Young Girl Needing Help plz

This is Critical Diesel Auto she is 2 1/2 - 3 weeks old..after sprout I put her in a cup about a week and all was well..then I put her in big pot with Ocean Forrest and had abit of rain..I thought maybe the soil was to hot for her or over wet so I put her in cheaper soil temp till she gets a little bigger and just been giving her water for now. Any suggestions about her leaves? Also seems a little slow on growth it seems20140518_143452.jpg20140518_143426.jpg


Well-Known Member
But with limited time. Bein auto just do t wanna .essentially her up an fix if I can..she wasn't cheap either lol
Your best bet is to just leave it be and see if it grows out of it. That's a lot of stressing on a seedling auto. Nice title btw.
Aye, just leave it an auto, haha. 2.5-3 weeks and it's been in...3 different pots/soils? Unnecessary. Every time you transplant, you're stressing the plant and stunting the growth.


Well-Known Member
All the transplanting has shocked it and now its distorted and twisted like a pretzel. Leave it now and hope for the best.
t: 10515847, member: 308036"]All the transplanting has shocked it and now its distorted and twisted like a pretzel. Leave it now and hope for the best.[/QUOTE]
All the transplanting has shocked it and now its distorted and twisted like a pretzel. Leave it now and hope for the best.
It started before transplant


Well-Known Member
Signs of trace minerals not being available, most likely due to numerous transplants, each time you set the roots into a new medium they have to adjust and feel out what that medium is like, so what you've done is, let her establish in one medium, set her roots, and get a feel for how its going to be in that particular soil, and then, just as she gets established and ready to take off, you're stripping her of her foundation and telling her to do it all over again.

Here is a way tohink about it, let's say you get on a bike with support wheels, you ride it for a few days and then decide to take the support wheels off, immediately you start falling over, losing balance etc, all because you did not allow enough time for your roots to establish themselves in their medium (which in relation to bike riding would be that you did not allow enough time for your body to develop its ability to balance itself on its own before taking the wheels off), so because of this, you put the wheels back on. Doing this would confuse your body to thinking that it does not need to develop itself. See how this could relate and be similar with plants? This was just one of the many ways we can use examples to furthur illuminate what is actually going on so we can better understand and make improvements.

Other than that, as kindly mentioned, let he grow and see what she does. No food, no additives, just proper pH'd water for awhile.