Gage Green Group Info Thread

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I am a hobbyist grower and have no qualms about it. Guess what? I do far more things than growing cannabis, the beauty of having a multifaceted life. I love seeing people's large gardens, but not all of us aspire to be running multiple thousand watt setups. Nothing wrong with that, I as well as many "hobbyists" (as if it's some derogatory term) put out amazing grows that work for us. Besides hobbyist can and do amazing work, look at the field of astronomy, or even mycology and hobbyists have made some awesome discoveries
But if having to endure elitist assholes is the price to pay for smoking those fantastic looking buds, well...I'm more than high enough to pass. The non-elite buds that survive my minimalistic approach will surely do, as do the cool amigas and amigos I choose to be around.

having to endure pathetic gardens , not so fantastic looking plants , bullshit lies, hyper sensitivity & emo thumb sucking with those not so "cool" amigos ==> is a protocol i dont care to espouse.

why walk your road ?
when i can cruise the super-highway i built myself.

you dont care for elite gardeners ? elite plants ? killer seed stock ?
but dick ride those 10 packs , those cuts , and the people doing it for you.

name drop some more... so i'll think ur cool.
but maybe jusy maybe i dont care to wade in the kiddie pool ?

after years of working it ur ignorance , the wack plants i see , & the hate of others inspires me.

maybe the difference between novice & expert, which u dislike so much, is the difference between random shit u guys do & the purposeful work experts do.

just saying.

& being a tester for ggg isnt all that, and im not impressed with everything they do ... but why u put it on ur resume like u worked for ted turner?

must mean something , right ? solo cups & all , right ?

show & grow ==> way better than words on a canna site if u ask me !

& poooooof !
im gone!
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haha,i was gonna say if peeps was thinking i was harsh,watch out for the man
gods did not give us tongue to bite.

LD X SAL gonna be a good one for sure.
i hope they do more with the LD.

this pheno of (pk heirloom og x og) has very small og smelling nugs,i got a nice size clone of her going now,see how much she will change,if any.
G-cut x joe og 039.JPG
G-cut x joe og 040.JPG
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having to endure pathetic gardens , not so fantastic looking plants , hyper sensitivity & emo thumb sucking with those not so "cool" amigos ==> is a protocol i dont care to espouse.

why walk your road ?
when i can cruise the super-highway i built myself.

you hate elites !
but dick ride those 10 packs , those cuts , and the people doing it for you.

show & grow ==> way better than words on a canna site if u ask me !

& poooooof !
im gone!

It's a plant. An easy one to grow at that. You don't have some special talent, so why act like it?

I can't imagine the ridiculous egos on any other gardening site. "Yo man, look at this killa tomato. HEIRLOOM bitches!! I got mad skillzzzz ya'll. I grew out ten packs of these .... plus I spent a stretch in prison. I'm a certified gardening-gangsta!":dunce:
actually if u look around'll see those plants aint so easy to grow.

^novice work

its only when u understand the inter-connected-ness of nutrients , growing environment , basic plant biology, & gardening in general , that one can truly understand what some of us are doing right.

^ expert work

ask the expert uncle buck.

even though he hasnt grown a cannabis plant in modern history, yet pontificates endlessly, he's much easier to worship.

gangsta gardener for real, & not looking for your respect... i get that from the best in the game ! like the free seeds & clones they send me.

cause they aint sending that to solo cup root bound wizards.

at least i got a basement full of dank crosses , elites , and more.

u can hate.
& i love & am motivated by it.

& any time i pop-in ...i'll be showing what we growing.
any other way is ... well ur style !

berry white og (bx)... holy shit you should see my selection. wait. nah. u'll fill the void.

thanks lemonhoko for the gear.

ooppps... sorry name dropping. you'll want to avoid that gear like i avoid the ggg.

rather run genuity crosses all day.
via the experts !!!! with unflappable opinion !!! & killer gardens !!!
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It's a plant. An easy one to grow at that. You don't have some special talent, so why act like it?

I can't imagine the ridiculous egos on any other gardening site. "Yo man, look at this killa tomato. HEIRLOOM bitches!! I got mad skillzzzz ya'll. I grew out ten packs of these .... plus I spent a stretch in prison. I'm a certified gardening-gangsta!":dunce:
Quoted for fucking truth. If anything it comes across like an asshole. It's not some over complicated plant. If you can keep a tomato place to alive, you can grow cannabis. Every year my friend gets a clone or fem bean from me and he sets it and forgets it, minus minimal interference and he is rewarded with ounces of damn good bud which holds him over the winter.
"knowing ignorance is strength , ignoring knowledge is sickness"

a message for y'all.
or am i showing you that dank cross?
check out the plants around it.... nice & green !

& the sign was on my dad's house facing his neighbors front door.
here's to wishing we were neighbors !

ultra confidential OG (f3) , i made selections & advanced the line using two males. keeper ? or not ? or for u to relate & to get a better idea , do you need to see it root bound in a one gallon ?

