business disputing the findings of peer reviewed climatologists.
finally some heckler science that i can skim quickly and understand completely.
The only problem is Binky's lack of variable control. What was the concentration of the salt? Was it Sodium Chloride or Iodised? What were the temperatures of the water samples prior to freezing? Was the water "pure"? Was the distribution of "cooling rate" consistent between the two samples?

Ice is some strange stuff. Even something as simple as "how do ice skates work" is a trickier question than it first appears.

(attached are my favourite papers on the subject)


Come on! It is all of that. The ice shelf is floating but attached. So it is not floating all the way. But, that is not the point, When it breaks, the water does not suddenly raises 4 feet, like one too many cubes in a glass.

It breaks apart and and changes the salinity and the melting accelerates. There is disturbance in the balance, Already, local desalination begins, What happens? Faster melting.

Now that is NOTHING compared to waht is next. The shelves are dramatically thick at the front, 1100 feet, and 200 feet above the water and much thicker as you go landward.


The front of the Ross Ice Shelf has an average thickness of 1100 feet (330 meters), or which the top 100-200 feet (30-60 meters) presents itself as a cliff above the water line. The southern interior of the shelf becomes steadily thicker, reaching 2300 feet (700 meters) in thickness.
But, that is nothing,
The Ross Ice Shelf is a glacier-fed ice shelf. Eight glaciers flow down from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Antarctic Plateau) through the Transantarctic Mountains feed into the Shelf and gradually add bulk to it. At the same time, the freezing of seawater below the ice mass increases the thickness of the ice from 40 cm (16 in) to 50 cm (20 in).

So the Ross especially, but all Shelves, actually are semi-floating. They are piling up on land and they are bulk freezing sea water below. But, they are attached across wide bays and constitute GIANT ICE DAMS. And like any dam, what they hold back is a lot more mass than the dam.

We know that almost all the Ice the world is behind these shelves. They are being held on land and allowed to pile up miles thick of ice inland, Miles thick, being held by fragile dams of ice that are melting, past no return,

47 of these dams hold back from the ocean, most all the ICE in the world.

The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf in the world with an area of roughly 182,000 square miles (472,000 km²), and is about the size of Spain. This ice topographic landform is one of the 47 named Antarctic Ice Shelves.
Big, big trouble, since there is no way to reverse this, So the shelves are nothing,

But when the dams break, Good Gawd Ya'll! That could wipe us out and make room for new and less clever species,

1500 years is all we have had of many discoveries and 3000 years could be the the total timespan of Scientific Human Civilization, That is about what the Egyptians did, Oh well, just give up, I guess. Oh NO. Do something, to make is so much worse, Good monkeys.

But, you know there are already Elysium outer colonies, and deep Inner Sanctums, for a few, being planned right now.

Oh well, if we could just leave it alone and burn more coal, we would be fine. If we go all nuke, who cares? Ice Age in only 1500 years. We will have piles of hot waste to keep us warm?

Why can we not save mankind from the cold? Why are we just giving in to the Purple Spaceship types that believe the world will be better without humans, That is what they are teaching the kids. I saw it last night on TV.

Say What????
The ice shelves are not holding back the land ice. The land ice continuously flows down hill slowly into the sea.
Salinity decrease melting, Fresh water INCREASES melting. Simple physics of the hand cranked ice cream machine,

We put salt on the ice to DECREASE THE MELTING.

STFU. No wonder you are so confused, You have most of the science on backwards.
It is true that an ice cube will melt much faster in tap water than in salt water. And although there is a difference in how high the ice cube will float in each (as I’d said before), it is not enough to make the major difference.
So they put salt on roads to make them freeze over?
So they put salt on roads to make them freeze over?
No...and now that I look at the Binary Phase Diagram, the sweet spot seems to be around 27%.
Perhaps that is what the city does when they spray liquid; use a solution with a molarity ratio of 0.27 (no wait, maybe it's the mass ratio...:joint::shock:), then when it dries, it will be primed for any vapour or liquid at the optimum level!
Eutectic points are can make weird alloys, perfectly layered at optimum widths, if mixes are cooled through the eutectic...
Boner, I has.
No...and now that I look at the Binary Phase Diagram, the sweet spot seems to be around 27%.
Perhaps that is what the city does when they spray liquid; use a solution with a molarity ratio of 0.27 (no wait, maybe it's the mass ratio...:joint::shock:), then when it dries, it will be primed for any vapour or liquid at the optimum level!
Eutectic points are can make weird alloys, perfectly layered at optimum widths, if mixes are cooled through the eutectic...
Boner, I has.

Yeah, brother. I just bought some eutectic solder. I mail ordered it because I got tired of trying to use non-e, stuff.

The 60/40 blend of lead and tin is perfect. The main thing really besides the lower working temp and the flow-ability, and the wonderful, shinny solder joint is the fact that eutectic means no plastic state.

Liquid then solid. That's eutectic and am soldering like a kid again. (when we had only the good stuff)
Yeah, brother. I just bought some eutectic solder. I mail ordered it because I got tired of trying to use non-e, stuff.

The 60/40 blend of lead and tin is perfect. The main thing really besides the lower working temp and the flow-ability, and the wonderful, shinny solder joint is the fact that eutectic means no plastic state.

Liquid then solid. That's eutectic and am soldering like a kid again. (when we had only the good stuff)
You mean 63/37?


I still have the roll I bought 20+ years ago. it lasts a loooooooooooooooong time...and it's funny how that diagram says 62/38...hmmmm. Maybe they lied to me all those years ago! DAMN ENGINEERS! Or maybe it is a rounding error? Perhaps it used to be "63/37" then someone found 62/38 is more ideal?
Climate is stable, but April was the hottest month on record.

Wait a tick...

Once again, the world hit record heat levels. The average global temperature last month tied the hottest April on record four years ago.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday say last month's average temperature was 58.1 degrees Fahrenheit (14.5 degrees Celsius). That was 1.39 degrees F (0.77 C) warmer than the average last century.

The last time the globe's monthly temperature was cooler than normal was February 1985.

NOAA scientist Jessica Blunden said April's heat was driven especially by Siberia and Eurasia. She said the United States and Canada were the few exceptions. Canada was a bit cooler than normal and the United States was a tad warmer than normal.

No...and now that I look at the Binary Phase Diagram, the sweet spot seems to be around 27%.
Perhaps that is what the city does when they spray liquid; use a solution with a molarity ratio of 0.27 (no wait, maybe it's the mass ratio...:joint::shock:), then when it dries, it will be primed for any vapour or liquid at the optimum level!
Eutectic points are can make weird alloys, perfectly layered at optimum widths, if mixes are cooled through the eutectic...
Boner, I has.
Oh god. The salt is a fucking solid. Have you never driven on snow? The salt coming into contact with the snow or ice (water) and becomes salt water, which has a lower freezing point than fresh water. So it melts. It absorbs heat from its surroundings when it does this. This also explains how an old fashioned ice cream churn works.