The Most Important Person Who Ever Lived....???

They are forcing Christians to remove nativity scenes and crosses.

It's starting to get real bad.

i don't know how they do things in the south, but those things are up everywhere in oregon every year.

except, perhaps, the courthouse steps and the like.

cry some more, skinhead.
i don't know how they do things in the south, but those things are up everywhere in oregon every year.

except, perhaps, the courthouse steps and the like.

cry some more, skinhead.

Ethics of astroturfing said:
A study published in the Journal of Business Ethics examined the effects of websites operated by front groups on students. It found that astroturfing was effective at changing perceptions in favor of business interests.[10]The New York Times reported that "consumer" reviews are more effective, because "they purport to be testimonials of real people, even though some are bought and sold just like everything else on the commercial Internet."[11] Some organizations feel their business is threatened by negative comments, so they may engage in astroturfing to drown them out.[12] Online comments from astroturfing employees can also sway the discussion through the influence of groupthink.

The Journal of Business Ethics?

why not something from The Journal of Leprechaun Economics or Unicorn World?

The Journal of Business Ethics?

why not something from The Journal of Leprechaun Economics or Unicorn World?

What part of the Astroturfing concept do you disagree with? I'm lazy and picked Wikipedia.

How about the New York attorney general and his lawsuit which won $350,000.

Or how about Huff Post?

Do you not agree with Agent Provocateur theory?

For our libertarian socialists out there.

How about Operation Abrahamic cults? I could go on and on.
What part of the Astroturfing concept do you disagree with? I'm lazy and picked Wikipedia.

How about the New York attorney general and his lawsuit which won $350,000.

Or how about Huff Post?

Do you not agree with Agent Provocateur theory?

For our libertarian socialists out there.

How about Operation Abrahamic cults? I could go on and on.
how the imaginary phenomena of "Business Ethics" relates to the overhyped theory of "Astroturfing" i have no idea.

how any of this relates to abrahamic religious fiction is also a mystery.

also, Agent Provocatuers PRETEND to hold the opposition's views, infiltrate their organizations, attempt to swing the argument to a wilder extreme, and even instigate radical action or violence to discredit their opposition.

hiring rabble to give the illusion of popular support (the definition of "Astroturfing") is not connected to any of these things.

people with money have ALWAYS used that money to sway public opinion, from every side of democratic contests.

the left is just pissed off cuz the right does exactly what they have been doing since the invention of mass communication, but are doing a better job of it
how the imaginary phenomena of "Business Ethics" relates to the overhyped theory of "Astroturfing" i have no idea.

how any of this relates to abrahamic religious fiction is also a mystery.

also, Agent Provocatuers PRETEND to hold the opposition's views, infiltrate their organizations, attempt to swing the argument to a wilder extreme, and even instigate radical action or violence to discredit their opposition.

hiring rabble to give the illusion of popular support (the definition of "Astroturfing") is not connected to any of these things.

people with money have ALWAYS used that money to sway public opinion, from every side of democratic contests.

the left is just pissed off cuz the right does exactly what they have been doing since the invention of mass communication, but are doing a better job of it

Duh bro! What do you think Buck is doing? Sounds like you nailed him to a tee.

Buck pretends to hold the opposition's views, but because he gets so fucking high, he slips up and talks about his it's all about the money, instead of "I'm against racism and this is greed!," bullshit he says to cover his tracks.

Abrahamic religions were from the beginning and continue to be used by those in control for money purposes. What, you thought it was about living a good life according to God's way and wants to save our souls?

Because they're better at it, does that make it magically right?

When did I ever use business ethics? That's the name of the journal. I was highlighting Buck's technique. Are people really this fucking stupid, I have to say. "This is the technique Buck uses. Although the Journal of Ethics is bullshit, I was lazy and decided to use it. If you want to know more, google this subject yourself, because I'm not your fucking slave!"?
Duh bro! What do you think Buck is doing? Sounds like you nailed him to a tee.

Buck pretends to hold the opposition's views, but because he gets so fucking high, he slips up and talks about his it's all about the money, instead of "I'm against racism and this is greed!," bullshit he says to cover his tracks.

Abrahamic religions were from the beginning and continue to be used by those in control for money purposes. What, you thought it was about living a good life according to God's way and wants to save our souls?

Because they're better at it, does that make it magically right?

When did I ever use business ethics? That's the name of the journal. I was highlighting Buck's technique. Are people really this fucking stupid, I have to say. "This is the technique Buck uses. Although the Journal of Ethics is bullshit, I was lazy and decided to use it. If you want to know more, google this subject yourself, because I'm not your fucking slave!"?
bucky may be a lout, a cad, a poltroon, and a catamite, but Agent Provocateur?


he doesnt pretend to be a conservative and espouse the sort of wild bullshit fringe looney madness that would discredit conservatism in the eyes of mushbrains.

bucky seems to say what he believes, he just does it in the juvenile manner one would expect from someone who doesnt really understand what he has been told to believe, but simply accepts it as gospel from his masters.

theres a lot of this kind of weak spined submission to authoritarianism going around.
bucky may be a lout, a cad, a poltroon, and a catamite, but Agent Provocateur?


he doesnt pretend to be a conservative and espouse the sort of wild bullshit fringe looney madness that would discredit conservatism in the eyes of mushbrains.

bucky seems to say what he believes, he just does it in the juvenile manner one would expect from someone who doesnt really understand what he has been told to believe, but simply accepts it as gospel from his masters.

theres a lot of this kind of weak spined submission to authoritarianism going around.

