What's a movie that you can always watch?

Can someone enlighten me on the Big Lebowski? Typically I am a huge Cohen Bros. fan but this one- I hated it. I tried watching again but it was a bore. couldn't connect. What do you all like about it?
Hooka, it might be a guy thing. Animal House, Caddyshack, etc are classic sophomoric humor, pretty much liked by at least 80% of the males I've known.. TBL is a bit more sophisticated and cunningly appealing to approaching middle-aged guys. And with Bridges, Bucsemie and Goodman, its nigh impossible to go wrong
Hooka, it might be a guy thing. Animal House, Caddyshack, etc are classic sophomoric humor, pretty much liked by at least 80% of the males I've known.. TBL is a bit more sophisticated and cunningly appealing to approaching middle-aged guys. And with Bridges, Bucsemie and Goodman, its nigh impossible to go wrong
Not to belabor the point SM, I love guy humor. And I own every one of the movies you mentioned LOL. Maybe it's the second reason you stated. Oh and Jeff Bridges is a master. loved True Grit, and Crazy Heart. The man can play anything. Very versatile. Unlike a George clooney who is pretty much George Clooney in every movie.
Terminator 2
Big Lebowski
Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail
Aqua Teen Hunger Force colon Movie for Theaters
Fight Club
Sin City
Enter the Dragon
Drunken Master
Training Day
Young guns 1&2
Law abiding citizen
Batman the dark knight
From Paris with love
Gladiator (even though I'm not a Russel crow fan)

Ghost in the darkness
Enemy at the gates
The borne trilogy ( didn't like the last one)

That's all of the top of my head that haven't been mentioned this far
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