BLEZEL 007.jpg
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"knowing ignorance is strength , ignoring knowledge is sickness"

a message for y'all.
or am i showing you that dank cross?
check out the plants around it.... nice & green !

& the sign was on my dad's house facing his neighbors front door.
here's to wishing we were neighbors !

ultra confidential OG (f3) , i made the selections from f1 using two males , keeper ? or not ?
View attachment 3156930

Nice bud!

I suppose there are many different reasons to grow this plant. For me it's because I enjoy doing it, I love being baked, and I like to help patients that get relief from marijuana. It's never been about impressing strangers on a weed site with pictures.

We both love weed, and both think Uncle Ben is a racist old DB ....... so I guess we have that in common. :-)
and my last thought... so u can "grow" & "seek" a little urself.

why would a breeder use two males ? on the same mother ?
what purpose does it serve ? some good breeders do this. why?

discuss w/ me RIU genius breeders & ill be back to check.

imo , when you allow for diversity w/ a stud mother , using 2 superb male donors , the genetic door is WAY unlocked & amazing phenos can be found.

but how to make sure a male is superb? ...only by growing those crosses u make w/ him. & seeing his influences in several dif strains. good or bad. gage does this in ur, ur, & ur garden.

or , more correctly , u do it for them.
fucking yuck ! they look at photos & take ur feed back. & progress lines.

even with space like mine, or genuity's , or keyplay of ggg , its not easy.

on this line , i choose a different route because the f1 mother was outstanding. the smoke amazing. the flavor off the hook. the plant characteristics perfect.

i didnt want to get novice lucky... i wanted to see expert results... so i do what the pros do & double the back cross. but why?

ow wait... according to y'all i should hate & disregard the pro breeder. got it!

ur opinions ?

do u want seed & random shit done by a novice ?
or work done by an expert?

even things i do for myself , takes years to do right.

i love what i do , i grow with MAD (hamish) passion , i most def have a superb garden , & seek knowledge while the rest fuck with dabs & playstation !

when i come here & catch hate after blessing so many of u f@gs with killer gear , it makes me more & more & more determined to learn & grow & be the best i can... better than i was the year before or the year before that !!!!

no worries about you , you , & you.

pounds to grams.
drying on a hanger ...or a multi level rack :-)

like that old school weed commercial... i learned it from u dad ....u guys & that ~gudkarma hate make me the grower i am !

big ups & thanx !!!!!
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Yea because yield is my top concern...If that were the case I'd simply grow big bud. Well self proclaimed expert, a breeder may choose to use two different males on a female at the same time to increase genetic diversity. Or if the breeder is releasing two different lines using two different males, it may be due to the different expressions each male complements with the female. But please self proclaimed expert, help us, you are our only hope.
All I see is different levels of obsession...

StOw, Gud simply lives at the rate of about 200 wtf's a second. He isn't really angry trust me. If he was angry there would be a whole mess of mods here already, thread locked etc. Takes a lot to actually really piss him off but I have seen it wow...

Anyhow, Gud, StOw, Genuity, each time I have followed your advice shit kicks up a higher gear. You are all gurus. We can all learn a fair amount from you fellas. As for the rest, seriously, and no offence, when these guys talk they don't waste breath.
You can still be knowledgeable but a dick, again its a plant not mechanical engineering. I've learned from other dicks as well, but it isn't like anyone has a claim on being the one and only best grower. Plenty of awesome growers all over this site doing amazing things differently.
All I see is different levels of obsession...

StOw, Gud simply lives at the rate of about 200 wtf's a second. He isn't really angry trust me. If he was angry there would be a whole mess of mods here already, thread locked etc. Takes a lot to actually really piss him off but I have seen it wow...

Anyhow, Gud, StOw, Genuity, each time I have followed your advice shit kicks up a higher gear. You are all gurus. We can all learn a fair amount from you fellas. As for the rest, seriously, and no offence, when these guys talk they don't waste breath.
All I see is different levels of obsession...

StOw, Gud simply lives at the rate of about 200 wtf's a second. He isn't really angry trust me. If he was angry there would be a whole mess of mods here already, thread locked etc. Takes a lot to actually really piss him off but I have seen it wow...

Anyhow, Gud, StOw, Genuity, each time I have followed your advice shit kicks up a higher gear. You are all gurus. We can all learn a fair amount from you fellas. As for the rest, seriously, and no offence, when these guys talk they don't waste breath.

I feel ya.

Thanks for the compliment, but I'm no guru. Gen and Gud have put in the time/work and can be acknowledged as such. I'm a hobbyist, and am not aspiring for anything more than that.

Now, if you want to talk hockey I can school you on that. Probably not your cup of tea though being from South Africa and all. ;-)
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