Buck pretends to be a liberal, when he's actually on the side of the ones with money. There's no liberal or conservative once you reach the top. Those are designations given to the poor to cling to. He got rid of Echelon2k, who's a looney liberal but doesn't do the dance he liked. Him and Beenthere, along with Bricktop too.
Buck pretends to be a liberal, when he's actually on the side of the ones with money. There's no liberal or conservative once you reach the top. Those are designations given to the poor to cling to. He got rid of Echelon2k, who's a looney liberal but doesn't do the dance he liked. Him and Beenthere, along with Bricktop too.
by that logic you could make a similar argument about me, despite my positions being based on my own understanding, careful contemplation and my personal experience.

if you assume all who disagree are tools of sinister forces, you create a false reality.

speaking as one who has been called, at various times, a tool of the Jewish Conspiracy, a servant of the Koch brothers, a minion of Monsanto, and a lackey for "Big Oil", those labels are easy to wave around, but that doesnt make them true.
by that logic you could make a similar argument about me, despite my positions being based on my own understanding, careful contemplation and my personal experience.

if you assume all who disagree are tools of sinister forces, you create a false reality.

speaking as one who has been called, at various times, a tool of the Jewish Conspiracy, a servant of the Koch brothers, a minion of Monsanto, and a lackey for "Big Oil", those labels are easy to wave around, but that doesnt make them true.

Do you think Buck's a liberal? He's anything but, IMHO. I'm very much a liberal, but don't like to admit such. Since you get categorized with insane people like Buck.

Money is what's wrong with this world. There's too few sources for freedom of information. Wikipedia isn't free, it's a bastardized version of the money agenda and uses liberal code words, but isn't what it claims.

I actually agree with 99% of what Buck says. What I disagree with is how it's done.

What does shaming people who are racist do, instead of changing their view? How does giving free shit instill a value ethic? Forcing others to do your way, instead of showing them the way doesn't change anything. It makes them work in secret and eventually the minority becomes the majority because they were the majority, only their voice is silenced. That makes them dangerous.

That's exactly what Buck does. You should see some of the bullshit private messages he's sent me in the past. Everything he does is an act. The only truth is he sells pot. Everything else is a scam so everyone else does what he says, while he's immune to his own rules.
well with how dominated society is by technology nowadays, id have to say edison or tesla were quite crucial in our development, this leaves out plenty of names though because technology was more of a group effort, everyone had a piece of the puzzle.

as far as impressions left on humanity, ceasar and genghis kahn were crucial in showing us what man is truly capable of, as well as hitler unfortunately, all were great at influencing nations to do things they probably didnt believe possible in theory, and most understood what it took to rule over large territories while avoiding uprising, even before machiavelli(also another very important person who revealed a lot about human nature and psychology, along with freud), they understood power was more important than being accepted by their people.
Do you think Buck's a liberal? He's anything but, IMHO. I'm very much a liberal, but don't like to admit such. Since you get categorized with insane people like Buck.

Money is what's wrong with this world. There's too few sources for freedom of information. Wikipedia isn't free, it's a bastardized version of the money agenda and uses liberal code words, but isn't what it claims.

I actually agree with 99% of what Buck says. What I disagree with is how it's done.

What does shaming people who are racist do, instead of changing their view? How does giving free shit instill a value ethic? Forcing others to do your way, instead of showing them the way doesn't change anything. It makes them work in secret and eventually the minority becomes the majority because they were the majority, only their voice is silenced. That makes them dangerous.

That's exactly what Buck does. You should see some of the bullshit private messages he's sent me in the past. Everything he does is an act. The only truth is he sells pot. Everything else is a scam so everyone else does what he says, while he's immune to his own rules.
hypocrisy is a common trait among leftists.
the rules, laws and regulations they promulgate are always for others, not themselves, because they are special.

this hypocrisy does not negate the leftism of lefty true believers, but rather is a symptom of their faith.

unlike anti-gay crusaders who prowl the pages of, or try to get some cock in public restrooms, leftists celebrate their hypocrisy, based on their Brahmin status as the anointed wise ones.

anti-gun lefties who engage in the illegal arms trade (like leland yee and eric holder) always have a justification for their deeds, lefty anti-drug crusaders are always certain that the drugs THEY use are somehow ok, for them, and lefty intolerance for differing opinions doesnt count as intolerance according to their twisted illogical reasoning.